Field operators and the uncertainty principle

In summary: The field operator creates a particle in a state that is a superposition of all possible momentum states, and the momentum becomes determined only when the particle is measured.
  • #1
Gold Member
I am reading QFT by Lancaster and Blundell. In chapter 4 of the book the field operators are introduced:
"Now, by making appropriate linear combinations of operators, specifically using Fourier sums, we can construct operators, called field operators, that create and annihilate particles, but this time they don’t create/annihilate particles in particular momentum states but instead they create/annihilate particles localized at particular spatial locations. Thus the operator defined by
ψ(x)=I/√ν Σp ape-ip.x"

Won't this violate the uncertainty principle? I thought maybe it just creates the particle, after which the particle obeys the relation, but in the very next example(4.1) they go ahead to find the position and momentum of the particle(which they do accurately it seems?). What am I missing here?

Thank you for your time
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  • #2
The exp(-ipx) means that it is a wave, it hasn't a sharp position.
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  • #3
Oh so what does the operator mean then? Sum over all such waves with momentum p? What momentum state would that particle be in then?

EDIT: I thought Σe-ip.x was Fourier tranform, since even a bunch of coupled oscillators behave as uncoupled oscillators in Fourier space
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  • #4
The operator [itex] a^\dagger_{p,\lambda}[/itex] is the square root of the light intensity, the amplitude (in the classical sense, not in the wavefunction sense) of the given mode. The exponential also is fourier, because the reason you ell. The operators [itex] a^\dagger_{p,\lambda}[/itex] and [itex] a_{p,\lambda} [/itex] satisfy the commutation relations of harmonic oscillator amplitude (in the classical sense, not in the wavefunction sense), called creation-annihilation operators. Also, ψ+(x)=I/√ν Σp ape-ip.x, but ψ(x)=I/√ν Σp ape-ip.x+I/√ν Σp apeip.x.
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  • #5
Be careful with defining what's observable in relativistic QFT! E.g., I'd define "intensity" as in classical electrodynamics as the energy density of the em. field since it is (a) gauge invariant (nothing can be observed that is not gauge invariant) and (b) it is Lorentz covariant. The photon number isn't since there is no conserved current ti deine a Lorentz-invariant quantity of such a kind (indeed photons are strictly neutral). Usually the "number of photons" are defined as the total energy divided by a typical frequency. If there is no typical frequency, it's usually hard to define anything like a photon number that makes sense, but energy density always makes sense, no matter which photon state you are considering.
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  • #6
vanhees71 said:
Usually the "number of photons" are defined as the total energy divided by a typical frequency.

Why not the expectation value of the photon number operator? Of course most states are not eigenstates of this operator, and the expectation value in general won't be an integer, but that's no different from any other non-eigenstate in QM.
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  • #7
The photon-number operator is not Lorentz invariant. What's measured are in fact invariant momentum distributions of photons,
$$E \frac{\mathrm{d} N}{\mathrm{d}^3 \vec{q}}.$$
Of course, the expectation value of any "number" (in relativistic physics defined via conserved currents like electric charge, net-baryon number etc.) needs not necessarily by integer valued although the observable itself can only take integer numbers. That's indeed no problem at all.
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  • #8
Maybe the photon number can be defined by an ideal detector in the next way: given the electromagnetic field mode that can excite the detector, given its energy levels of that mode, the photon number is the number of the energy levels below the energy level that the detector measure.
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  • #9
phoenix95 said:
Sum over all such waves with momentum p? What momentum state would that particle be in then?
It would be in a state with a completely undetermined momentum, in agreement with the uncertainty principle.
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Related to Field operators and the uncertainty principle

1. What are field operators?

Field operators are mathematical tools used in quantum field theory to describe the behavior of particles and fields in space and time. They are used to represent physical observables, such as position, momentum, and energy, and are essential for understanding the behavior of subatomic particles.

2. How do field operators relate to the uncertainty principle?

Field operators are directly related to the uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to know both the precise position and momentum of a particle at the same time. This is because the act of measuring one of these quantities will inevitably disturb the other, and field operators are used to mathematically describe this uncertainty.

3. What is the significance of the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics?

The uncertainty principle is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics that has significant implications for our understanding of the behavior of particles on a subatomic level. It shows that, at the microscopic level, the universe is fundamentally unpredictable and uncertain, and that there are inherent limitations to our ability to measure and observe the behavior of particles.

4. How are field operators used in experiments and calculations?

Field operators are used in experiments and calculations to predict the behavior of particles and fields in a given system. They are used to calculate the probabilities of different outcomes and to make predictions about the behavior of particles in different conditions. They are also used to calculate quantities such as energy and momentum.

5. Are there any exceptions to the uncertainty principle?

While the uncertainty principle holds true for most situations, there are some exceptions. For example, the principle does not apply to macroscopic objects, as their size and mass make the uncertainty negligible. Additionally, there are certain states of particles, known as coherent states, where the uncertainty principle is significantly reduced. However, these exceptions do not invalidate the significance of the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics.

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