Field Theory _ Dummit and Foote - Theorem 3

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of congruence or residue classes of polynomials in the context of field theory, specifically Theorem 3 in Dummit and Foote's Chapter 13. It references Hungerford's Abstract Algebra as a resource for understanding these concepts and discusses the notation and interpretation of forming residue classes. The conversation also explores the mapping of $\Bbb Q$ onto $\Bbb Q[x]/I$ and how this can be used to represent elements in the ring.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Dummit and Foote, Chapter 13 - Field Theory.

I am currently studying Theorem 3 [pages 512 - 513]

I need some help with an aspect of the proof of Theorem 3 concerning congruence or residue classes of polynomials.

D&F, Chapter 13, Theorem 3 and its proof read as follows:
View attachment 2713In the above text D&F state the following:

" ... ... If \(\displaystyle \overline{x} = \pi (x) \) denotes the image of x in the quotient K, then

\(\displaystyle p ( \overline{x} ) = \overline{p(x)} \) ... ... ... (since \(\displaystyle \pi \) is a homomorphism) ... ... "

I do not completely understand this statement and further I am having some trouble interpreting the meaning of the notation ...

I hope someone can help .. ...

In order to ensure I understood congruence classes or residue classes in F[x] I went to Hungerford, Abstract Algebra: An Introduction, Chapter 5. In this chapter Hungerford gives the following definitions:View attachment 2714

View attachment 2715So, following Hungerford, if we want to find the residue class of \(\displaystyle f(x) = x \), we write:

\(\displaystyle \overline{x} = [x] = \{ x + k(x)p(x) \ | \ k(x) \in F[x] \} \)

But given this ... how do we form \(\displaystyle p( \overline{x})\)?

Do we substitute \(\displaystyle p(x)\) for \(\displaystyle x\), everywhere \(\displaystyle x\) appears getting the following:

\(\displaystyle p ( \overline{x} ) = p[x] = \{ p(x) + k(p(x))p(p(x)) \ | \ k(x) \in F[x] \} \) ?

I know this seems clumsy ... but it seems to me to have some formal merit ... anyway, although I suspect it is not the way to go ... I am not sure why ...

So maybe the right interpretation is as follows:

\(\displaystyle p ( \overline{x} ) = p[x] = \{ p(x) + k(x)p(x) \ | \ k(x) \in F[x] \} \) ?

Can someone clarify this issue for me indicating not only which alternative is correct - but further why that alternative is correct and the other wrong.

I would appreciate some help in this matter.

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  • #2
The notation is awkward, simply because "polynomial expresssions" are rather clumsy to write down in the first place.

Let's look at a simple example: let $F = \Bbb Q$, and let $p(x) = x^2 + 1$. Clearly, $x^2 + 1$ is irreducible over $\Bbb Q$, for if it were not, Gauss' lemma tells us it would be reducible over $\Bbb Z$, and thus would have an integer root. This integer root would be a factor of 1, hence could only be -1, or 1. Since neither one of these is a root, $x^2 + 1$ is irreducible over $\Bbb Q$.

So we can form the quotient ring: $\Bbb Q[x]/(x^2 + 1)$, which is a field, by dint of the fact that $x^2 + 1$ generates a maximal ideal (being irreducible).

Now elements of $I = (x^2 + 1)$ are rational polynomials of the form: $k(x)(x^2 + 1)$. For example, we have:

$x^3 + x, 2x^2 + 2, x^4 - 1 \in I$.

and a typical element $[f(x)] \in \Bbb Q[x]/I$ is comprised of elements of the form $f(x) + k(x)(x^2 + 1)$, for some $k$.

It behooves us to find a simpler form for $[f(x)]$, which will allow us to limit the complexity of computation in $\Bbb Q[x]/I$. Since $\Bbb Q[x]$ is a Euclidean domain, we may write:

$f(x) = q(x)(x^2 + 1) + r(x)$, where $r(x) \equiv 0$, or $0 \leq \text{deg}(r) < \text{deg}(x^2 + 1) = 2$

We then see that:

$[f(x)] = \{f(x) + k(x)(x^2 + 1)\} = \{q(x)(x^2 + 1) + r(x) + k(x)(x^2 + 1)\} = \{r(x) + (q(x) + k(x))(x^2 + 1)\}$;

that is: $[f(x)] = [r(x)]$.

It follows that we can thus write any $[f(x)]$ as: $[ax + b]$ for unique rational numbers $a,b$.

Now consider the mapping $\Bbb Q \to \Bbb Q/I$ given by*:

$q \mapsto [0x + q] = q + I$. It is not hard to see this is a ring-homomorphism, and since $\Bbb Q$ is a FIELD, it's kernel must be an ideal of $\Bbb Q$. But $\Bbb Q$, as a field, only has TWO ideals: $(0)$ and $(1) = \Bbb Q$.

Since this map is evidently not the 0-map, the kernel must be trivial, so it is a monomorphism of rings, and thus an isomorphism of $\Bbb Q$ with its image. In THIS WAY, we can consider $\Bbb Q[x]/I$ an extension of $\Bbb Q$.

Now, clearly, taking $a = 1,b = 0$ yields a unique coset in $\Bbb Q[x]/I$, namely:

$[x] = x + I$.

So what might we mean by $f([x]) = f(x + I)$? If $\pi: \Bbb Q[x] \to \Bbb Q[x]/I$ is the canonical projection map, we just mean:

$f([x]) = f(\pi(x)) \equiv \pi(f(x))$, that is, if:

$f(x) = a_0 + a_1x + \cdots + a_nx^n$ , then:

$f(x + I) = (a_0 + I) + (a_1 + I)(x + I) + \cdots + (a_n + I)(x + I)^n$

$= (a_0 + I) + (a_1x + I) + \cdots + (a_nx^n + I)$

$ = (a_0 + a_1x + \cdots + a_nx^n) + I = f(x) + I$

(REMEMBER how we add and multiply cosets: $(r + I) + (s + I) = (r+s) + I$ and $(r + I)(s + I) = (rs) + I$).

Now what does this mean if $f(x) = p(x) = x^2 + 1$?

$p(x + I) = (x + I)^2 + (1 + I) = (x^2 + I) + (1 + I) = (x^2 + 1) + I = I = 0 + I$.

So in the ring $(\Bbb Q/I)[x+I] \cong \Bbb Q[x]/I$ (be sure you understand this isomorphism! $x + I$ is no longer an "indeterminate" on the left because $I$ annihilates multiples of $x^2 + 1$).

Let's look closer at how $\Bbb Q[x]/I$ behaves. As we saw above, we can write an element as:

$(ax + b) + I$.

Clearly, to add two elements, we get:

$(ax + b) + I + (cx + d) + I = ((a + c)x + (b + d)) + I$.

This suggests we have an abelian group homomorphism: $\Bbb Q \times \Bbb Q \to \Bbb Q[x]/I$ given by:

$(a,b) \mapsto (ax + b) + I$.

I recommend you PROVE this is, in fact, an isomorphism.

Now we can make $\Bbb Q \times \Bbb Q$ into a $\Bbb Q$-module in a natural way: we define, for $q \in \Bbb Q$:

$q\cdot (a,b) = (qa,qb)$.

Show that if we define a $\Bbb Q$-action on $\Bbb Q[x]/I$ by:

$q\cdot((ax + b) + I) = (q + I)((ax + b) + I) = ((qa)x + qb) + I$, this gives a $\Bbb Q$-module isomorphism.

This means that we can regard $\Bbb Q[x]/I$ as a 2-dimensional vector space over $\Bbb Q$, with basis $\{1+I,x + I\}$.

But since we know $\Bbb Q[x]/I$ is a field (so thus a ring), we have even MORE structure: a multiplication. What is this multiplication, in simplest terms? Let's find out:

$((ax + b) + I)((cx + d) + I) = (ax + b)(cx + d) + I = acx^2 + (ad + bc)x + bd + I$.

Now, note that this is of degree 2, so we ought to be able to "reduce" it (mod $I$). Let's do this.

$acx^2 + (ad + bc)x + bd + I = acx^2 + ac + (ad + bc)x + bd - ac + I = (ad + bc)x + bd - ac + ac(x^2 + I) + I$

Now, $ac(x^2 + I) \in I$ (since $I$ is an ideal), so we have:

$((ax + b) + I)((cx + d) + I) = ((ad + bc)x + (bd - ac)) + I$.

Convince yourself that if $i = \sqrt{-1} \in \Bbb C$, that:

$\phi: \Bbb Q[x]/I \to \Bbb Q(i) \subset \Bbb C$, given by:

$\phi((ax + b) + I) = b + ai$ is an isomorphic of our field with the rational complex numbers (the field of quotients of the Gaussian integers).

Clearly: $\phi(x + I) = \phi((1x + 0) + I) = 0 + 1i = i$, and indeed, in $\Bbb C$, we have $i$ is a root of $x^2 + 1$, therefore (since we have an isomorphism), $(x + I)$ is a root of $(x + I)^2 + (1 + I)$ in $\Bbb Q[x]/I$.

This procedure is entirely general, and can be extended to:

Any polynomial in $F[x]$ has a root in an extension of $F$, and thus: for any field $F$, and any polynomial $f(x)$, there exists an extension field $E$ that contains EVERY root of $f$ (just repeat this procedure until all roots are accounted for).

* Note: this is rather an abuse of notation; $I$ is not an ideal of $\Bbb Q$, rather we mean the image of $\Bbb Q$ in $\Bbb Q[x]/I$, considering $\Bbb Q$ as a subring of $\Bbb Q[x]$.
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  • #3
Deveno said:
The notation is awkward, simply because "polynomial expresssions" are rather clumsy to write down in the first place.

Let's look at a simple example: let $F = \Bbb Q$, and let $p(x) = x^2 + 1$. Clearly, $x^2 + 1$ is irreducible over $\Bbb Q$, for if it were not, Gauss' lemma tells us it would be reducible over $\Bbb Z$, and thus would have an integer root. This integer root would be a factor of 1, hence could only be -1, or 1. Since neither one of these is a root, $x^2 + 1$ is irreducible over $\Bbb Q$.

So we can form the quotient ring: $\Bbb Q[x]/(x^2 + 1)$, which is a field, by dint of the fact that $x^2 + 1$ generates a maximal ideal (being irreducible).

Now elements of $I = (x^2 + 1)$ are rational polynomials of the form: $k(x)(x^2 + 1)$. For example, we have:

$x^3 + x, 2x^2 + 2, x^4 - 1 \in I$.

and a typical element $[f(x)] \in \Bbb Q[x]/I$ is comprised of elements of the form $f(x) + k(x)(x^2 + 1)$, for some $k$.

It behooves us to find a simpler form for $[f(x)]$, which will allow us to limit the complexity of computation in $\Bbb Q[x]/I$. Since $\Bbb Q[x]$ is a Euclidean domain, we may write:

$f(x) = q(x)(x^2 + 1) + r(x)$, where $r(x) \equiv 0$, or $0 \leq \text{deg}(r) < \text{deg}(x^2 + 1) = 2$

We then see that:

$[f(x)] = \{f(x) + k(x)(x^2 + 1)\} = \{q(x)(x^2 + 1) + r(x) + k(x)(x^2 + 1)\} = \{r(x) + (q(x) + k(x))(x^2 + 1)\}$;

that is: $[f(x)] = [r(x)]$.

It follows that we can thus write any $[f(x)]$ as: $[ax + b]$ for unique rational numbers $a,b$.

Now consider the mapping $\Bbb Q \to \Bbb Q/I$ given by*:

$q \mapsto [0x + q] = q + I$. It is not hard to see this is a ring-homomorphism, and since $\Bbb Q$ is a FIELD, it's kernel must be an ideal of $\Bbb Q$. But $\Bbb Q$, as a field, only has TWO ideals: $(0)$ and $(1) = \Bbb Q$.

Since this map is evidently not the 0-map, the kernel must be trivial, so it is a monomorphism of rings, and thus an isomorphism of $\Bbb Q$ with its image. In THIS WAY, we can consider $\Bbb Q[x]/I$ an extension of $\Bbb Q$.

Now, clearly, taking $a = 1,b = 0$ yields a unique coset in $\Bbb Q[x]/I$, namely:

$[x] = x + I$.

So what might we mean by $f([x]) = f(x + I)$? If $\pi: \Bbb Q[x] \to \Bbb Q[x]/I$ is the canonical projection map, we just mean:

$f([x]) = f(\pi(x)) \equiv \pi(f(x))$, that is, if:

$f(x) = a_0 + a_1x + \cdots + a_nx^n$ , then:

$f(x + I) = (a_0 + I) + (a_1 + I)(x + I) + \cdots + (a_n + I)(x + I)^n$

$= (a_0 + I) + (a_1x + I) + \cdots + (a_nx^n + I)$

$ = (a_0 + a_1x + \cdots + a_nx^n) + I = f(x) + I$

(REMEMBER how we add and multiply cosets: $(r + I) + (s + I) = (r+s) + I$ and $(r + I)(s + I) = (rs) + I$).

Now what does this mean if $f(x) = p(x) = x^2 + 1$?

$p(x + I) = (x + I)^2 + (1 + I) = (x^2 + I) + (1 + I) = (x^2 + 1) + I = I = 0 + I$.

So in the ring $(\Bbb Q/I)[x+I] \cong \Bbb Q[x]/I$ (be sure you understand this isomorphism! $x + I$ is no longer an "indeterminate" on the left because $I$ annihilates multiples of $x^2 + 1$).

Let's look closer at how $\Bbb Q[x]/I$ behaves. As we saw above, we can write an element as:

$(ax + b) + I$.

Clearly, to add two elements, we get:

$(ax + b) + I + (cx + d) + I = ((a + c)x + (b + d)) + I$.

This suggests we have an abelian group homomorphism: $\Bbb Q \times \Bbb Q \to \Bbb Q[x]/I$ given by:

$(a,b) \mapsto (ax + b) + I$.

I recommend you PROVE this is, in fact, an isomorphism.

Now we can make $\Bbb Q \times \Bbb Q$ into a $\Bbb Q$-module in a natural way: we define, for $q \in \Bbb Q$:

$q\cdot (a,b) = (qa,qb)$.

Show that if we define a $\Bbb Q$-action on $\Bbb Q[x]/I$ by:

$q\cdot((ax + b) + I) = (q + I)((ax + b) + I) = ((qa)x + qb) + I$, this gives a $\Bbb Q$-module isomorphism.

This means that we can regard $\Bbb Q[x]/I$ as a 2-dimensional vector space over $\Bbb Q$, with basis $\{1+I,x + I\}$.

But since we know $\Bbb Q[x]/I$ is a field (so thus a ring), we have even MORE structure: a multiplication. What is this multiplication, in simplest terms? Let's find out:

$((ax + b) + I)((cx + d) + I) = (ax + b)(cx + d) + I = acx^2 + (ad + bc)x + bd + I$.

Now, note that this is of degree 2, so we ought to be able to "reduce" it (mod $I$). Let's do this.

$acx^2 + (ad + bc)x + bd + I = acx^2 + ac + (ad + bc)x + bd - ac + I = (ad + bc)x + bd - ac + ac(x^2 + I) + I$

Now, $ac(x^2 + I) \in I$ (since $I$ is an ideal), so we have:

$((ax + b) + I)((cx + d) + I) = ((ad + bc)x + (bd - ac)) + I$.

Convince yourself that if $i = \sqrt{-1} \in \Bbb C$, that:

$\phi: \Bbb Q[x]/I \to \Bbb Q(i) \subset \Bbb C$, given by:

$\phi((ax + b) + I) = b + ai$ is an isomorphic of our field with the rational complex numbers (the field of quotients of the Gaussian integers).

Clearly: $\phi(x + I) = \phi((1x + 0) + I) = 0 + 1i = i$, and indeed, in $\Bbb C$, we have $i$ is a root of $x^2 + 1$, therefore (since we have an isomorphism), $(x + I)$ is a root of $(x + I)^2 + (1 + I)$ in $\Bbb Q[x]/I$.

This procedure is entirely general, and can be extended to:

Any polynomial in $F[x]$ has a root in an extension of $F$, and thus: for any field $F$, and any polynomial $f(x)$, there exists an extension field $E$ that contains EVERY root of $f$ (just repeat this procedure until all roots are accounted for).

* Note: this is rather an abuse of notation; $I$ is not an ideal of $\Bbb Q$, rather we mean the image of $\Bbb Q$ in $\Bbb Q[x]/I$, considering $\Bbb Q$ as a subring of $\Bbb Q[x]$.
Thanks Deveno ... this post is significantly helpful ...

Working through what you have written carefully and reflecting on what you have said ...

Thanks again,

  • #4
Deveno said:
The notation is awkward, simply because "polynomial expresssions" are rather clumsy to write down in the first place.

Let's look at a simple example: let $F = \Bbb Q$, and let $p(x) = x^2 + 1$. Clearly, $x^2 + 1$ is irreducible over $\Bbb Q$, for if it were not, Gauss' lemma tells us it would be reducible over $\Bbb Z$, and thus would have an integer root. This integer root would be a factor of 1, hence could only be -1, or 1. Since neither one of these is a root, $x^2 + 1$ is irreducible over $\Bbb Q$.

So we can form the quotient ring: $\Bbb Q[x]/(x^2 + 1)$, which is a field, by dint of the fact that $x^2 + 1$ generates a maximal ideal (being irreducible).

Now elements of $I = (x^2 + 1)$ are rational polynomials of the form: $k(x)(x^2 + 1)$. For example, we have:

$x^3 + x, 2x^2 + 2, x^4 - 1 \in I$.

and a typical element $[f(x)] \in \Bbb Q[x]/I$ is comprised of elements of the form $f(x) + k(x)(x^2 + 1)$, for some $k$.

It behooves us to find a simpler form for $[f(x)]$, which will allow us to limit the complexity of computation in $\Bbb Q[x]/I$. Since $\Bbb Q[x]$ is a Euclidean domain, we may write:

$f(x) = q(x)(x^2 + 1) + r(x)$, where $r(x) \equiv 0$, or $0 \leq \text{deg}(r) < \text{deg}(x^2 + 1) = 2$

We then see that:

$[f(x)] = \{f(x) + k(x)(x^2 + 1)\} = \{q(x)(x^2 + 1) + r(x) + k(x)(x^2 + 1)\} = \{r(x) + (q(x) + k(x))(x^2 + 1)\}$;

that is: $[f(x)] = [r(x)]$.

It follows that we can thus write any $[f(x)]$ as: $[ax + b]$ for unique rational numbers $a,b$.

Now consider the mapping $\Bbb Q \to \Bbb Q/I$ given by*:

$q \mapsto [0x + q] = q + I$. It is not hard to see this is a ring-homomorphism, and since $\Bbb Q$ is a FIELD, it's kernel must be an ideal of $\Bbb Q$. But $\Bbb Q$, as a field, only has TWO ideals: $(0)$ and $(1) = \Bbb Q$.

Since this map is evidently not the 0-map, the kernel must be trivial, so it is a monomorphism of rings, and thus an isomorphism of $\Bbb Q$ with its image. In THIS WAY, we can consider $\Bbb Q[x]/I$ an extension of $\Bbb Q$.

Now, clearly, taking $a = 1,b = 0$ yields a unique coset in $\Bbb Q[x]/I$, namely:

$[x] = x + I$.

So what might we mean by $f([x]) = f(x + I)$? If $\pi: \Bbb Q[x] \to \Bbb Q[x]/I$ is the canonical projection map, we just mean:

$f([x]) = f(\pi(x)) \equiv \pi(f(x))$, that is, if:

$f(x) = a_0 + a_1x + \cdots + a_nx^n$ , then:

$f(x + I) = (a_0 + I) + (a_1 + I)(x + I) + \cdots + (a_n + I)(x + I)^n$

$= (a_0 + I) + (a_1x + I) + \cdots + (a_nx^n + I)$

$ = (a_0 + a_1x + \cdots + a_nx^n) + I = f(x) + I$

(REMEMBER how we add and multiply cosets: $(r + I) + (s + I) = (r+s) + I$ and $(r + I)(s + I) = (rs) + I$).

Now what does this mean if $f(x) = p(x) = x^2 + 1$?

$p(x + I) = (x + I)^2 + (1 + I) = (x^2 + I) + (1 + I) = (x^2 + 1) + I = I = 0 + I$.

So in the ring $(\Bbb Q/I)[x+I] \cong \Bbb Q[x]/I$ (be sure you understand this isomorphism! $x + I$ is no longer an "indeterminate" on the left because $I$ annihilates multiples of $x^2 + 1$).

Let's look closer at how $\Bbb Q[x]/I$ behaves. As we saw above, we can write an element as:

$(ax + b) + I$.

Clearly, to add two elements, we get:

$(ax + b) + I + (cx + d) + I = ((a + c)x + (b + d)) + I$.

This suggests we have an abelian group homomorphism: $\Bbb Q \times \Bbb Q \to \Bbb Q[x]/I$ given by:

$(a,b) \mapsto (ax + b) + I$.

I recommend you PROVE this is, in fact, an isomorphism.

Now we can make $\Bbb Q \times \Bbb Q$ into a $\Bbb Q$-module in a natural way: we define, for $q \in \Bbb Q$:

$q\cdot (a,b) = (qa,qb)$.

Show that if we define a $\Bbb Q$-action on $\Bbb Q[x]/I$ by:

$q\cdot((ax + b) + I) = (q + I)((ax + b) + I) = ((qa)x + qb) + I$, this gives a $\Bbb Q$-module isomorphism.

This means that we can regard $\Bbb Q[x]/I$ as a 2-dimensional vector space over $\Bbb Q$, with basis $\{1+I,x + I\}$.

But since we know $\Bbb Q[x]/I$ is a field (so thus a ring), we have even MORE structure: a multiplication. What is this multiplication, in simplest terms? Let's find out:

$((ax + b) + I)((cx + d) + I) = (ax + b)(cx + d) + I = acx^2 + (ad + bc)x + bd + I$.

Now, note that this is of degree 2, so we ought to be able to "reduce" it (mod $I$). Let's do this.

$acx^2 + (ad + bc)x + bd + I = acx^2 + ac + (ad + bc)x + bd - ac + I = (ad + bc)x + bd - ac + ac(x^2 + I) + I$

Now, $ac(x^2 + I) \in I$ (since $I$ is an ideal), so we have:

$((ax + b) + I)((cx + d) + I) = ((ad + bc)x + (bd - ac)) + I$.

Convince yourself that if $i = \sqrt{-1} \in \Bbb C$, that:

$\phi: \Bbb Q[x]/I \to \Bbb Q(i) \subset \Bbb C$, given by:

$\phi((ax + b) + I) = b + ai$ is an isomorphic of our field with the rational complex numbers (the field of quotients of the Gaussian integers).

Clearly: $\phi(x + I) = \phi((1x + 0) + I) = 0 + 1i = i$, and indeed, in $\Bbb C$, we have $i$ is a root of $x^2 + 1$, therefore (since we have an isomorphism), $(x + I)$ is a root of $(x + I)^2 + (1 + I)$ in $\Bbb Q[x]/I$.

This procedure is entirely general, and can be extended to:

Any polynomial in $F[x]$ has a root in an extension of $F$, and thus: for any field $F$, and any polynomial $f(x)$, there exists an extension field $E$ that contains EVERY root of $f$ (just repeat this procedure until all roots are accounted for).

* Note: this is rather an abuse of notation; $I$ is not an ideal of $\Bbb Q$, rather we mean the image of $\Bbb Q$ in $\Bbb Q[x]/I$, considering $\Bbb Q$ as a subring of $\Bbb Q[x]$.

Hi Deveno ... Just a further note to say that I found this post EXTREMELY helpful ... particularly as it involved a concrete and instructive example ...

Thanks again,

  • #5
Dear Peter,

Thank you for reaching out for clarification on Theorem 3 in Dummit and Foote's Field Theory. I would be happy to help you understand this theorem and its proof.

First, let's review the definitions of congruence classes and residue classes in F[x]. A congruence class [a] in F[x] is defined as the set of all polynomials that are congruent to a modulo p(x), where p(x) is a fixed polynomial in F[x]. This means that two polynomials, say f(x) and g(x), are in the same congruence class if their remainders upon division by p(x) are the same. This is denoted as f(x) ≡ g(x) (mod p(x)).

A residue class [a] in F[x] is a specific type of congruence class where the polynomial a(x) is chosen as the representative for the class. In other words, [a] = {a(x) + k(x)p(x) | k(x) ∈ F[x]}. This means that all polynomials in the residue class [a] are equivalent to a(x) modulo p(x).

Now, let's look at the statement in the proof of Theorem 3 that you are having trouble understanding. The statement says that if we take the image of a polynomial x in the quotient field K, denoted as π(x), then the polynomial p(x) will also have the same image in K, denoted as π(p(x)). This is because π is a homomorphism, which means it preserves the algebraic structure of the field. Therefore, the congruence class [x] in F[x] will have the same image as the congruence class [p(x)] in K. This is denoted as p(π(x)) = π(p(x)).

To answer your question about how to form p(π(x)), we can use the definition of the residue class [x]. We can write [x] as {x + k(x)p(x) | k(x) ∈ F[x]}. Then, we can substitute π(x) for x in this expression, giving us {π(x) + k(π(x))p(π(x)) | k(x) ∈ F[x]}. This is the same as p(π(x)) = π(p(x)), as stated in the theorem.

I hope this explanation helps you understand

FAQ: Field Theory _ Dummit and Foote - Theorem 3

1. What is Field Theory in mathematics?

Field Theory is a branch of abstract algebra that studies the properties of mathematical structures called fields. A field is a set of elements that follows certain rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

2. Who are Dummit and Foote?

Dummit and Foote are the authors of the textbook "Abstract Algebra" which is widely used in university level mathematics courses. They are both renowned mathematicians and professors at the University of Vermont.

3. What is Theorem 3 in Dummit and Foote's Field Theory section?

Theorem 3 is a fundamental result in Field Theory which states that every finite integral domain is a field. This means that every element in a finite integral domain has a multiplicative inverse.

4. How is Theorem 3 used in mathematics?

Theorem 3 is used in mathematics to prove the existence of fields and to classify finite integral domains. It is also a key result in the study of Galois theory, which is a branch of algebra that deals with the properties of fields and their subfields.

5. What are some real-world applications of Field Theory?

Field Theory has many applications in cryptography, coding theory, and computer science. It is also used in physics to study fields such as electromagnetism and quantum mechanics. In economics, Field Theory is used to model consumer behavior and in finance to calculate risk and return on investments.
