Is the Irreducible Polynomial of u the Minimal Polynomial?

In summary, determining an irreducible polynomial f in F[x] such that f(u) = 0 in E is not enough to conclude that it is the minimal polynomial of u over F. The polynomial must also be monic and proving its irreducibility can be challenging.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am studying field theory.

A general question I have is the following:

Let [TEX] E \supseteq F [/TEX] be fields and let [TEX] u \in E [/TEX].

Now, if I determine an irreducible polynomial f in F[x] such that f(u) = 0 in E, can I conclude that I have found the minimal polynomial of u over F.

Can someone please help?


[Note: This has also been posted on MHF]
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  • #2
Recall that in a UFD, irreducibles are only unique "up to a unit factor" (and the units of a polynomial ring over a field are the non-zero field elements), so to conclude $f$ is THE minimal polynomial of $u$, we must have that $f$ is MONIC. For example:

$f(x) = 3x^2 - 6$ is A(n irreducible) polynomial in $\Bbb Q[x]$ for which we have $f(\sqrt{2}) = 0$, but it is not THE minimal polynomial of $\sqrt{2}$ precisely because it is not monic. To fix this, we have to multiply by the unit $\frac{1}{3}$.

Also, as a practical matter, determining that $f(u) = 0$ is usually the easy part. Proving irreducibility is often much more difficult, especially with polynomials of degree 4 or higher, which is why they are not often used as examples.

FAQ: Is the Irreducible Polynomial of u the Minimal Polynomial?

1. What is field theory?

Field theory is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of physical fields, such as electromagnetic fields, gravitational fields, and quantum fields. It seeks to explain the interactions between these fields and matter, and how they influence the behavior of particles and objects in space.

2. How does field theory relate to other branches of physics?

Field theory is closely related to other branches of physics, such as quantum mechanics, relativity, and particle physics. It provides a theoretical framework for understanding the fundamental forces and particles in the universe, and helps to bridge the gap between these different areas of study.

3. What are the applications of field theory?

Field theory has a wide range of applications in both theoretical and practical settings. It is used to explain and predict the behavior of particles and objects in various physical systems, and has practical applications in fields such as engineering, telecommunications, and medicine.

4. What are the key concepts in field theory?

Some of the key concepts in field theory include the concept of a field, which is a region in space that has a physical quantity associated with it, and the concept of a force, which is a physical interaction between two objects mediated by a field. Other important concepts include symmetry, gauge invariance, and quantization.

5. What are the current challenges and developments in field theory?

One of the main challenges in field theory is reconciling the theory of gravity with the other fundamental forces, which has yet to be achieved. Other ongoing developments include the study of topological properties of fields, the application of field theory to cosmology and the early universe, and the search for a unified theory that can explain all the known forces and particles in the universe.
