Fifth International School on Field Theory and Gravitation (BRAZIL)

In summary, the website for the Second School on Quantum Gravity features a list of invited speakers including Paul Davies, Abhay Ashtekar, Lawrence M. Krauss, James B. Hartle, and others. The information can be found under the "Information" tab and includes a diverse range of speakers with interests in cosmology, non-string approaches, and string theory.
  • #1

Some of the invited speakers: Paul Davies, Abhay Ashtekar, Lawrence M. Krauss, James B. Hartle (to be confirmed), etc.
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Physics news on
  • #2
ccdantas said:
Some of the invited speakers: Paul Davies, Abhay Ashtekar, Lawrence M. Krauss, James B. Hartle (to be confirmed), etc.

Where is that information to be found? You have inside sources? :wink:
When I go to the link you gave us, I don't find anything about the invited speakers. The program page is under construction, it says.
  • #3
marcus said:
Where is that information to be found?

At the top of the page under information>invited speakers.
  • #4
cristo said:
At the top of the page under information>invited speakers.

Thanks---a pulldown menu. So let me sample the list of invited speakers:

Abhay Ashtekar
Penn State Uiversity, USA,

Charles Hellaby
Cape Town University, South Africa,

Sumit R. Das
University of Kentucke, USA,

Fred Cooperstock
University of Vitoria, Canada,

William G. Unruh
University of Bristh Columbia, UBC, Canada,

Lawrence M. Krauss
Case Western Reserve, USA,

Roberto Percacci
Scuola Internaziole Superiore di Studi Avanzati/International School for Advaced Studies - SISSA,

This shows a strong interest in cosmology! And where applicable shows openness to both non-string and string approaches. We know Percacci from his work on Martin Reuter's asymptotic safety (non-string) approach to quantum gravity. Unruh, of the *Unruh effect*, has two Loop-related papers though it's not his main focus. Hellaby is straight cosmology---we've discussed this interesting paper of his in Cosmo forum. Ashtekar is one of the founders of LQG and currently working in Loop cosmology. On the other hand, Sumit R. Das' research at least prior to 2007 mainly dealt with stringy matters---in the past two years he has focused on cosmology. Krauss is a straight cosmologist. Cooperstock, again cosmology.
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FAQ: Fifth International School on Field Theory and Gravitation (BRAZIL)

1. What is the purpose of the Fifth International School on Field Theory and Gravitation in Brazil?

The Fifth International School on Field Theory and Gravitation in Brazil aims to bring together scientists and researchers from around the world to discuss and share their knowledge on recent developments in field theory and gravitation. It also provides a platform for young researchers to learn from experts in the field and engage in collaborative discussions.

2. Who can attend the Fifth International School on Field Theory and Gravitation in Brazil?

The school is open to all scientists, researchers, and students who are interested in the fields of field theory and gravitation. Previous knowledge and experience in these areas are recommended, but not required.

3. What topics will be covered at the Fifth International School on Field Theory and Gravitation in Brazil?

The school will cover a broad range of topics, including general relativity, quantum field theory, cosmology, and astrophysics. There will also be discussions on the latest advancements and open questions in these fields.

4. Is there a registration fee for the Fifth International School on Field Theory and Gravitation in Brazil?

Yes, there is a registration fee for attending the school. However, there may be options for financial aid or discounts for students and researchers from developing countries. More information on registration fees and financial aid can be found on the school's official website.

5. Will there be opportunities for networking and collaboration at the Fifth International School on Field Theory and Gravitation in Brazil?

Yes, the school will provide ample opportunities for networking and collaboration through scheduled breaks, poster sessions, and social events. It is encouraged for attendees to engage with each other and explore potential collaborations during the school.

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