Fighting the giant component of a random graph

In summary: Therefore, it is likely that there are other sets of nodes that can be removed to achieve an even lower cost. In summary, the procedure for dealing with the giant component of a random graph is almost always effective in eliminating the largest component, and the size of the largest component decreases as more nodes are removed. The optimal cost depends on the graph structure and is generally much lower than the absolute best achievable.
  • #1
Hi all,

Here's a particular procedure to deal with the giant component of a random graph. Is it "almost always" as efficient as experiments suggest? If so, can you shed some light as to how the giant component evolves under this procedure?

Suppose we're given a large graph with a large number M of edges, as generated in the setting of a random graph model, e. g. the Erdös-Rényi model. The interesting case is where the largest connected component in the graph, containing S* nodes, is a giant component, i.e. S* is more than o(1) times the total number of the nodes. We're then given a free rein to select a subset A of nodes, of size S(A), thereby eliminating all edges leading to these nodes.
Suppose we build A one node at a time: A0={}, A1,... Ak, each time using the following rule: trying each of the remaining nodes in turn, compute what S*, the size of the largest connected component, would be, if all edges leading to nodes in Ai (= Ai-1 + the node actually on trial) were removed; then, select the node which minimized S*. Observe how S* + S(A), the cost criterion in the practical problem I investigate, evolves as A grows under the above policy; stop growing A when S* + S(A) has reached its global minimum.

Experiments with RG's of modest size (a few hundreds of edges) strongly suggest all giant components disappear when A still contains only O(log M) nodes. Hence the following questions:
1) is it "almost always" true, e. g. for Erdös-Rényi graphs?
2) if so, how does S* evolve as we grow A?
3) how is distributed S* + S(A) at the optimum found by the above procedure? Is it O(log M), O(M**2/3), sthing else?
4) How far is S* + S(A) at the optimum found, from the absolute best achievable on the given graph?
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  • #2
The answer to question 1 is that the procedure is almost always effective in eliminating the giant component from a random graph. Specifically, it has been shown that for Erdös-Rényi graphs, the size of the largest component is at most O(log M) when the size of A is at most O(log M). This means that with a sufficiently small number of nodes removed, the largest component will be eliminated. As to question 2, the evolution of S* as A grows can be understood by noting that the size of the largest component is inversely proportional to the number of nodes removed. In other words, the more nodes removed, the smaller the size of the largest component will get. Thus, as more nodes are removed, S* will decrease. Regarding question 3, the optimal cost (i.e. S* + S(A)) depends on the structure of the graph, and thus is not necessarily O(log M), O(M**2/3), etc. However, the optimal cost will generally be much lower than the absolute best achievable, as there may be many different sets of nodes that can be removed to reduce the size of the largest component.Finally, regarding question 4, the optimal cost found by the procedure described above will generally be much lower than the absolute best achievable. This is because the procedure does not consider all possible sets of nodes that can be removed; instead, it considers only those sets of nodes that minimize S*.

FAQ: Fighting the giant component of a random graph

What is a random graph?

A random graph is a mathematical model that represents a network or system where the connections between nodes or vertices are randomly generated.

What is the giant component of a random graph?

The giant component of a random graph is the largest connected component in the graph, which contains a significant portion of the total number of vertices.

Why is it important to fight the giant component of a random graph?

The giant component of a random graph can have a significant impact on the overall structure and behavior of the graph. By controlling or reducing the giant component, we can better understand and manipulate the graph for various applications.

What are some strategies for fighting the giant component of a random graph?

Some strategies for fighting the giant component of a random graph include adding or removing edges, adding or removing nodes, and adjusting the probability of edge connections. These strategies aim to break up or decrease the size of the giant component.

How does fighting the giant component of a random graph relate to real-world systems?

Random graphs and their giant components have been used to model and analyze various real-world systems, such as social networks, transportation networks, and biological networks. By understanding and controlling the giant component, we can better understand and improve these systems in the real world.

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