Filters for Co K radiation are usually made of iron oxide power

In summary, to determine the transmission factor for the Co K(alpha) line in a filter containing 5 mg of Fe2O3 powder, you will need to know the density of the powder and use the mass absorption coefficients to calculate the thickness of the filter. The intensity ratio of Co K(alpha) to Co K(beta) in the filtered beam can then be calculated using the mass absorption coefficients for alpha and beta.
  • #1
"filters for Co K radiation are usually made of iron oxide power. If a filter contains 5 mg Fe2O3, what is the transmission factor for the Co K(alpa) line? What is the intensity ratio of Co K(alpha) to Co K(beta) in the filtered beam?"

I was wondering if you could expand further as I'm stuck. I found mass absorption for Fe2O3 alpha =44.61 cm2/g and beta = 245.7 cm2/g. but since I'm not given density of fe2o3 do i just presume (5.24g/cm3) it or can i do the maths and solve without it. your help is welcomed
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  • #2
. The transmission factor for the Co K(alpha) line will depend on the thickness of the filter. In order to calculate this, you will need to know the density of the Fe2O3 powder as well as the mass of 5mg. With these two pieces of information, you can calculate the thickness of the filter and then use the mass absorption coefficients to calculate the transmission factor.The intensity ratio of Co K(alpha) to Co K(beta) in the filtered beam can be calculated using the mass absorption coefficients for alpha and beta. You would divide the mass absorption coefficient for alpha by the mass absorption coefficient for beta to get the intensity ratio.

FAQ: Filters for Co K radiation are usually made of iron oxide power

1. What is Co K radiation?

Co K radiation refers to the characteristic X-rays emitted by cobalt (Co) atoms when they are bombarded with high energy electrons. These X-rays have a specific energy level of 6.93 keV.

2. Why are filters necessary for Co K radiation?

Filters are necessary for Co K radiation to reduce the intensity of the X-rays and to remove any unwanted wavelengths. This helps improve the quality and accuracy of the X-ray beam, making it more suitable for certain applications.

3. How are filters for Co K radiation made?

Filters for Co K radiation are typically made of iron oxide powder, which is compressed and shaped into thin plates. These plates are then placed in front of the X-ray beam to absorb the unwanted wavelengths.

4. What are the advantages of using iron oxide powder for Co K radiation filters?

Iron oxide has a high atomic number and density, making it an effective material for absorbing X-rays. It is also cost-effective and readily available, making it a popular choice for Co K radiation filters.

5. Are there any potential risks associated with using iron oxide filters for Co K radiation?

There are no significant health risks associated with using iron oxide filters for Co K radiation. However, it is important to handle the powder with care and to properly dispose of any used filters to avoid environmental contamination.
