Final amplitude with damping of bungee cord

In summary, the answer to part A is that the chord will stretch by ##H(1-\sqrt{1/5})## when mass is hung from it.
  • #1

Homework Statement

5. In the spectacular sport of bungee jumping,, a light elastic cord (a bungee cord) is tied tightly around the ankles of someone who jumps from a bridge of height H to which the other end of the cord is attached. The length of the cord is calculated so that the jumper, of mass m, will not quite reach the surface of the water below the bridge before he or she springs back up. Suppose the cord behaves like a spring of spring constant 10 mg/H where g is the acceleration due to gravity.

(a) How long must the cord be so that a jumper just touches the water before being pulled back up? Neglect the height of the jumper and any effects due to friction.

(b) Friction damps the up-and-down motion of the jumper that results after the initial jump. How far above the water would the jumper be when the oscillations have ceased?

Express your answers in terms of

so this is the question i have gotten the answer to the first part and stuck at the second part . i could at least solve it if i knew the damping factor or the coefficient of friction but the question gives nothing is there any method i can use to solve this

the given solution is (1/√5 - 1/10)H

Homework Equations

no idea which equation to use

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2

You realize this post doesn't adhere to the PF rules ? 'No idea' and no attempt are real disqualifiers: they make it difficult for potential helpers to distinguish how they can help you effectively.

As a compromise, I propose you post your working for part a). The L you find there will be needed anyway for part b).
And as a hint: 'final amplitude' isn't really a good title (final amplitude is zero: the oscillations have ceased). What you want is the final stretch of the chord in order to add it to L. :smile:
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Likes timetraveller123
  • #3
ah yes sir forgot about the rules and good to see you again hope you remember me when i meant the final amplitude i meant the final stretch

my working for part A:
mgH = 1/2 k x^2

where x = H - L
L is the natural length of the chord

2mgH = 10mg/H x^2
H/√5 = X
H/√5= H-L
L = (`1-1/√5)H
answer for part A

please help me with part b thanks
  • #4
OK, so you have a cord with length ##H(1-\sqrt{1/5})## that has a spring constant ##10mg/H##. How much does that stretch when you carefully and slowly hang a mass m from that ?
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Likes timetraveller123
  • #5
sir i did what you said using differentiation and i got the right answer thanks but why does this work as the method does not involve any friction and yet the question talks about friction what is going on as friction has removed some energy out of the system please explain
  • #6
vishnu 73 said:
sir i did what you said using differentiation and i got the right answer thanks but why does this work as the method does not involve any friction and yet the question talks about friction what is going on as friction has removed some energy out of the system please explain
I would not have termed it friction. The cord will not be perfectly elastic, so some energy is lost in each oscillation. But what we call it is not important here.
If you attach a mass to a spring and lower it carefully, in your hand, say, the weight does work on your hand as well as on the spring.
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Likes timetraveller123
  • #7
ok thanks sir would you mind helping me with a another problem but it is about special relativity i have been having a lot of problem with special relativity or should i open another thread for that thanks!
  • #8
vishnu 73 said:
ok thanks sir would you mind helping me with a another problem but it is about special relativity i have been having a lot of problem with special relativity or should i open another thread for that thanks!
Definitely a new thread.
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  • #9

FAQ: Final amplitude with damping of bungee cord

1. What is the final amplitude with damping of a bungee cord?

The final amplitude with damping of a bungee cord refers to the maximum displacement of the cord after it has reached equilibrium. This is affected by factors such as the length and elasticity of the cord, as well as the amount of damping present.

2. How is the final amplitude with damping of a bungee cord calculated?

The final amplitude with damping of a bungee cord can be calculated using the equation A = A0e-βtcos(ωt+ϕ), where A0 is the initial amplitude, β is the damping coefficient, ω is the natural frequency, and ϕ is the phase angle.

3. How does damping affect the final amplitude of a bungee cord?

Damping affects the final amplitude of a bungee cord by reducing the amount of oscillation or "bouncing" of the cord. This is due to the dissipation of energy as the cord moves, resulting in a smaller final amplitude compared to a cord with no damping.

4. What is the relationship between damping and the final amplitude of a bungee cord?

The relationship between damping and the final amplitude of a bungee cord is inverse. This means that as the amount of damping increases, the final amplitude decreases. This is because damping reduces the energy of the system, resulting in a smaller amplitude of oscillation.

5. How can the final amplitude with damping of a bungee cord be optimized?

The final amplitude with damping of a bungee cord can be optimized by adjusting the length and elasticity of the cord, as well as the amount of damping present. Finding the right balance between these factors can result in a desired final amplitude that will provide a safe and enjoyable bungee jumping experience.

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