Final Temperature of System with Ice Added

In summary, the problem is trying to find the temperature after melting the ice. The equation to solve for the temperature is delta Q= (mcup)(Ccup)(delta T cup)+(mh2o)(Ch20)(delta T h20)+ (m ice)(Cice)(delta T ice). The equation assumes that the liquid and solid are at the same temperature. The equation also assumes that the heat energy is evenly distributed between the three elements.
  • #1
Here is the problem:
Take 100g aluminum cup at 25 degrees celcius and 200g of water (h2o) at 25 degrees celcius and add 20 g ice at -10 degrees celcius. Stir.
What is the final state of the system?

Here is what I have done:
I used the equation delta Q= (mcup)(Ccup)(delta T cup)+(mh2o)(Ch20)(delta T h20) + (m ice)(Cice)(delta T ice). And for my final answer I got 23.49 degrees celcius

Is this answer correct and is this all that the question is asking for?
Physics news on
  • #2

You should consider amount of heat energy lost and amount of heat energy gained.
Cup and the water are at higher temperature. and ice is at subzero temperature. So heat energy will flow from cup+water to the ice. This gained energy will be used by the ice , first to raise its temperature from - 10o C to 0o C. At 0o C ,
there will be phase transition. Till all the ice melts, temperature of the ice will not change.
So energy will be used to do phase transition.
  • #3
Okay that makes sense but how do I calculate that?
  • #4
Lets first think about the ice. The energy gained from the aluminium cup and the water will be used for heating ice. Let's first find out how much energy is required to completely melt the ice.

Specific heat of ice = 2090 J/kg-C = cice
Latent heat of fusion for ice = [itex] 3.33 \times 10^5 J/kg [/itex] =Lf
mass of ice = 0.02 kg = mice

so amount of energy required to completely melt the ice is

[tex] Q_{ice}= m_{ice}\left[ c_{ice}(\Delta T) +L_f \right] [/tex]

where [itex] \Delta T = 10^{\circ} C = 0^{\circ}C - (-10^{\circ} C) [/itex]

I got Qice = 7078 J.

Now specific heat of aluminium = cAl = 900 J/kg-C
specific heat of water = cw = 4186 J/kg-C
mass of Aluminium = mAl = 0.1 kg
mass of water = mw = 0.2 kg

Now if the aluminium cup + water were to come to the 0 celcius, the amount of energy which will be released is

[tex] Q_2 = m_{Al}c_{Al}(25-0) + m_w c_w (25-0) [/tex]

which is eqaul to 23180 J. But we need only 7078 J to completely melt the ice. So
rest of the energy (23180- 7078 = 16102 J) will be used to increase the temperature
of the melted water. Let's say the equivalent temperature of the whole thing is T. so we will now write the equation where left hand side is the total energy gained by the ice and the right hand side is the total energy lost by Aluminium + water

[tex] 7078 + m_{ice} c_w (T-0) = m_{Al} c_{Al} (25 -T) + m_w c_w (25-T) [/tex]solving which I got [itex] T = 15.92^{\circ} C [/itex]

see if you can follow this
  • #5
Why do you need to add the Latent heat of fusion to calculate the amount of energy to melt the ice?
  • #6
mopar969 said:
Why do you need to add the Latent heat of fusion to calculate the amount of energy to melt the ice?

Because the latent heat of fusion is the energy required to turn ice at 0C into water at 0C.
  • #7
Okay thanks. But my other problem is that when I try to solve for T I get 2.5. Can anyone please show how the 15 degrees was calculated?
  • #8
It's pure algebra. How about you show us your step by step attempt, and we'll see if we can spot the error.
  • #9
Use Latex. equations are more readable that way... its easy to learn latex

FAQ: Final Temperature of System with Ice Added

What is the "Change in Temperature Problem"?

The "Change in Temperature Problem" refers to the phenomenon of a change in temperature over time or in different locations. This can include changes in global temperatures, seasonal temperature variations, or temperature changes within a specific area.

What causes the change in temperature?

The change in temperature can be caused by a variety of factors, including natural processes such as solar radiation and volcanic activity, as well as human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation. These factors can lead to an increase or decrease in greenhouse gases, which can affect the Earth's overall temperature.

How is the change in temperature measured?

The change in temperature is measured using various methods, including surface and satellite temperature readings, weather balloons, and ocean buoys. These measurements are then analyzed and compiled to create a global temperature record, which can show long-term temperature trends.

What are the impacts of the change in temperature?

The change in temperature can have a variety of impacts, including changes in weather patterns, sea levels, and ecosystems. It can also lead to more extreme weather events, such as heat waves and hurricanes, and have economic and social consequences, such as agricultural disruptions and displacement of communities.

What can be done to address the change in temperature?

To address the change in temperature, it is important to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable practices. This can include transitioning to renewable energy sources, implementing energy efficiency measures, and preserving natural habitats. Individual actions, such as reducing personal carbon footprint and supporting climate-friendly policies, can also make a difference in mitigating the impacts of the change in temperature.
