Financial aid from US Unis for Masters

In summary, a Ph.D. in Physics is more difficult to get into than a terminal M.S. program. Taking classes without a degree would not be substantially cheaper than taking the same classes while seeking a degree. San Jose State University offers financial aid for a Masters in Physics.
  • #1
I've been going through some of the Masters in Physics programs offered by various US universities and none of them seem to offer financial aid for the masters level program - however, all the Ph.D Physics programs seem to be financially covered. Is this the norm for all US universities? Aren't there any schools that offer aid for a Masters in Physics?
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  • #2
i'm sure this is frowned upon but if i had no money and wanted just a masters i would apply to a phd program, get funded and then quit after i got the masters
  • #3
The problem with that strategy is that acceptance into a PhD program is more difficult than acceptance into a terminal MS program.
  • #4
ahh well therein lies the problem. if you're not good enough to get funding you're just not good enough.
  • #5
How good is this compromise idea: Since what you understand and what you know how to do is more important than a degree, you could enroll in maybe 3 or 4 extra courses AFTER you earn your undergraduate degree and by so doing, improve your employability - as long as you can support the finances using part or full time employment for those 3 or 4 courses;
So, how good is this idea?
  • #6
very idealistic idea but some places automatically pay you more when you have a little piece of paper.
  • #7
I don't see how taking classes without seeking a degree would be substantially cheaper than taking the same classes while seeking a degree.
  • #8
i know san jose state unviersity has financial aid for MS physics. i haven't asked the other CSU schools.
  • #9
Are you looking only at Ph.D. granting institutions?

Locally, any school that offers the M.S. offers financial aid of some sort. I was supported by assistantship and loans, though the assistantship was low pay.

You're probably in better shape if you're looking for an applied physics master's or another specialization (medical physics, engineering physics, etc.).
  • #10
No, I want to do pure Physics with a view to eventually doing research in an area I like - right now its an idea I'm enamoured with really, but I want to make it happen. I've looked at all the good universities (Top 20) and none of them seem to offer financial aid for the MS program. :(

I've looked at some unis in Canada like McGill and Toronto and they do offer aid for the MS program. Does it make practical sense to do the MS there and then do a PH D from a US uni?
  • #11
If you want to do research, you need a PhD, not a MS. I don't think any of the top 20 schools have a real terminal masters anyway - the MS is there for people who bail from a PhD program and for overachieving undergraduates. My graduate school claimed to have one in their catalog, but in fact accepted exactly zero applicants every year.

With a fixed class size, every terminal MS student that is accepted means a PhD student - who will ultimately become a research assistant working on his or her thesis - is rejected.
  • #12
The only reason I went into a master's program was because I wanted to fill in some gaps I perceived in my undergraduate education. Otherwise I would have sought a doctoral program.

Unless you have a really pressing reason to get a MS, why not go for the Ph.D.?
  • #13
I don't think it would be good for me to do a Ph.D. directly - I don't have a BSc in Physics and I need to catch up a lot on the subject - which I could do if I were to do a 1 year MS course before the Ph.D. Also, it'll be difficult for me to get admitted to a Ph.D. course right away because of my lack of qualifications and experience in the field of Physics. Seems I'll have to try my luck at a Canadian uni.
  • #14
Based on your English usage (the abbreviation "uni" isn't used in the U.S./Canada), you are not a U.S. citizen. So this might limit the funding you can get for a Master's.

I would advise that you apply for a Ph.D. directly. Brush up on your physics and take the physics GRE and see how you do.

At least in the U.S., it is not usual for people to do a M.S. in Physics before getting their Ph.D. So if you're thinking of getting an M.S. because you have to get it before you can go on to a Ph.D., then apply for the Ph.D. program.
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  • #15
But will a good university accept my application based on just the Physics GRE? Don't I need to have carried out projects or done some research already? Since I really haven't explored the subject I don't know in what area I want to carry out research - which means my SoP will seem unconvincing compared to an MS or BSc Physics graduate. Are there any good American universities that will accept a candidate like me (with financial aid)?

Related to Financial aid from US Unis for Masters

1. What types of financial aid are available for masters students at US universities?

There are several types of financial aid available for masters students at US universities, including scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study programs. Scholarships and grants are typically awards that do not need to be repaid, while loans require repayment with interest. Work-study programs allow students to work part-time on campus to help cover their expenses.

2. How do I apply for financial aid for my masters program at a US university?

To apply for financial aid, you will need to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. This form collects information about your financial situation and helps determine your eligibility for federal aid, as well as aid from the university itself. Some universities may also require additional applications for their own financial aid programs.

3. Can international students receive financial aid for masters programs at US universities?

Yes, international students can receive financial aid for masters programs at US universities. However, the types and amount of aid available may vary. International students may be eligible for scholarships and grants, but are generally not eligible for federal loans. It is important to check with the specific university for their financial aid options for international students.

4. What factors determine the amount of financial aid I will receive for my masters program at a US university?

The amount of financial aid you receive for your masters program at a US university will depend on a variety of factors, including your financial need, the cost of attendance at the university, and the availability of funds. It may also depend on your academic achievements and any special circumstances you may have, such as a disability or dependent children.

5. Is there a deadline for applying for financial aid for masters programs at US universities?

Yes, there are often deadlines for applying for financial aid for masters programs at US universities. It is important to check with the specific university for their deadline and to submit your application as early as possible. Some universities may have a priority deadline for financial aid, and funds may be limited, so it is best to apply as soon as you can.

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