Find a Conservative Vector Field from a Non-Conservative One

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of transforming a non-conservative vector field into a conservative one. The suggested approaches include using the Helmholtz decomposition to decompose the modified vector field into two components, with one component having a curl of 0, or using the free space Green's function to compute the conservative vector field by subtracting out the curl component of the non-conservative field. It is mentioned that it is not possible to obtain a scalar field from a non-conservative field, but it may be easier to find the scalar field that represents the closest conservative vector field.
  • #1

Homework Statement

My problem is, I have a scalar field and I take the gradient of this field. It is known that the gradient of a scalar function is a conservative vector field; but I need to run a procedure in this field that will modify the vector field; the modified vector field could be a non-conservative vector field, creating some problems to continue passing through another processing step. I want to find a conservative vector field that is as close as possible to this possible non-conservative vector field.
2. The attempt at a solution

A vector field is considered conservative if its curl is 0 and if it is simply-connected; considering that the field that I'm working is simply-connected, I need to make the curl of the modified vector field equals 0 (ZERO). I was studying the Helmholtz decomposition ( to decompose the modified vector field into 2 components (for more explanations see the link), and I was wondering that if I just use the component that has curl=0 and generate a new vector field, this vector field would look similar.

Another way that I was thinking is about to obtain a scalar field that represents the non-conservative vector field, making easy to calculate the gradient of this scalar field to find a conservative vector field.

Which way I should take to achieve the result I want? In pratical, I have a non-conservative vector field and I just want to turn it into a conservative one.

Thank you.
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  • #2

I don't think you can take a scalar field to represent the non-conservative field--by definition, this should not be possible. It would have to be a vector field.

But I think the Helmholtz decomposition is the right track; here's a slightly modified version. Let's say there's a vector field [itex]F[/itex] such that it has divergence [itex]\nabla \cdot F = \rho[/itex] and curl [itex]\nabla \times F = J[/itex]. In general, then, the free space Green's function in 3D allows us to compute that

[tex]F(r) = \int \frac{-\rho(r') (r-r') + J(r') \times (r-r')}{4\pi|r - r'|^3} \; dV'[/tex]

I think that's right; it ought to be within some plus or minus signs. The first term describes exactly the currless field, the second term is the divergenceless field. This way, you can just take the field you have, calculate its divergence and curl, and subtract out the part from the curl.
  • #3

Yes, it is not possible to take a scalar field from a non-conservative field; what I was trying to say is that it could be easier to find the scalar field that represents the closest conservative vector field than find directly the conservative field.

But about you said, then I will need just to calculate the curl of the non-conservative field and subtract it ?

FAQ: Find a Conservative Vector Field from a Non-Conservative One

1. How do you determine if a vector field is conservative or non-conservative?

To determine if a vector field is conservative, we use the curl test. If the curl of the vector field is equal to zero, then the vector field is conservative. If the curl is not equal to zero, then the vector field is non-conservative.

2. What is the difference between a conservative and non-conservative vector field?

A conservative vector field is one in which the line integral around any closed path is equal to zero, meaning that the path does not affect the total work done by the vector field. In contrast, a non-conservative vector field has a non-zero line integral around a closed path, meaning that the path does impact the total work done by the vector field.

3. Can a non-conservative vector field be transformed into a conservative one?

Yes, a non-conservative vector field can be transformed into a conservative one by finding a potential function for the vector field. This can be done by using the gradient theorem, which states that a vector field is conservative if it is the gradient of a scalar potential function.

4. How do you find a conservative vector field from a given non-conservative one?

To find a conservative vector field from a non-conservative one, we first check if the given vector field is conservative using the curl test. If it is not conservative, we use the gradient theorem to find a potential function for the vector field. Then, we take the gradient of the potential function to obtain a conservative vector field.

5. What are some real-world applications of conservative and non-conservative vector fields?

Conservative vector fields are often used in the fields of physics and engineering, such as in the study of electric and gravitational fields. Non-conservative vector fields are commonly used in fluid mechanics and aerodynamics, where the path of the fluid particles can impact the total work done by the field.
