Find all irreducible polynomials over F of degree at most 2

In summary, to find all irreducible polynomials over F of degree at most 2, it is sufficient to check whether each polynomial has a root in F. The polynomials x^2+x+α, x^2+x+α+1, x^2+αx+1, x^2+αx+α, x^2+(α+1)x+1, and x^2+(α+1)x+α+1 do not have roots in F. Therefore, they are all irreducible polynomials over F of degree at most 2. The value of α^2 is α+1 and the characteristic of the field is 2. The easiest way to check for irreducible polynomials
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let F = {0,1,α,α+1}. Find all irreducible polynomials over F of degree at most 2.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

To determine an irreducible polynomial over F, I think it is sufficient to check the polynomial whether has a root(s) in F,

So far, I got: x^2+x+α,x^2+x+α+1,x^2+αx+1,x^2+αx+α,x^2+(α+1)x+1,x^2+(α+1)x+α+1
these polynomials don't have any roots in F (if my calculation right), but I am not sure that I have all irreducible polynomial or not. Can someone check for me or provide an easy way to me so that I can check by myself? Thanks.
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  • #2
HaLAA said:

Homework Statement

Let F = {0,1,α,α+1}. Find all irreducible polynomials over F of degree at most 2.

What is [itex]\alpha^2[/itex], and what is the characteristic of the field?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

To determine an irreducible polynomial over F, I think it is sufficient to check the polynomial whether has a root(s) in F,

So far, I got: x^2+x+α,x^2+x+α+1,x^2+αx+1,x^2+αx+α,x^2+(α+1)x+1,x^2+(α+1)x+α+1
these polynomials don't have any roots in F (if my calculation right), but I am not sure that I have all irreducible polynomial or not. Can someone check for me or provide an easy way to me so that I can check by myself? Thanks.
  • #3
pasmith said:
What is [itex]\alpha^2[/itex], and what is the characteristic of the field?
α^2=α+1,(α+1)^2=α, the ch(F)=2
  • #4
The easiest way would be to just write down all of the quadratics over this field and check whether or not each one has a root. If your question is only about monic polynomials, then there are only 16 such polynomials.

It is possible to write down a formula that counts the number of monic irreducible polynomials of a particular degree over a given finite field, and this could be used to tell you whether you had them all. However, I think that the above method would be easier in this case.

FAQ: Find all irreducible polynomials over F of degree at most 2

1. What is an irreducible polynomial?

An irreducible polynomial is a polynomial that cannot be factored into polynomials of lower degree with coefficients in the same field. In other words, it cannot be broken down into simpler, smaller polynomials.

2. What does it mean for a polynomial to have degree at most 2?

The degree of a polynomial is the highest exponent of its variable term. Therefore, a polynomial with degree at most 2 means that its highest exponent is 2 or less. This also implies that the polynomial can have at most two terms.

3. How can I find all irreducible polynomials over a given field?

To find all irreducible polynomials over a given field, you can use the following steps:
1. Start by listing all possible monic polynomials of degree 2 with coefficients in the given field.
2. For each polynomial, check if it can be factored into two lower degree polynomials in the given field.
3. If a polynomial cannot be factored, it is irreducible and can be added to the list.
4. Repeat this process for all possible monic polynomials of degree 2. The resulting list will contain all irreducible polynomials over the given field of degree 2.

4. Why is finding irreducible polynomials important?

Irreducible polynomials have many applications in mathematics, particularly in the study of fields and field extensions. They are also used in coding theory, cryptography, and computer science. Additionally, finding irreducible polynomials helps to understand the structure and properties of polynomials in a given field.

5. Can an irreducible polynomial have a degree greater than 2?

Yes, an irreducible polynomial can have a degree greater than 2. In fact, there are irreducible polynomials of any degree. However, when finding all irreducible polynomials over a given field of degree at most 2, we are only considering polynomials with a maximum degree of 2.

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