Find angle at which the projectile hits

In summary: If that sort of precision is not OK, then both computations are wrong.In summary, a kid stands at the edge of a cliff and throws a stone horizontally over the edge with a speed of 16.6 m/s. The cliff is 48.8 m above the ocean. After being released, the stone strikes the water after approximately 3.2 seconds with a speed of 35.51 m/s and an angle of impact of 62.11°. The calculations for finding the time, distance, and angle involved using the equations y = V_oy * t + 1/2 * g * t² and x = v_ox * t, as well as considering the relevant x and y components of the
  • #1

Homework Statement

A kid stands at the edge of a cliff and throws a stone horizontally over the edge with a speed of 16.6 m/s. The cliff is 48.8 m above the ocean. How long after being released does the stone strike the water? With what speed and angle of impact does it hit the water?

Homework Equations

y = V_oy * t + 1/2 * g * t²
x = v_ox * t

The Attempt at a Solution

Well to find the time I just used the first equation...plugged in -48.8 m for y, initial velocity in the y direction is 0...g is going to be -9.8 here...and finally t²

So t² = -48.8 / -4.9 ...and t ≈3.2 seconds

Now for the distance I used the second equation...plugged 16.6 in for V_ox and the 3.2 for t
which came out to ≈ 52.4m

But the angle part is confusing do I figure out the angle? I know that i would normally use the y components and x components...but I don't have an angle because the stone was thrown horizontally... am I supposed to use the cliff 48.8sin(90) for the y component (no x component there)...and use 16.6cos(0) for the x component? (no y component there)...So would the answer be inverse tangent (48.8/16.6) = ≈71°?
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  • #2
Hint: 48.8 meters is a distance, 16.6 is a velocity, and you want the relevant x and y components to be in the same units. And it doesn't matter that the stone was thrown horizontally, you're concerned some that's happening at the time when it hits the water.
  • #3
bossman27 said:
Hint: 48.8 meters is a distance, 16.6 is a velocity, and you want the relevant x and y components to be in the same units. And it doesn't matter that the stone was thrown horizontally, you're concerned some that's happening at the time when it hits the water.

Hmm. that actually confused me more haha. i get what you mean...the cliff height is m and velocity is m/s...So then I can't use the cliff...okay

Well I can't only use the projectile component can I? because there is no y component of it...with sin of 0 it would be 0...I know I have the time right because it checkes out with the height of the cliff...the distance I'm pretty sure I have right V_ox * t...Perhaps another hint? I feel like it's something so incredibly obvious I'm going to hate myself for not realizing it.
  • #4
Haha, alright. Think about finding a slope first rather than an angle first. What you want is [itex] \frac{dy}{dt} [/itex] and [itex]\frac{dx}{dt} [/itex] when it hits the water. The downward velocity and the horizontal velocity when it hits the water are components of its total velocity. Turn this into a triangle and then solve for the angle that way. And it always helps to draw a picture.
  • #5
I don't know but ignore my answer OP, and correct me if i got it wrong helpers.
Vx = 16.6m/s

Vy = Vinitial + gt
Vy = 0 + gt = 9.81m/s(3.2s)

tan(theta) = Vy/Vx = 31.392/16.6
theta = 62.13

Vresult^2 = 31.392^2 + 16.6^2
Vresult = 35.51
  • #6
Equilibrium said:
I don't know but ignore my answer OP, and correct me if i got it wrong helpers.
Vx = 16.6m/s

Vy = Vinitial + gt
Vy = 0 + gt = 9.81m/s(3.2s)

tan(theta) = Vy/Vx = 31.392/16.6
theta = 62.13

Vresult^2 = 31.392^2 + 16.6^2
Vresult = 35.51

Well what I was thinking was...using the first equation again

y = V_oy * t + 1/2 * g * t²

and assume I don't know the time yet

48.8 = 0 + 1/2 (9.8) (t)²

t = √((48.8/9.8)/2)

which WOULD comfirm my time of ≈3.2 seconds

Now since that's ONLY in the y direction...shouldn't the velocity = acceleration * time?

So 9.8 ( 3.2 ) = 31.36 would be my Vy

so now

tanθ Vy/Vx = 62.11°

and the speed would be √(31.36² + 16.6²)

which comes out to 35.1 m/s

Our answers are a bit off from each other...anyone out there that can tell us who was in the right direction?
  • #7
With the precision both computations are done, the last digit BEFORE the decimal is already off in both computations, so it is meaningless to compare the less significant digits. If that sort of precision is OK, then both computations are correct.

FAQ: Find angle at which the projectile hits

1. What is the formula for finding the angle at which a projectile hits?

The formula for finding the angle at which a projectile hits is: angle = arctan(2 * vertical distance / horizontal distance).

2. How do I determine the horizontal and vertical distance of a projectile?

The horizontal distance of a projectile can be determined by multiplying the initial velocity by the time the projectile is in the air. The vertical distance can be determined by using the formula: vertical distance = (1/2) * acceleration * (time)^2.

3. What factors can affect the angle at which a projectile hits?

The factors that can affect the angle at which a projectile hits include the initial velocity, the angle of release, air resistance, and external forces such as wind.

4. What is the importance of finding the angle at which a projectile hits?

Finding the angle at which a projectile hits is important because it allows us to accurately predict the trajectory of the projectile and the point at which it will hit a target. This information is crucial for various applications such as sports, military operations, and engineering projects.

5. Is there a maximum angle at which a projectile can hit?

Yes, there is a maximum angle at which a projectile can hit. This angle is 45 degrees, also known as the optimal angle for maximum range. Any angle greater than 45 degrees will result in a shorter horizontal distance traveled by the projectile.

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