Find Balloon Height: Darshan Amin's Question on Yahoo Answers

In summary, the height of the centre of the round balloon with radius r that subtends an angle α at the eye of the observer and has an angle of elevation of β is equal to r*sinβ*cosecα*1/2.
  • #1
Gold Member
Here is the question:

A round balloon of radius r subtends an angle α at the eye of observer while the angle of elevation of its?

A round balloon of radius r subtends an angle α at the eye of observer while the angle of elevation of its centre is β.prove that the height of the centre of the balloon is r*sinβ*cosecα*1/2

I have posted a link there to this thread so the OP can view my work.
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  • #2
Hello Darshan Amin,

Please consider the following diagram:

View attachment 1804

From this we see:

(1) \(\displaystyle \sin(\beta)=\frac{h}{d}\implies h=d\sin(\beta)\)

(2) \(\displaystyle \sin\left(\frac{\alpha}{2} \right)=\frac{r}{d}\implies d=r\csc\left(\frac{\alpha}{2} \right)\)

Substituting for $d$ from (2) into (1) we obtain:

\(\displaystyle h=r\csc\left(\frac{\alpha}{2} \right)\sin(\beta)=r\sin(\beta) \csc\left(\frac{\alpha}{2} \right)\)

Shown as desired.


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FAQ: Find Balloon Height: Darshan Amin's Question on Yahoo Answers

What is the purpose of finding the balloon height in Darshan Amin's question on Yahoo Answers?

The purpose of finding the balloon height in Darshan Amin's question on Yahoo Answers is to use mathematical equations and scientific principles to calculate the height at which a balloon was released. This can help in understanding atmospheric conditions, wind patterns, and other factors that affect the movement of objects in the sky.

What are the steps involved in finding the balloon height in this question?

The steps involved in finding the balloon height in this question may vary depending on the specific information given, but generally they include using the given data (such as time, distance, and angle) to create a diagram and then using trigonometric functions to calculate the height of the balloon.

What assumptions are made when finding the balloon height in this question?

Some assumptions that may be made when finding the balloon height in this question include assuming a constant wind speed and direction, no external forces acting on the balloon, and a flat surface for the balloon to travel over. These assumptions may not always be accurate and can affect the accuracy of the calculated height.

What are the limitations of using this method to find the balloon height?

Some limitations of using this method to find the balloon height include the accuracy of the given data, the assumptions made, and the potential for human error in calculations. Additionally, this method may not be applicable in all situations, such as when there are multiple balloons or when the balloon is not visible.

How can the results of finding the balloon height be used in real-world applications?

The results of finding the balloon height can be used in various real-world applications, such as weather forecasting, tracking air pollution levels, and understanding atmospheric conditions for aviation purposes. It can also be used to study the movement of objects in the sky and aid in the development of new technologies, such as high-altitude balloons and drones.
