Find cable tension in three dimensions

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a piece of machinery supported by cables AB, AC, and ADE. The tension in cable AB is known to be 300 N and the goal is to determine the tensions in cables AC and ADE, as well as the weight of the machinery. The conversation also includes a hint to account for the second cable in cable AD when summing the forces. The student provides their attempt at a solution, including finding the unit vector for each cable and summing the x, y, and z components of the tensions and weight to create three equations with three unknowns. There is also a link to the student's solution on a file sharing website for further reference. Some mistakes are pointed out and the student
  • #1

Homework Statement

A piece of machinery of weight W is temporarily supported by cables AB, AC, and ADE. Cable ADE is attached to the ring at A, passes over the pulley at D and back through the ring, and is attached to the support at E. Knowing that the tension in cable AB is 300 N, determine (a) the tension in AC, (b) the tension in ADE, (c) the weight W. (Hint: The tension is the same portions of cable ADE.)

Here is a link to the picture of the drawing just with a different problem (On page 63 Fig. P2.123):"\

Homework Equations

[tex]\Sigma[/tex]F = 0
F = FU (u is a unit vector pointing in the direction of F)
U = AB/AB (AB is a distance vector for example describing the length and oreintation of the cables in this problem)

The Attempt at a Solution

I first am finding U for cables AC, AE, AD, and AB and then I multiply that vector by the unknown magnitude of the tension. I then sum all the x, y, and z components of each cable tension and the weight of the machine giving me 3 equations with three unknowns. Solving these equations does not give me the correct answers to this problem. I think I am solving it in the correct way I just can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Is my way of solving this problem correct?

Thanks in advance,
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  • #2
Here is a scanned picture of my work.



  • Statics Problem#1.pdf
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  • #3
Dont forget that cable AD is not just one cable but has to be treated as 2 because it is looped through the pulley. your expression for summation of forces will have a factor of 2 to account for forces in AE and AD i.e. [tex]\vec{T_{AC}} + \vec{T_{AB}} + 2 \vec{T_{AD}} + \vec{T_{AE}} = 0[/tex]

(The pdf is pending approval so we cannot view it. Upload it on a filesharing site to show us much quicker)

Since [tex]T_{AE} = T_{AD}[/tex] you will have some cancellation of components I believe

Edit: This was just the quick and dirty, don't forget to account for the directions of the components etc...
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  • #4
Thank you for the reply. I did not account for the second cable but I don't understand why you would write it as [tex]2\vec{T_{AD}} 2\vec{T_{AE}}[/tex].

I have a link to my solution on a file sharing website. I don't have my answers to the problem on this sheet though and I also used [tex]\lambda[/tex] instead of U for my unit vector. One other thing is that the dimensions on my problem are different than that of the picture on the google books page.

Here is the link:"
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  • #5
A ( 0, -2.4, 0)
B ( -2.7, 0, -3.6)
C ( 0, 0, 1.8)
D ( 1.2, 0, -0.3)
E ( -2.7, 0, 1.2)

[tex]\Sigma\vec{F} = 0[/tex]
[tex]\Sigma\vec{F} = \vec{T_{AC}} + \vec{T_{AE}} + \vec{T_{AB}} + \vec{T_{AD}} + \vec{W} = 0[/tex]

[tex]\vec{T_{AC}} = T_{AC}\vec{U_{AC}}[/tex]

[tex]\vec{U_{AC}} = \vec{AC}/AC = \frac{(0-0)\vec{i} + (0 - -2.4)\vec{j} + (1.8 - 0)\vec{k}}{\sqrt{(0)^2 + (2.4)^2 + (1.8)^2}}[/tex]

[tex]\vec{T_{AC}} = 0T_{AC}\vec{i} + 0.8T_{AC}\vec{j} + 0.6T_{AC}\vec{k}[/tex]

I continued this process for each cable in the sum. I then summed all of their components giving me three equations.

[tex]\Sigma\vec{F_{x}} = 0T_{AC} - 0.5294T_{AB} - 0.7903T_{AE} + 0.4444T_{AD} = 0[/tex]

[tex]\Sigma\vec{F_{y}} = 0.8T_{AC} + 0.4706T_{AB} + 0.6305T_{AE} - 0.8889T_{AD} - W = 0[/tex]

[tex]\Sigma\vec{F_{z}} = 0.6T_{AC} - 0.7056T_{AB} + 0.3152T_{AE} - 0.1111T_{AD} = 0[/tex]

Then knowing that [tex]T_{AE} = T_{AD}[/tex] and that [tex]T_{AB} = 300N[/tex] I simplified the equation and solved for the unknowns.
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  • #6
KEØM said:
Thank you for the reply. I did not account for the second cable but I don't understand why you would write it as [tex]2\vec{T_{AD}} 2\vec{T_{AE}}[/tex].

Srry late night typo...will fix
  • #7
Ok so when you sum each component, you want to write the Forces in the x direction as [tex]T_{AC}C_1 + T_{AB}C_2 + T_{AE} C_3 + 2T_{AD} C_4 [/tex] where [tex]C_n [/tex] is the coefficient of i'th component of that force. So let's consider the equality as mentioned before... Let [tex]T_{AE} = T_{AD}=T_{ADE} [/tex]

We then have: [tex]T_{AC}C_1 + T_{AB}C_2 + T_{ADE}( C_3 + 2C_4) [/tex]
  • #8
I understand, so really all I am missing is the 2 in front of the [tex]\vec{T_{AD}}[/tex] component right? I just didn't account for the the second cable coming around the pulley.
  • #9
KEØM: First, you are dropping far too many significant digits in your first calculation, lamba_ac. Always maintain four significant digits throughout all your intermediate calculations. Secondly, your equations on p. 1 are correct except it appears you did not double-check your calculations. You calculate completely wrong values from correct formulas. Double-check your calculations.
  • #10
Thanks nvn. I will make sure to put in those digits and double check my calculations. Other than those mistakes and not accounting for the second cable am I correct?
  • #11
everything else looks fine...your equations are correct.
  • #12
Thanks again for all of your help djeitnstine and nvn.


FAQ: Find cable tension in three dimensions

What is cable tension in three dimensions?

Cable tension in three dimensions refers to the amount of force or stress that a cable experiences in three-dimensional space. It is typically measured in units of force, such as newtons or pounds.

Why is it important to find cable tension in three dimensions?

It is important to find cable tension in three dimensions because it allows engineers and scientists to ensure the structural integrity and safety of a cable system. Understanding the tension in a cable can also help with designing and optimizing structures for maximum efficiency and load-bearing capacity.

How is cable tension in three dimensions calculated?

Cable tension in three dimensions is typically calculated using the principles of static equilibrium. This involves considering the external forces acting on the cable, such as the weight of the cable itself and any additional loads, as well as the cable's properties, such as its length, cross-sectional area, and material properties. By setting the sum of all forces acting on the cable to zero, the tension in the cable can be solved for using mathematical equations.

What factors can affect cable tension in three dimensions?

Several factors can affect cable tension in three dimensions, including the weight and distribution of the cable's load, the properties of the cable itself, such as its length and material, and external forces such as wind or vibration. Changes in any of these factors can alter the tension in a cable system and may need to be taken into consideration in the analysis.

What are some practical applications of finding cable tension in three dimensions?

Finding cable tension in three dimensions has many practical applications, including the design and construction of suspension bridges, cable-stayed bridges, and other cable-supported structures. It is also used in the design of cable car systems, cranes, and other lifting equipment. Additionally, understanding cable tension can be helpful in industries such as aerospace and marine engineering, where cables are commonly used in various applications.

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