Find Density of States with Heisenberg Model

In summary, to find the density of states for the given system, we can use the expression for Z from the homework equations and manipulate the Hamiltonian to get to the final expression for Z. This expression includes the constants \alpha and \gamma, as well as the variables \beta and h. It is also important to note that the final expression should include a factor of z instead of N.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find density of states

[tex]H = \frac{-JzM}{g\mu_B} \sum_i S_i^z + \frac{JzNM^2}{2g^2\mu_b^2} = -\alpha \sum_i S_i^z + \gamma[/itex]

z = # nearest neighbors
J = exchange
M = magnetization
[itex]S^z[/itex] = project of total spin S=0,1.

Homework Equations

[tex]Z=\sum_{S m_s} <S m_s| \exp(-\beta H) |S m_s>[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

{let h = h-bar}

[tex]Z = \sum_{S m_s} <S m_s| \exp \left[-\beta(-\alpha \sum_i S_i^z + \gamma) \right] |S m_s>[/tex]

[tex]= \Pi_i \sum_{S m_s} \left [ \exp(\beta\alpha h m_s^i - \beta\gamma) \right]} [/tex]

for S = 0, [itex]m_s = 0[/itex]; for S = 1, [itex]m_s = -1,0,1[/itex]

[tex]= \Pi_i \left (2\exp[-\beta \gamma] + \exp [\beta(h\alpha-\gamma)] + \exp[-\beta(h\alpha+\gamma)]\right )[/tex]

[tex] = \left (2\exp[-\beta \gamma] + \exp [\beta(h\alpha-\gamma)] + \exp[-\beta(h\alpha+\gamma)]\right )^N[/tex]

[tex]Z = \left (2\exp[-\beta \gamma] + 2\exp [-\beta\gamma]\cosh(h\beta\alpha)]\right )^N[/tex]

right or close?
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  • #2

Your solution looks close, but there are a few things that could be improved. Here are some suggestions:

1. It would be helpful to define all of your variables (e.g. \beta, \gamma, h) at the beginning of your solution so the reader knows what they represent.

2. In your first step, you use the expression for Z from the homework equations, but you don't actually use the Hamiltonian given in the problem. Instead, you use a modified Hamiltonian with the constants \alpha and \gamma. It would be more accurate to use the original Hamiltonian and then manipulate it to get to your final expression for Z.

3. In the second step, you have an extra bracket around the exponential expression. It should just be \exp(\beta \alpha h m_s^i - \beta \gamma).

4. In the third step, you have an extra 2 in front of the first exponential term. This should just be \exp(-\beta \gamma) without the 2.

5. In your final expression for Z, you should have a factor of z (the number of nearest neighbors) instead of N (the total number of spins). This is because each spin only interacts with z other spins, not all N spins.

With these changes, your final expression for Z should be:

Z = \left (2\exp[-\beta \gamma] + \exp [\beta(h\alpha-\gamma)] + \exp[-\beta(h\alpha+\gamma)]\right )^z

I hope this helps!

FAQ: Find Density of States with Heisenberg Model

1. What is the Heisenberg model?

The Heisenberg model is a theoretical model used to describe the interactions between magnetic moments in a material. It was first proposed by German physicist Werner Heisenberg in 1928.

2. How is the Heisenberg model used to find the density of states?

The Heisenberg model can be used to calculate the density of states by considering the energy levels of the magnetic moments and the interactions between them. This allows for the determination of the number of available energy states at different energy levels, which can then be used to calculate the density of states.

3. What are the assumptions made in the Heisenberg model?

The Heisenberg model makes several assumptions, including that the magnetic moments interact only with their nearest neighbors, and that the interactions can be described by a simple mathematical equation. It also assumes that the magnetic moments are fixed in space and do not move.

4. How accurate is the Heisenberg model in calculating the density of states?

The accuracy of the Heisenberg model depends on the specific system being studied and the parameters used in the calculations. In some cases, it can provide a good approximation, while in others it may not accurately describe the behavior of the system.

5. What are some real-world applications of the Heisenberg model?

The Heisenberg model has been applied to various systems in condensed matter physics, such as magnetic materials and spin glasses. It has also been used in the study of quantum computers and in understanding the behavior of particles in high-energy physics experiments.

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