Find Distance of Object From Pole Given Angle/Ilumination on a Pole

  • MHB
  • Thread starter leprofece
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In summary, the distance x from the pole to the object at which the angle forming light rays is maximum is equal to the square root of the product of heights a and b. This can be derived from the trigonometric relationships between the angles and sides of the triangle formed by the reflectors and the object.
  • #1
on a pole, two reflectors located on the heights a and b, focus the same object on the ground. at what distance from the pole will the object be When is the angle forming light rays maximum?

Answer sqrt (ab)

maybe the angle is tang -1a/b

or sin (h/d2)?
Physics news on
  • #2
Hello, leprofece!

On a pole, two reflectors located at heights [tex]a[/tex] and [tex]b[/tex]
focus on the same object on the ground.
At what distance from the pole will the object be
when the angle forming light rays is a maximum?

Answer: sqrt (ab)
First, we need an accurate diagram.

      -   *
      :   |*
      :   | *
      :   |  *
      :   |   *
      a - *    *
      : : | *   *
      : : |   * θ*
      : b |     * *
      : : |     α **
      - - * - - - - *
We want to find the distance [tex]x[/tex]
so that angle [tex]\theta[/tex] is maximum.

We have: .[tex]\tan\alpha \,=\,\frac{b}{x} \quad\Rightarrow\quad x \,=\,\frac{b}{\tan\alpha}\;\;[1][/tex]

And: .[tex]\tan(\theta + \alpha) \,=\,\frac{a}{x} \quad\Rightarrow\quad x \,=\,\frac{a}{\tan(\theta+\alpha)}\;\;[2] [/tex]

Equate [1] and [2]: .[tex]\frac{b}{\tan\alpha} \:=\:\frac{a}{\tan(\theta+\alpha)}[/tex]

. . . . . .[tex]b\tan(\theta+\alpha) \:=\:a\tan\alpha[/tex]

. . [tex]b\frac{\tan\theta+\tan\alpha}{1-\tan\alpha\tan\theta} \:=\:a\tan\alpha[/tex]

Solve for [tex]\tan\theta\!:\;\;\tan\theta \:=\:\frac{(a-b)\tan\alpha}{b - a\tan^2!\alpha}[/tex]

Differentiate and simplify:
. . [tex]\sec^2\!\theta\frac{d\theta}{d\alpha} \:=\:\frac{(a-b)\sec^2\!\alpha\,(b-a\tan^2\!\alpha)}{(b+a\tan^2\!\alpha)^2}[/tex]

Then: .[tex]b-a\tan^2\!\alpha \:=\:0 \quad\Rightarrow\quad \tan^2\!\alpha \,=\,\frac{b}{a} [/tex]
Hence: .[tex]\tan\alpha \,=\,\sqrt{\frac{b}{a}}[/tex]
Substitute into [1]: .[tex]x \:=\:\frac{b}{\tan\alpha} \:=\:\frac{b}{\sqrt{\frac{b}{a}}} \:=\:b\cdot\frac{\sqrt{a}}{\sqrt{b}} [/tex]
Therefore: .[tex]x \;=\;\sqrt{ab}[/tex]

FAQ: Find Distance of Object From Pole Given Angle/Ilumination on a Pole

1. What is the purpose of finding the distance of an object from the pole given an angle/illumination?

Finding the distance of an object from the pole given an angle/illumination is important for various applications such as surveying, navigation, and remote sensing. It helps determine the exact location of an object in relation to the pole, which can be used for mapping, tracking, and other scientific research.

2. How is the distance of an object from the pole calculated given an angle/illumination?

The distance of an object from the pole can be calculated using trigonometry. By measuring the angle between the object and the ground, and knowing the height of the pole, we can use the tangent function to determine the distance between the object and the pole.

3. What factors can affect the accuracy of determining the distance of an object from the pole?

The accuracy of determining the distance of an object from the pole can be affected by various factors such as the precision of the angle measurement, the height of the pole, and the visibility of the object. Other factors like atmospheric conditions and the curvature of the Earth can also play a role in the accuracy of the calculated distance.

4. Can this method be used for objects that are not directly in line with the pole?

Yes, this method can still be used for objects that are not directly in line with the pole. However, the angle measurement may need to be adjusted to account for the offset from the pole. This method is most accurate when the object is in line with the pole, but it can still provide a reasonable estimate for objects that are slightly off.

5. How is this method useful in real-world applications?

Finding the distance of an object from the pole given an angle/illumination is useful in various real-world applications such as construction, land surveying, and navigation. It can also be used in scientific research and remote sensing to accurately measure and track objects from a fixed point, such as a pole or a reference point.
