Find Frequency for Standing Wave with Joint & Pulley Nodes in Compound Wire

In summary, an aluminum wire of length .6 m, cross sectional area of .01 cm^2, density 2.60 g/cm^3, is tied to a steel wire of density 7.8 g/cm^3 and the same cross sectional area. The compound wire is joined to a pulley and then a block of mass 10 kg is tied at the end of the steel wire. This setup is arranged so that the distance from the joint (where the 2 wires meet) to the pulley is .866m. The frequency that generates a standing wave having the joint as one of the nodes is found to be .862 Hz.
  • #1
An aluminum wire of length .6 m, cross sectional area of .01 cm^2, density 2.60 g/cm^3, is tied to a steel wire of density 7.8 g/cm^3 and the same cross sectional area. The compound wire is joined to a pulley and then a block of mass 10 kg is tied at the end of the steel wire. Thisi is arranged so that the distance from the joint (where the 2 wires meet) to the pulley is .866m. Transverse waves are set up at a variable frequency with the pulley as a node. Find the frequency that generates a standing wave having the joint as one of the nodes.

10kg mass

So the length of the aluminum part is .6m and the steel part is .866m.
So do I find the total mass of the wire, then divide that by the length (1.466m) to find the density. And then I use v = sqrt(tension/density) and then f = n*v/2*L to find the frequency, where L is the length of the wire?
I don't see how both the .6m and the pulley can be a node? They aren't really multiples of one another, and so I'm wondering how I am to find n?
Thanks much!
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  • #2
The picture doesn't appear right; the mass is hanging on the pulley side. Thanks.
  • #3
Hi bodensee9,

bodensee9 said:
An aluminum wire of length .6 m, cross sectional area of .01 cm^2, density 2.60 g/cm^3, is tied to a steel wire of density 7.8 g/cm^3 and the same cross sectional area. The compound wire is joined to a pulley and then a block of mass 10 kg is tied at the end of the steel wire. Thisi is arranged so that the distance from the joint (where the 2 wires meet) to the pulley is .866m. Transverse waves are set up at a variable frequency with the pulley as a node. Find the frequency that generates a standing wave having the joint as one of the nodes.

10kg mass

So the length of the aluminum part is .6m and the steel part is .866m.
So do I find the total mass of the wire, then divide that by the length (1.466m) to find the density.
I don't believe that is right; here you need to treat the aluminum wire and the steel wire separately. But think about what quantities will be the same for the two wires.

And then I use v = sqrt(tension/density) and then f = n*v/2*L to find the frequency, where L is the length of the wire?
I don't see how both the .6m and the pulley can be a node? They aren't really multiples of one another, and so I'm wondering how I am to find n?
Thanks much!

The two wires will have different linear mass densities; do you see how that will help?
  • #4
I think the tension is the same in both parts of the wire because they are connected? If I treat the two wires separately, wouldn't they have a different v? I am wondering though how the cross section area is relevant in that case ...
  • #5
bodensee9 said:
I think the tension is the same in both parts of the wire because they are connected? If I treat the two wires separately, wouldn't they have a different v? I am wondering though how the cross section area is relevant in that case ...

That's right: the tension is the same in both wires. You are also right that the velocity of the wave in the different wires will also be different; but what is the same for the wave in the steel and the wave in the aluminum?

I think once you start calculating, you'll probably see where the cross-sectional area becomes important.
  • #6

Do the wavelengths have to be the same for both waves? Thanks.
  • #7
bodensee9 said:

Do the wavelengths have to be the same for both waves? Thanks.

No, I don't think so. And there's no problem with the wavelength being different in each wire; since each wire has a node on each end (counting the pulley as one of the ends), it's almost like each wire is a separate problem. But what has to be the same, and why?

FAQ: Find Frequency for Standing Wave with Joint & Pulley Nodes in Compound Wire

What is a standing wave?

A standing wave is a type of wave that occurs when two waves with the same frequency and amplitude travel in opposite directions and interfere with each other. This results in a wave pattern that appears to be standing still.

How is frequency determined for standing waves with joint and pulley nodes in a compound wire?

The frequency for standing waves with joint and pulley nodes in a compound wire can be determined by using the formula f = (n/2L) * √(T/m), where f is the frequency, n is the number of nodes, L is the length of the wire, T is the tension in the wire, and m is the mass per unit length of the wire.

What is the role of joints and pulleys in standing waves?

Joints and pulleys are points of zero amplitude in standing waves. They act as fixed points where the wave does not move, causing the wave to appear as though it is standing still. These points are important in determining the frequency of the standing wave.

What factors can affect the frequency of a standing wave with joint and pulley nodes in a compound wire?

The frequency of a standing wave with joint and pulley nodes in a compound wire can be affected by the tension in the wire, the length of the wire, and the mass per unit length of the wire. Changing any of these factors can alter the frequency of the standing wave.

What is the significance of finding the frequency for standing waves with joint and pulley nodes in a compound wire?

Finding the frequency for standing waves with joint and pulley nodes in a compound wire is important for understanding the behavior of waves in different mediums. It also has practical applications in fields such as acoustics, music, and engineering.
