Find g: Solving a Set Theory Problem

In summary: Ugh, this whole power set thing is so confusing... Surjective means something like for one y there could be more than one x right? So since there are more than 3 y-values, and only 3 x-values, it cannot be surjective.
  • #1
Find a function g from {0,1} to B\A such that f^-1(g(x)) = x +2 for x∈{0,1}. Present it in the 2-row form.
A = {{1},2,3} and B = {∅,1,{2},3}
I know that B\A = {∅,1,{2}} and f is a bijection from A to B\A
how do I find such function g? It obviously can't be bijection, how do I match one value to another?
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  • #2
I figured it out, i just have to trace it using the function given to find for x=0 and 1 what is the corresponding values using the two row representation of f
  • #3
FallArk said:
Find a function g from {0,1} to B\A such that f^-1(g(x)) = x +2 for x∈{0,1}. Present it in the 2-row form.
A = {{1},2,3} and B = {∅,1,{2},3}
I know that B\A = {∅,1,{2}} and f is a bijection from A to B\A
how do I find such function g? It obviously can't be bijection, how do I match one value to another?

Given A X (A∩B) = { ({1},3), (2,3), (3,3) }, and P(A)\B={ {1}, 2, {{1},2}, {{1},3}, {2,3}, {{1},2,3} }
does there exist a surjection from A X (A∩B) to P(A)\B?
  • #4
FallArk said:
Find a function g from {0,1} to B\A such that f^-1(g(x)) = x +2 for x∈{0,1}. Present it in the 2-row form.
A = {{1},2,3} and B = {∅,1,{2},3}
I know that B\A = {∅,1,{2}} and f is a bijection from A to B\A
how do I find such function g? It obviously can't be bijection, how do I match one value to another?

Hey FallArk! (Smile)

If I understand correctly, we're talking about something like this:
%preamble \usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric,fit}

\foreach \x in {0,1}{
\node[fill,circle,inner sep=2pt, label=left:\x] (d\x) at (0,\x) {};
\node[fit=(d0) (d1),ellipse,draw,minimum width=1.5cm] (D) {};

\foreach \x[count=\xi] in {0,1,2}{
\node[fill,circle,inner sep=2pt] (b\xi) at (4,\x) {};
\node[fit=(b1) (b2) (b3),ellipse,draw,minimum width=1.5cm] (BmA) {};
\node[above] at (BmA.north) {$B \setminus A$};

\foreach \x/\p[count=\xi] in {1/\{1\},2,3}{
\node[fill,circle,inner sep=2pt, label=right:\p] (a\xi) at (8,\x) {};
\node[fit=(a1) (a2) (a3),ellipse,draw,minimum width=1.5cm] (A) {};
\node[above] at (A.north) {$A$};

\draw[-latex] (d0) -- node[below] {$g(0)$} (b1);
\draw[-latex] (a2) -- node[above,xshift=8,yshift=12] {$f(2+0)$} (b1);
\draw[-latex] (d1) -- node[above] {$g(1)$} (b3);
\draw[-latex] (a3) -- node[above] {$f(2+1)$} (b3);
\draw[-latex] (a1) -- node[below right,xshift=10] {$f(1)$} (b2);

However, we don't seem to have any information about which elements in $B \setminus A$ we should link to, do we? (Wondering)
  • #5
I like Serena said:
Hey FallArk! (Smile)

If I understand correctly, we're talking about something like this:
%preamble \usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric,fit}

\foreach \x in {0,1}{
\node[fill,circle,inner sep=2pt, label=left:\x] (d\x) at (0,\x) {};
\node[fit=(d0) (d1),ellipse,draw,minimum width=1.5cm] (D) {};

\foreach \x[count=\xi] in {0,1,2}{
\node[fill,circle,inner sep=2pt] (b\xi) at (4,\x) {};
\node[fit=(b1) (b2) (b3),ellipse,draw,minimum width=1.5cm] (BmA) {};
\node[above] at (BmA.north) {$B \setminus A$};

\foreach \x/\p[count=\xi] in {1/\{1\},2,3}{
\node[fill,circle,inner sep=2pt, label=right:\p] (a\xi) at (8,\x) {};
\node[fit=(a1) (a2) (a3),ellipse,draw,minimum width=1.5cm] (A) {};
\node[above] at (A.north) {$A$};

\draw[-latex] (d0) -- node[below] {$g(0)$} (b1);
\draw[-latex] (a2) -- node[above,xshift=8,yshift=12] {$f(2+0)$} (b1);
\draw[-latex] (d1) -- node[above] {$g(1)$} (b3);
\draw[-latex] (a3) -- node[above] {$f(2+1)$} (b3);
\draw[-latex] (a1) -- node[below right,xshift=10] {$f(1)$} (b2);

However, we don't seem to have any information about which elements in $B \setminus A$ we should link to, do we? (Wondering)

I actually figured it out myself. But then I run into a new problem. Is it possible for a Cartesian product to be mapped into another set? (the third post is the problem)
  • #6
FallArk said:
I actually figured it out myself. But then I run into a new problem. Is it possible for a Cartesian product to be mapped into another set? (the third post is the problem)

For the record, it seems that $P(A)\setminus B$ contains elements that are integers, but $P(A)$ is supposed to only contain sets doesn't it? (Wondering)
I think it should contain {{1}} instead of {1}.
And {2}, which would then be removed by subtracting $B$.

And sure, we can map a cartesian product to another set.
I don't think the example will be surjective though, since the cartesian product contains 3 elements, and the co-domain contains more than 3 elements.
  • #7
I like Serena said:
For the record, it seems that $P(A)\setminus B$ contains elements that are integers, but $P(A)$ is supposed to only contain sets doesn't it? (Wondering)
I think it should contain {{1}} instead of {1}.
And {2}, which would then be removed by subtracting $B$.

And sure, we can map a cartesian product to another set.
I don't think the example will be surjective though, since the cartesian product contains 3 elements, and the co-domain contains more than 3 elements.

Ugh, this whole power set thing is so confusing... Surjective means something like for one y there could be more than one x right? So since there are more than 3 y-values, and only 3 x-values, it cannot be surjective.
  • #8
FallArk said:
Ugh, this whole power set thing is so confusing... Surjective means something like for one y there could be more than one x right? So since there are more than 3 y-values, and only 3 x-values, it cannot be surjective.

And more precisely, surjective means that for every y there has to be at least one x.

FAQ: Find g: Solving a Set Theory Problem

1. What is "g" in a set theory problem?

In set theory, "g" typically refers to an element or variable in a set. It can represent any object, number, or property within a given set.

2. How do you solve a set theory problem?

To solve a set theory problem, you must first identify the given sets and the operations involved (such as union, intersection, or complement). Then, apply the appropriate set theory laws and properties to manipulate the sets and find the desired result.

3. What is the difference between a set and a subset?

A set is a collection of distinct elements, while a subset is a set that contains only elements from another set. In other words, all elements in a subset are also present in the original set, but the subset may have additional elements as well.

4. Can sets with infinite elements be used in set theory problems?

Yes, sets with infinite elements can be used in set theory problems. In fact, many set theory concepts and laws apply to both finite and infinite sets.

5. Are there any real-world applications of set theory?

Yes, set theory has many real-world applications, such as in computer science, database design, and statistics. It is also used in various fields of mathematics, including topology, group theory, and analysis.
