Find Inradius of ΔABC: Coordinates (4,-1) & Internal Bisectors

  • Thread starter utkarshakash
  • Start date
In summary, the problem involves finding the radius of the incircle in a triangle with given coordinates and internal bisectors of two angles. The solution involves finding the intersection point of the two bisectors, using it to write the equation for the incircle, and using the tangent from vertex A to find the radius. Another approach is to drop perpendiculars from the incentre to each side and use the angles formed to determine the value of the radius.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

In ΔABC the cooridnates of the vertex A are(4,-1) and the lines x-y-1=0 and 2x-y=3 are internal bisectors of angles B and C then radius of incircle of ΔABC is

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I can solve the given two eqns to get intersection point which is (2,3). Finding the inradius requires me to calculate the distance from (2,3) to any side. For this I will need eqn of anyone side. Now I can also find the 3rd bisector.
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  • #2
There's probably a better way, but if the radius is r then you can write down the equation for a tangent from A to the circle. This will intercept the given lines at B and C.
  • #3
haruspex said:
There's probably a better way, but if the radius is r then you can write down the equation for a tangent from A to the circle. This will intercept the given lines at B and C.

Let us assume that the point of contact of tangent from A is (h,k). Equation of incircle:

[itex](x-2)^2+(y-3)^2 = r^2 [/itex]

Equation of tangent from A is [itex] y-k = \dfrac{2-h}{k-3} (x-h) [/itex]

Since it passes through A, I get the following condition

  • #4
Posting in the right thread this time:
Try this:
Drop a perpendicular from the incentre O to each of the three sides, meeting AB at C', BC at A' and CA at B'. ∠AOB' = ∠AOC' = α, say; ∠BOA' = ∠BOC' = β, etc. So what does α+β+γ equal? What is ∠BOC in terms of these? You can determine the value of ∠BOC. What does that give for the value of α? Can you use AO and α to find r?

FAQ: Find Inradius of ΔABC: Coordinates (4,-1) & Internal Bisectors

What is the definition of inradius?

The inradius of a triangle is the radius of the largest circle that can be inscribed within the triangle, touching all three sides.

How do you find the inradius of a triangle using coordinates?

To find the inradius of a triangle using coordinates, you must first find the lengths of the three sides of the triangle using the distance formula. Then, use the formula inradius = (area of triangle) / (semi-perimeter of triangle) to calculate the inradius.

What are internal bisectors?

Internal bisectors are lines that divide an angle into two equal angles. In a triangle, the internal bisectors intersect at a point called the incenter.

How do you find the internal bisectors of a triangle using coordinates?

To find the internal bisectors of a triangle using coordinates, you must first find the equations of the three sides of the triangle using the slope formula. Then, use the angle bisector theorem to find the coordinates of the incenter, which is the point where the internal bisectors intersect.

Can the inradius of a triangle be negative?

No, the inradius of a triangle cannot be negative. The inradius is a measurement of distance, which cannot be negative. It is always a positive value or zero.
