Find Least Force to Move 10-ton Safe on Truck

  • Thread starter holy_kamote
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In summary: So the normal force would be 20000cos14.5 and the parallel component would be 20000sin14.5. This gives a normal force of 196000/cos14.5 and a parallel component of 196000sin14.5. To find the total force needed, you would add the friction force of 350 lbs, which would give a total of 196000/cos14.5 + 350 lbs. So in summary, the least force necessary to move the safe would be 196000/cos14.5 + 350 lbs.
  • #1
find least force?

Homework Statement

a safe weighing 10 tons is to be loaded on a truck 5.0 ft high by means of planks 20 ft long if it requires 350lb to overcome friction on the skids, find the least force nescessary to move the safe.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

i don't know where to start pls help me...
Physics news on
  • #2

what is the formula for finding least force help me pls?
  • #3

What force parallel to the planks is required to just overcome gravity and friction?
  • #4

sir doc al will i use the cosine law? thanks for the repz..
  • #5

will i use conversion with this prob? ton??
  • #6

i convert ton in kg?
  • #7

Keep everything in terms of pounds. 1 ton = 2000 lbs (at least in the US).

You'll need to find the component of the weight parallel to the incline.
  • #8

i convert 10 tons to 20000 lbs? then i get the angle 5/20=0.25cos=14.50degrees? i calculate force of gravity 20000 x 9.8 = 196000.. then the normal force 196000/cos14.50=184757.7...then i get the parallel to the incline 196000/sin14.50=49074.5 is that correct? what's the next step? pls reply thxxxxx...
  • #9

holy_kamote said:
i convert 10 tons to 20000 lbs?
Yes, that's the weight.
then i get the angle 5/20=0.25cos=14.50degrees?
OK. The sine of the angle is 5/20 = 0.25; thus that angle must be 14.5 degrees.
i calculate force of gravity 20000 x 9.8 = 196000..
No, you already have the force of gravity. 20000 lbs is a force, not a mass.
then the normal force 196000/cos14.50=184757.7...then i get the parallel to the incline 196000/sin14.50=49074.5 is that correct?
No, not correct. You have the wrong value for the force. But beyond that, you are calculating the components incorrectly. Read this:"

Once you get the correct parallel component of the weight, you need to add the friction force to get the total force needed.
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  • #10

ok normal force= 20000sin14.50=5007.6 and theparallel component 20000cos14.50=19363 is this correct?
  • #11

holy_kamote said:
ok normal force= 20000sin14.50=5007.6 and theparallel component 20000cos14.50=19363 is this correct?
You have them mixed up. The angle is with respect to the horizontal, so the normal component of the weight would be Wcosθ and the parallel component would be Wsinθ.

Related to Find Least Force to Move 10-ton Safe on Truck

1. How is the force required to move a 10-ton safe calculated?

The force required to move a 10-ton safe is calculated by using the formula F = m x a, where F is the force, m is the mass of the safe, and a is the acceleration needed to move the safe. In this case, the mass is 10 tons (20,000 lbs) and the acceleration is typically around 0.1 m/s^2.

2. What factors affect the force required to move a 10-ton safe?

The force required to move a 10-ton safe can be affected by various factors such as the weight of the safe, the coefficient of friction between the safe and the surface it is being moved on, the angle of the incline or ramp, and the strength of the individuals or equipment used to move the safe.

3. How can the coefficient of friction be determined for moving a 10-ton safe?

The coefficient of friction between the safe and the surface can be determined by conducting a friction test. This involves measuring the force required to move the safe on a level surface, and then dividing it by the weight of the safe. The resulting number is the coefficient of friction.

4. What equipment can be used to move a 10-ton safe with the least amount of force?

There are various equipment options that can be used to move a 10-ton safe with the least amount of force. Some examples include air casters, hydraulic jack systems, pallet jacks, and forklifts. The most suitable equipment will depend on the specific weight and dimensions of the safe, as well as the environment it needs to be moved in.

5. Can the force required to move a 10-ton safe be reduced?

Yes, there are ways to reduce the force required to move a 10-ton safe. These include using equipment specifically designed for moving heavy objects, minimizing any inclines or obstacles in the path, and utilizing proper lifting techniques. It is important to assess the situation carefully and plan the move accordingly to minimize the force needed and ensure safety.
