Find Mass of Object 2 in Two-Mass Pulley System

In summary, The Attempt at a SolutionI tried doing this but don't think its right. Fnet= F1 + F2ma= m1 + m2-m2g = m1g – mam2g=ma-m1gm2g= m(a-g)m2g/g=m(a-g)/gm2=m(a)m2=(.2kg)(4.90m/s 2)m2=.98 kg or 980 grams
  • #1
Fresh Coffee

Homework Statement

Two masses are attached by a light string and looped over two frictionless pulleys. Object 1 (200g) accelerates upwards at a rate of 4.90 m/s squared. Determine mass of object 2.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I tries doing this but don't think its right.

Fnet= F1 + F2
ma= m1 + m2
-m2g = m1g – ma
m2g= m(a-g)
m2=(.2kg)(4.90m/s 2)
m2=.98 kg or 980 grams
Physics news on
  • #2
Fresh Coffee said:

Homework Statement

Two masses are attached by a light string and looped over two frictionless pulleys. Object 1 (200g) accelerates upwards at a rate of 4.90 m/s squared. Determine mass of object 2.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I tries doing this but don't think its right.

Fnet= F1 + F2
ma= m1 + m2
-m2g = m1g – ma
m2g= m(a-g)
m2=(.2kg)(4.90m/s 2)
m2=.98 kg or 980 grams

Yes, that solution is not correct. The problem has only two masses but your equation "-m2g = m1g – ma" has three different masses in it. you must fix that. Besides, there is also a sign mistake on your net force calculation. Make sure you draw a diagram before attempting to solve any problem like that. Include all the relevant forces in your diagram.

Also (a-g)/g is not equal to a. That's just basic algebra
  • #3
You did not do this correctly.

Start by setting up two different equations by ∑F=ma for each mass.
  • #4
Was anything right?
  • #5
The units look right.
  • #6
Lol ok thanks. I shall endeavour to solve this enigmatic question.
  • #7
Ok so would finding out the net force of object 1 help?
  • #8
It's a start.
  • #9
Ok so I have set up two equations for each mass.



Fnet1=(.2kg)(4.90m/s squared)

Fnet1=.98 N

However I am stumped what to do with Fnet2. I go Fnet2=m(-4.90 m/s squared) then ma=m(-4.90m/s squared) but don't know what to do next.
  • #10
Did you do a free body diagram of each mass? Include all the forces acting on each mass. These will add up to Fnet for each case.
  • #11
Yes but I can't seem to get much from that...I have free body diagram of object 1 and 2 which is a block with Fg acting down and Ft acting up.
  • #12
I can't get it. I'v tried all sorts of ways but its that darn net force that I can't get! If I could just get that I'd have it.
  • #13
Fresh Coffee said:
Yes but I can't seem to get much from that...I have free body diagram of object 1 and 2 which is a block with Fg acting down and Ft acting up.
Are the gravity forces acting on object 1 and 2 the same? If not, then don't call them both Fg. What about Ft? Is that the same for both objects?
  • #14
Fresh Coffee said:
Yes but I can't seem to get much from that...I have free body diagram of object 1 and 2 which is a block with Fg acting down and Ft acting up.
Great, now sum them up to get Fnet.
  • #15
mass of object 2 = 600 grams
  • #16
Yeah, that's good to know. But sum up all the forces you outlined above in an equation and set it equal to Fnet.
  • #17
I don't need to. All I need is mass of object 2.
  • #18
that's not correct. You have to sum up all the forces and set it to ma.
  • #19
  • #20
There is a minus sign missing in lines 1 through 3. Everything else seems correct. You should wait until the very last step before plugging in any values such as the m1 and g. Algebra is easier than arithmetic.

FAQ: Find Mass of Object 2 in Two-Mass Pulley System

1. How do I determine the mass of Object 2 in a two-mass pulley system?

The mass of Object 2 in a two-mass pulley system can be determined using the equation: m2 = m1 * (a1/a2), where m1 is the mass of Object 1, a1 is the acceleration of Object 1, and a2 is the acceleration of Object 2.

2. What is the role of the pulley in finding the mass of Object 2?

The pulley in a two-mass pulley system is used to redirect the forces acting on the system. It allows for the masses to be connected and move in opposite directions, resulting in a transfer of forces between them. This transfer of forces can then be used to determine the mass of Object 2.

3. Is the mass of Object 2 affected by the mass of Object 1 in a two-mass pulley system?

Yes, the mass of Object 2 is directly affected by the mass of Object 1. As Object 1 moves and accelerates, it creates a force that is transferred to Object 2 via the pulley. This force is directly proportional to the mass of Object 1, so as the mass of Object 1 increases, the mass of Object 2 will also increase.

4. Can I use a different pulley system to find the mass of Object 2?

Yes, there are various types of pulley systems that can be used to find the mass of Object 2. However, the key factor is that the system must allow for the transfer of forces between the two objects. It is important to consider the setup and design of the system in order to accurately determine the mass of Object 2.

5. How can I ensure the accuracy of my measurement for the mass of Object 2 in a two-mass pulley system?

To ensure the accuracy of your measurement, it is important to carefully and precisely measure the masses and accelerations of the objects involved in the system. Additionally, checking and calibrating the pulley and any other equipment used can help improve the accuracy of the measurement. It is also helpful to repeat the experiment multiple times and take an average of the results to minimize any errors.

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