Find Max Compression of a Spring

In summary: The mass is initially compressed against the spring and released, so the initial velocity at the bottom of the slope is 0. Therefore, the initial KE is 0 and the initial Ug is equal to the potential energy stored in the compressed spring, which is 0.5 * k * xo2. At the top of the slope, the mass has reached its highest point and is about to start sliding down. At this point, the KE is still 0, but the Ug is now equal to m * g * h, where h is the height of the slope. Using trigonometry, we can find that h = d * sinθ, where d is the distance traveled along the slope (2.47 m) and
  • #1
A 0.50 kg block is pushed against a 400 N/m spring, compressing it 22 cm. When the block is released, it moves along a frictionless horizontal surface and then up an incline (which has friction). The angle of the incline is 37 degrees and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.25. Use the conservation of energy law to find the maximum compression of the spring when the block returns to it.

Wother = ΔKE + ΔUg + ΔUel
KE = 0.5 * m * v2
Ug = m*g*y
Uel = -0.5 * k * compression2

This is actually a multi-step problem and it is the last part that I am stuck on. I have found the speed of the block just after it leaves the spring (6.2 m/s), the distance up the ramp that the block travels (2.47 m), and the height of the ramp where the block stops and begins to slide down again (1.48 m).

To find the maximum compression of the spring when it slides back down the ramp, I am trying to find the compression variable from the Uel equation, correct? I can solve for ΔUg, plug in k for the ΔUel equation and leave the compression as the variable I am trying to find. But for the ΔKE I don't know how to find the velocity. It is not the same as I found for when the block leaves the spring intially, right?
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  • #2
Right. So what is the initial KE on its way down the slope, and what is its final KE when it compresses the spring and comes to a temporary stop?
  • #3
If the velocity is 0, then the KE is 0. So the initial KE when the block is on its way down the slope is 0 because at the top of the slope the block has stopped to change direction. Is the final KE also 0 because it is temporarily stopped there?
  • #4
Twiggy92 said:
If the velocity is 0, then the KE is 0. So the initial KE when the block is on its way down the slope is 0 because at the top of the slope the block has stopped to change direction. Is the final KE also 0 because it is temporarily stopped there?
Yes, correct.
  • #5
On the way up
On the way down
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  • #6

It's ok to work with the KE at the bottom of the slope. But you don't have to. To see the full power of energy concepts, you can skip the KE.

Let point A be the initial point where the mass is compressed against the spring a distance xo. Let point B be the point where the mass reaches its highest point on the incline, and let point C be the final point where the mass is compressed against the spring a distance xf.

Use Wother = ΔKE + ΔUg + ΔUel with point A as initial point and point B as final point. Note that KE is zero at both of these points. See if you can get the equation into the form

[itex]\frac{1}{2}[/itex]kxo2 = mgdsinθ + μkmgdcosθ where d is distance traveled along slope.

Then apply Wother = ΔKE + ΔUg + ΔUel using B as the initial point and C as the final point. See if you can get

[itex]\frac{1}{2}[/itex]kxf2 = mgdsinθ - μkmgdcosθ

If you then divide the second equation by the first, you can get an expression for xf2 / xo2. The result can be simplified by cancelling out common factors of m, g, and d.

However, if you feel more comfortable breaking up the problem into more parts by finding the KE at the bottom of the ramp going up and then going down, then go with that method.
  • #7
I have the same problem for my physics class, must be using the same book or something.

for this problem i got a different value for how far it goes up the slope. I got .885m, however I'm not sure this is right. I went through my logic multiple times and I still come up with my answer instead of yours.

As for the velocity I got the same result.

The compression when the object comes back down the slope is where i get lost. I'm not sure how to set up the conservation of energy theorem.
  • #8
Setting up the energy equation for coming back down is very similar to setting it up for going up the slope. See azizlwl's post. It would help if you could give us more detail on how you are setting up your equations.

I think Twiggy92's result of 2.47 m for the distance traveled up along the slope is correct.

FAQ: Find Max Compression of a Spring

What is the definition of "Find Max Compression of a Spring"?

The term "Find Max Compression of a Spring" refers to determining the maximum distance that a spring can be compressed from its resting position before reaching its elastic limit or breaking.

Why is it important to find the max compression of a spring?

Finding the max compression of a spring is important because it allows us to understand the limitations and capabilities of the spring. This information can be used in designing and engineering various structures and devices that rely on springs, such as shock absorbers, trampolines, and mattresses.

How is the max compression of a spring calculated?

The max compression of a spring can be calculated using Hooke's Law, which states that the force applied to a spring is directly proportional to the distance the spring is compressed or stretched from its resting position. By graphing the relationship between force and distance, the max compression point can be determined.

What factors can affect the max compression of a spring?

The max compression of a spring can be affected by various factors, including the material and thickness of the spring, the amount of force applied, the temperature, and the age and condition of the spring.

What are some real-life applications of finding the max compression of a spring?

Knowing the max compression of a spring can be useful in a variety of real-life applications, such as designing suspension systems for vehicles, determining the weight capacity of a mattress, and creating safety mechanisms for heavy machinery.
