Find Min Force on Particle 3 with q1,q2,q3 Charges

In summary, to minimize the electrostatic force between particles 1 and 2, particle 3 should be placed at coordinate (8-x), which minimizes the force.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Particles 1 and 2 are fixed in place on an x-axis at a separation of L=8cm. Their charges are q1=e q2=-27e. Particle 3 with charge q3=4e is to be placed on the line between particles 1 and 2, so that they produce a net electrostatic force F3net on it. a) at what coordinate should particle 3 be placed to minimize the magnitude of that force.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Both forces are acting rightward.
So Fnet=(1/4piε)(q1*q3)/x^2+(1/4piε)(q2*q3)/(8-x)^2

This simplifies down to Fnet=e^2/piε(1/x^2+27/(8-x)^2)

Now take the derivative to minimize function


Set it to zero and my polynomial in the numerator is 8e^2(7x^3-6x^2+48x+128) and there is no min value in between 0 and 8!

Please help.
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  • #2
Can you show how you go from 54x^3-2(8-x)^3 to 8(7x^3-6x^2+48x+128) ? they are not the same.

(sorry for the notation, you too should use "Go Advanced" or read the guidelines point 6 for something more legible)...
  • #3
first step
Multiply that by -2e2 to get -1024e2+384e2x-48e2x2+2e2x3

Then ad the 54e2x3 to get 56e2x3-482x2+384e2x-1024e2

Then factor out 8e2 so 8e2(7x3-6x2+48x+128)

set that to zero and consequently get rid of the 8e2 leaving you with the polynomial 7x3-6x2+48x+128 in the numerator
  • #4
Check the signs factoring out 8e^2 : why do only 3 out of four signs remain the same ?

Tip: factor out 4e^2/piε (a.k.a. ##4e^2\over 4\pi\epsilon_0^2##) right at the beginning. You are doing real work and you'll have less work and less chance of errors. The ##e^2## really blurs the picture, especially in the notation you use (but I suppose that's on PF only :smile:)

Then: If you are really stuck (and I'm with you there: it took me a long time to sort things out just as well), you can always do several more things:
  1. Make a graph - qualitatively at first. F runs away at x=0 and at x=8, and it definitely isn't infinite all over, so |F| MUST have a minimum.
  2. Do some numerical tests, x=1 F≈1.55, x=7 F≈27 so you'll have to end up somewhere near the smaller charge (of course).
  • #5
Ahhhhh, geez. Thanks. It's always the simplest mistakes that get past me. Should have been -128 and I get a root of 2.
  • #6
Happens to everybody. Hope the tips come in useful someday...

FAQ: Find Min Force on Particle 3 with q1,q2,q3 Charges

1. What is the equation for finding the minimum force on Particle 3 with given charges q1, q2, and q3?

The equation for finding the minimum force on Particle 3 is F = (k * q1 * q2) / r^2, where k is the Coulomb's constant, q1 and q2 are the charges of particles 1 and 2, and r is the distance between Particle 3 and Particle 1 or 2.

2. How do I determine the direction of the minimum force on Particle 3 with the given charges?

The direction of the minimum force on Particle 3 can be determined by using the law of cosines and trigonometric functions to calculate the angle between the line connecting Particle 3 and Particle 1 or 2, and the line connecting Particle 1 or 2 and the origin.

3. Can the minimum force on Particle 3 be negative?

Yes, the minimum force on Particle 3 can be negative if the charges of Particle 1 and 2 are of opposite signs. This indicates that the force is attractive, pulling Particle 3 towards Particle 1 or 2.

4. What are the units of the minimum force on Particle 3?

The units of the minimum force on Particle 3 are Newtons (N) as it is a measure of force.

5. How can I use the equation for finding the minimum force to solve real-world problems?

You can use the equation to calculate the minimum force between charged particles in various situations, such as in electrical circuits, in magnetic fields, or in chemical reactions. This can help you understand and predict the behavior of these systems.
