Find Minimum of PA + PB on $3x+2y+10=0$ given $(4,2)$ and $(2,4)$

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  • Thread starter juantheron
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In summary, the point $P$ minimizes the function $f(x,y)$ when $A$ and $B$ are two points on a line and the line segment connecting $A$ and $B$ is perpendicular to $l$.
  • #1
Find a point $P$ on the line $3x+2y+10=0$ such that $PA+PB$ is minimum given that $A$ is

$(4,2)$ and $B$ is $(2,4)$

My Try:
Let Coordinate of point $P$ be $(x,y)$. Then $PA = \sqrt{(x-4)^2+(y-2)^2}$ and $PB = \sqrt{(x-2)^2+(y-4)^2}$

Now Let $f(x,y) = \sqrt{(x-4)^2+(y-2)^2}+\sqrt{(x-2)^2+(y-4)^2}$

Now How can i Minimize $f(x,y)$

Help me

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  • #2
Re: Minimum of PA+PB

Is this a question given in a calculus course?
  • #3
Re: Minimum of PA+PB

I have taken the liberty of moving this thread to our Calculus subforum. A review of your recent posts seems to suggest that you were in Calculus II last term and so I feel this is most likely an optimization problem with a constraint meant to be an application of Lagrange multipliers.

So, I would identify (as you did) the objective function as:

\(\displaystyle f(x,y)=\sqrt{(x-4)^2+(y-2)^2}+\sqrt{(x-2)^2+(y-4)^2}\)

Subject to the constraint:

\(\displaystyle g(x,y)=3x+2y+10=0\)

Can you proceed from here?
  • #4
Re: Minimum of PA+PB

jacks said:
Find a point $P$ on the line $3x+2y+10=0$ such that $PA+PB$ is minimum given that $A$ is $(4,2)$ and $B$ is $(2,4)$My Try: Let Coordinate of point $P$ be $(x,y)$. Then $PA = \sqrt{(x-4)^2+(y-2)^2}$ and $PB = \sqrt{(x-2)^2+(y-4)^2}$Now Let $f(x,y) = \sqrt{(x-4)^2+(y-2)^2}+\sqrt{(x-2)^2+(y-4)^2}$Now How can i Minimize $f(x,y)$Help meThanks

This is best solved using Euclidean geometry.
Let $l$ be a given line and $A$ and $B$ be two points given on the plane.We need to find a point $P$ on the line $l$ such that $|PA|+|PB|$ is minimum.

If $A$ and $B$ are on different sides of the line $l$, then simply join $A$ and $B$ by a straight line $m$ and the point of intersection of $l$ with $m$ is the required point $P$.

If $A$ and $B$ are on different sides of the line $l$ then reflect $B$ about the line $l$.Say $B'$ is the reflection of $B$ about $l$.Join $A$ and $B'$ through a straight line $m'$. The point of intersection of $m'$ with $l$ is the required point $P$.

If you need a justification why the above works you can ask me but I suggest you try justifying it yourself first. It is not hard. You simply need to make use of the fact that the shortest path between two points on the Euclidean plane is through the straight line passing through the points.
  • #5
Re: Minimum of PA+PB

Nice one, caffeinemachine! (Clapping)

I can't believe I forgot the "trick of reflection" for this type of problem. (Wasntme)
  • #6
Re: Minimum of PA+PB

MarkFL said:
Nice one, caffeinemachine! (Clapping)

I can't believe I forgot the "trick of reflection" for this type of problem. (Wasntme)
Thanks :)
  • #7
Re: Minimum of PA+PB

Here's a diagram to go with caffeinemachine's excellent solution:

View attachment 1842


  • MHBgeometry8.png
    9 KB · Views: 68

FAQ: Find Minimum of PA + PB on $3x+2y+10=0$ given $(4,2)$ and $(2,4)$

What is the equation for finding the minimum of PA + PB?

The equation for finding the minimum of PA + PB on $3x+2y+10=0$ given $(4,2)$ and $(2,4)$ is (PA+PB)^2=(x-4)^2+(y-2)^2+(x-2)^2+(y-4)^2.

How do I find the coordinates of the minimum point?

To find the coordinates of the minimum point, you can use the distance formula to calculate the distance between the two given points and the point (x,y) on the line $3x+2y+10=0$. The point (x,y) that minimizes PA + PB is the point where the distance is the smallest.

Can I use any two points on the given line to find the minimum of PA + PB?

No, you cannot use any two points on the given line. The points (4,2) and (2,4) are specifically chosen because they are symmetrical with respect to the line $3x+2y+10=0$, making the calculations easier.

Why is finding the minimum of PA + PB important?

Finding the minimum of PA + PB can be important in various fields such as mathematics, physics, and engineering. It can help determine the shortest distance between two points, the optimal path for a traveling salesman problem, and the minimum energy required for a system.

Is there a faster way to find the minimum of PA + PB?

Yes, there are other methods such as using calculus to find the minimum point or using graphing software to visualize the curve and approximate the minimum point. However, the method of using symmetrical points (4,2) and (2,4) is the most efficient for this specific problem.

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