Find out How Bad You Are - Take the Test Now!

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
In summary: After comparing your "How Bad Are You?" results to the thousands of other scores in our database, you aren't as bad as 88.33 of participants. How does that make you feel?:uhh: I'm still going to Hell, aren't I? I don't want to miss that party on level 6 after all the planning I've already done for it! :frown:i got a 15Pengwino, that's the site probably, not did the same to me with misaligned buttons, but Yes was always the first button and No the second.But there must be something seriously wrong with this test
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  • #2
im at 27 at good citizen
  • #3
Stupid firefox mis-aligns the buttons on half the questions so I am not sure if i hit a whole row of yes's or no's.

I don't see how eating the last slice of pie makes u bad :D
  • #4
Pengwuino said:
Stupid firefox mis-aligns the buttons on half the questions so I am not sure if i hit a whole row of yes's or no's.

I don't see how eating the last slice of pie makes u bad :D

That is one of the badest things anyone can do, shame on you
  • #5
Pengwuino said:
I don't see how eating the last slice of pie makes u bad :D

Neither do I. I've sat in rooms where 5 people were all sitting around a table, all wanting the last piece of whatever, and nobody was willing to take it. I help people work through that uncomfortable situation by grabbing it for myself.
  • #6
Pengwino, that's the site probably, not did the same to me with misaligned buttons, but Yes was always the first button and No the second.

But there must be something seriously wrong with this test! I don't think they asked the right questions, I can't be that good! :bugeye:

After comparing your "How Bad Are You?" results to the thousands of other scores in our database, you aren't as bad as 88.33 of participants. How does that make you feel?

:rolleyes: I'm still going to Hell, aren't I? I don't want to miss that party on level 6 after all the planning I've already done for it! :frown:
  • #7
i got a 15
  • #8
Moonbear said:
Pengwino, that's the site probably, not did the same to me with misaligned buttons, but Yes was always the first button and No the second.

But there must be something seriously wrong with this test! I don't think they asked the right questions, I can't be that good! :bugeye:

:rolleyes: I'm still going to Hell, aren't I? I don't want to miss that party on level 6 after all the planning I've already done for it! :frown:

Moonbear you must have fibed, because i know you are a little devil :biggrin:
  • #9
Hmm, before I continue I have a question.

32. Watched porn that you've taped?

Does that mean porn that I made myself, or porn that I recorded on to a tape?

edit... the fact that I had to ask probably deserved a yes.

Also, I see no problem with it and I am using firefox.

Results are in... I am a Saint! Looks to be around 15 on the bad meter. " [...] you aren't as bad as 91.67 of participants"
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  • #10
mattmns said:
Hmm, before I continue I have a question.

32. Watched porn that you've taped?

Does that mean porn that I made myself, or porn that I recorded on to a tape?

edit... the fact that I had to ask probably deserved a yes.

Also, I see no problem with it and I am using firefox.

I use fire fox and no problems, i bet it is only the ones that get a bad that score

you must be a :devil:
  • #11
MB is a saint! I knew it. I can't imagine what MIH will get, they will probably need to get a new bad meter, cause that thing will break!
  • #12
Damn, I got 98.33% ..some of those seemed a little intense for someone my age.
  • #13

A lot of those I only did once, for the novelty - like mooned someone. Then having been there/done that I haven't felt like doing it again. That was most of the yesses.

So even though 76% is a "good citizen" I think I have angel potential. :biggrin:

Of course, moobear's got a good point.
  • #14


They are joking right...?
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  • #15
*Kia* said:


They are joking right...?

If I understand, you are better than 80% which is "good citizen" not "angel."

Don't worry!
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  • #16
pattylou said:
If I understand, you are better than 80% which is "good citizen" not "angel."

Don't worry!

Uh uh if you look at the screen shot they say I'm an angel....
  • #17
Oh but wait - what's that "Angel!" at the top?

Oh, I guess you are an angel!

Well, consider the source. Last page they want you to subscribe to adult jokes every day. Probably the vast majority of the population comes out "angel" with that sort of perspective!
  • #18
Sigh, I'm only a saint. :frown:
  • #19
Grogs said:
Neither do I. I've sat in rooms where 5 people were all sitting around a table, all wanting the last piece of whatever, and nobody was willing to take it. I help people work through that uncomfortable situation by grabbing it for myself.
Which brings to mind a story...

The exact situation you descripe... The lights go out...

A scream, the lights come back on. Now we have the piece of whatever, plus 1 hand with four forks in the back of it. :biggrin:
  • #20
Integral said:
Which brings to mind a story...

The exact situation you descripe... The lights go out...

A scream, the lights come back on. Now we have the piece of whatever, plus 1 hand with four forks in the back of it. :biggrin:
Owwww! But, see, I'm too devious to be a Saint, I just know it. I often get that last piece of pie, and the easiest way to do it is to ask the other person I'm with if they would like it. They of course are too polite to accept and answer, "No, no, you can have it," and I get it. :biggrin:

And I was honest, but maybe that's the problem. I even answered that last question honestly (the one about wasting time taking quizzes to find out how bad you are). Maybe they knew that meant I'm honest and so I couldn't be very bad.

Of course, I got off on technicalities on a few. It asked if I ever bought a porn magazine, and I haven't, but that doesn't mean I haven't had some in my possession to see what was inside them, just that someone else did the buying. :biggrin:
  • #21
I wonder if your results are added to their database evey time you take the test. It seems like you have to do an awful lot of bad things just to have 'done your share' (I was all the way up to doing everything except for killing myself or going to heavy metal concerts and moshing before I got bored with it). I think over half the people take the quiz for real once, then go back and see what they would have had to have done to rate as a 'devil'. (in fact, maybe they should add a question about that and rate people especially bad that corrupt their database.)
  • #22
BobG said:
(I was all the way up to doing everything except for killing myself or going to heavy metal concerts and moshing before I got bored with it)

I don't even know what "moshing" is and I think that fact alone should bump me firmly into "angel" territory.
  • #23
Moonbear said:
Pengwino, that's the site probably, not did the same to me with misaligned buttons, but Yes was always the first button and No the second.

But there must be something seriously wrong with this test! I don't think they asked the right questions, I can't be that good! :bugeye:p

That was my response. I got 40. Way too low. Clearly I've been slacking off on my depravity as of late.
  • #24
franznietzsche said:
That was my response. I got 40. Way too low. Clearly I've been slacking off on my depravity as of late.
:bugeye: :bugeye: Franzbear's father!
  • #25
Moonbear said:
:rolleyes: I'm still going to Hell, aren't I? I don't want to miss that party on level 6 after all the planning I've already done for it! :frown:
I have no intention of checking out the site or taking the test, and I haven't even read all of the responses here because I'm too busy drinking... but you can relax on one point. The party has been relocated to my basement. The only difference is that entrance to it no longer requires death. (In fact, given your despicable record of anti-necrophilia, you would probably want to avoid it.)
  • #26
Im a saint?! Thats not possible
  • #27
physics4ever said:
Im a saint?! Thats not possible
Of course it's possible. Just will a few million bucks to the Vatican and you're in.
  • #28
I knew it!
I'm a saint.. o:)
  • #29
Saint or angle? :devil: = o:)
  • #30
Angle.. heh. :biggrin: :-p
  • #31
Ah I made this mistake again but well I don't think it's my fault this time!Maybe he's an angle instead of angel!
  • #32
I'm just a bent saint, not some angly angel.
  • #33
Regarding the question in the title, it's enough to know I'm worse than the average. :-p

Not too bad, but never a saint.

Daniel. :wink:
  • #34
Sorry there is no room for any more angles or angels,There can only be one :biggrin:
  • #35
dextercioby said:
Regarding the question in the title, it's enough to know I'm worse than the average. :-p

Not too bad, but never a saint.

Daniel. :wink:
Maybe because of your honesty! :wink:

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