Find Out If You're a Hippie or Neo Hippie - Take the Quiz!

  • Thread starter russ_watters
  • Start date
In summary: I stopped cutting it?In summary, if you are a neo-hippie, you like to experiment with your lifestyle and music. You may have a record collection that is extensive and diverse. You may also have participated in peaceful protests in the past.
  • #1
...or neo hippie? Take this quiz and find out!

I scored a -68, but only because of the Bob Dole question and the poll was written during Clinton's second term.
Physics news on
  • #2
I scored 35.
  • #3

"There may be a neo-hippie streak in you, if that sounds like a good thing to you (and it should) you should explore that more."

What is a neo-hippie? :redface:
  • #4
70...What killed me was the Bob Dole question, it completely countered my small album collection.
  • #5
My record collection alone swamps this "quiz". Of course, BB King's huge library of albums and 45's would send him flying past me like a shot. Is BB a hippie?
  • #6
I don't get how the number of albums means anything. The number of underground albums would mean something.

Knowing what underground means would be something.
  • #7
Evo said:
I don't get how the number of albums means anything. The number of underground albums would mean something.

Knowing what underground means would be something.
Well, my albums include some hits, and lots of obscure blues, classical, rock (that never made the top 40) and gems from cut-out bins. I have an original "Buckingham and Nicks" that cost me less than $2 in a cut-out bin that predated their inclusion into Fleetwood Mac. I have two copies of Pure Prairie League (their first album) that never made it to CD. If you come to my house, you can successfully request to hear Johnny Winters' "Birds Don't Row Boats", or any of Bach's Brandenburg Concertos. Hippie? I don't know, but I'm certainly no neo-hippie. I tie-dyed my own T-shirts in the '60s, had to pass on Woodstock so I could keep my summer job in a veneer mill, and earned my pocket-money in college playing frat parties and buying, fixing, and selling guitars.
  • #8
  • #9
lol. This is my fault isn't it?

I got 18. 7 of those are for being under 20. woot?
  • #10
Hundred ten? where did that come from?
  • #11
64 :/

My avatar is David Gilmour from Pink Floyd, too...
  • #12
Chi Meson said:
it's dumbest
  • #13
Smurf said:
it's dumbest

No it snot. Nuthin abowt it is "best."
  • #14
I scored 56. I seem to have fallen between the cracks with that. No matter, I am no neohippie, and never was a paleohippie either.

I gave myself 3 points for 'make-up feels icky' even though I don't actually know whether it does.
  • #15
20 points. What does that mean?
  • #16
me too, my record collection alone sends me into the hundreds. when stereo records became dominant in the late 60's the harvard coop sold all its classical monaural records for about 50 cents each, and i bought about 60 albums to start my collection. even after foolishly selling many in the late 70's i have a lot.

thats not a very sensitive quiz. having marched in a peace march is more a function of age. a lot of normal non hippes wanted to tell nixon off in 1968 or so. and when he released those tapes saying he would be willing to bribe those watergate scum for a million dollars, even william randolph hearst jr. urged him to resign.lets get down to brass tacks: have you ever put a daisy down the muzzle of a national guardsman's rifle? have you been clubbed senseless while peacefully demonstrating, and kept your non violent philosophy afterwards?

[it does not count to have worn flowers in your hair in order to try to provoke attack by goons so you could fight them.]

can you complete the lyrics "if you can't be with the one you love,..."

and do they sound reasonable to you?do you refuse to apply for research grants from the DOD on moral grounds?

are your children named life or laugh or moon unit? do they go to public school?

[actually home schoolers have more in common with hippies than they think.]

have you seen "easy rider" more than once?
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  • #17
324 for me, again based upon my estimate of 150 records.
  • #18
  • #19
I was pretty much netting a 0 until I hit the question saying to add 2 points for every inch your hair is below your shoulders. If someone would kindly measure my hair length for me, I'll give you my score. :rolleyes:
  • #20
I didn't get much beyond the recording question. I have mono 45's, mono 33's, and stereo 45's and stereo 33's from a time when the stereo technology was not that well-developed. My music collection alone would moot this goofy questionnaire, and my behavior during the 60's and early 70's would cement my certification as a paleo-hippie, if not a jazz/roots/blues enthusiast WAY before it was cool to be one.
  • #21
Moonbear said:
I was pretty much netting a 0 until I hit the question saying to add 2 points for every inch your hair is below your shoulders.

They meant head hair. :rolleyes:

Did I happen to mention that when my hair reached half-way down my ears, I began receiving death threats if I didn't get it cut? Needless to say, I proceeded to grow it to about the same length that Astro has now. Strangely enough, I'm still alive. The guys who threatened me... :rolleyes:
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  • #22
have you ever put a daisy down the muzzle of a national guardsman's rifle?


have you been clubbed senseless while peacefully demonstrating, and kept your non violent philosophy afterwards?


can you complete the lyrics "if you can't be with the one you love,..."


and do they sound reasonable to you?

Depends on the situation, mostly no.

do you refuse to apply for research grants from the DOD on moral grounds?


are your children named life or laugh or moon unit? do they go to public school?


have you seen "easy rider" more than once?


I like these results better. I don't find myself too hippie.
  • #23
I don't have to take no silly test.
The answer is obvious...

FAQ: Find Out If You're a Hippie or Neo Hippie - Take the Quiz!

1. What is a hippie?

A hippie is a person who embraces a countercultural lifestyle that rejects mainstream society's values and norms, often promoting peace, love, and freedom.

2. What is a neo hippie?

A neo hippie is a modern-day version of a hippie, often incorporating elements of the original hippie movement but with a more contemporary twist.

3. What does the quiz entail?

The quiz consists of a series of questions designed to gauge your values, beliefs, and lifestyle choices to determine if you align more with the traditional hippie or neo hippie ideology.

4. What is the purpose of taking this quiz?

The purpose of taking this quiz is to gain a better understanding of your own values and beliefs and see how they align with the hippie or neo hippie lifestyle. It can also be a fun way to explore different countercultural movements.

5. Can I be both a hippie and a neo hippie?

Yes, it is possible to embody elements of both the traditional hippie and neo hippie movements. The quiz results will help determine which one you align with more, but it is ultimately up to you to define your own identity.

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