Find Physicists' Published Papers: Max Planck, Ludwig Boltzmann

In summary, the conversation revolved around finding lists of papers published by individual physicists, specifically Max Planck and Ludwig Boltzmann. The suggestion of using was made, but it was noted that it may be too narrow. The use of Wiki biographies and plato.stanford was also mentioned, but it was found that they did not have comprehensive lists for the two physicists. The possibility of using other search engines such as Cuil was also brought up. The main goal was to find relevant papers from the Annalen der Physik archive available on, but the downloads were slow and non-automatable.
  • #1
Does anyone have any suggestions for finding lists of all papers published by individual physicists?

Usually the Google machine turns up hits pretty quickly, but I've hit a brick wall looking for lists for Max Planck and Ludwig Boltzmann. is amazing, but it's pretty narrow.
Physics news on
  • #2
The Wiki biographies didn't list them?
  • #3
Bystander said:
The Wiki biographies didn't list them?
Planck's only lists ten papers; Boltzmann's had none -- though, the link to his article on plato.stanford *does* have a nice-sized "primary sources" section; it doesn't look comprehensive, but it's a good start; maybe I'll plug a few more names into Plato and see if the pattern continues.

The reason I'm asking is, I just discovered that much of the Annalen der Physik archive is available on the downloads are *slow* and non-automatable, so I'm trying to cherry-pick the most relevant.
  • #4
Have you tried other , "memory-less" search engines like Cuil?
  • #5

There are a few different ways you can approach finding lists of all papers published by individual physicists. One option is to search for the physicist's name on academic databases such as Google Scholar or Web of Science. These databases often have comprehensive lists of publications for individual researchers.

Another approach is to visit the physicist's personal website or the website of their university or research institution. Many researchers maintain a list of their publications on their personal website, and universities often have a database of publications for their faculty members.

If you are having trouble finding a comprehensive list of publications for a specific physicist, you can also try reaching out to them directly. Many researchers are happy to share their publications or point you in the right direction.

Lastly, you can also search for specific papers by the physicists using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or the arXiv identifier. These unique identifiers can help you locate specific publications and often provide links to related papers by the same author.

FAQ: Find Physicists' Published Papers: Max Planck, Ludwig Boltzmann

1. What is the significance of Max Planck and Ludwig Boltzmann in the field of physics?

Max Planck and Ludwig Boltzmann are two of the most influential physicists in history. Max Planck is known for his groundbreaking work on quantum theory and his discovery of the Planck constant, which is a fundamental constant in quantum mechanics. Ludwig Boltzmann is known for his contributions to statistical mechanics and the development of the Boltzmann equation, which describes the behavior of gases and other systems at the molecular level.

2. How can I find published papers by Max Planck and Ludwig Boltzmann?

To find published papers by Max Planck and Ludwig Boltzmann, you can use various online databases such as Google Scholar, arXiv, or ResearchGate. You can also search for specific journals or publications that have featured their work, such as the Annalen der Physik for Max Planck or Wiener Berichte for Ludwig Boltzmann.

3. What is the best way to understand the concepts and theories presented in Max Planck and Ludwig Boltzmann's papers?

The best way to understand the concepts and theories presented in Max Planck and Ludwig Boltzmann's papers is to read them carefully and thoroughly. It may also be helpful to consult with other physicists or attend lectures and seminars on their work. Additionally, there are many textbooks and online resources that provide explanations and examples of their theories in simpler terms.

4. Are there any modern-day applications of Max Planck and Ludwig Boltzmann's work?

Yes, there are many modern-day applications of Max Planck and Ludwig Boltzmann's work. Planck's quantum theory and the Planck constant are essential in understanding the behavior of subatomic particles and are the basis for many technological developments, such as transistors and lasers. Boltzmann's statistical mechanics is also applied in various fields, including thermodynamics, materials science, and biology.

5. How have Max Planck and Ludwig Boltzmann's contributions influenced the field of physics today?

The contributions of Max Planck and Ludwig Boltzmann have had a significant impact on the field of physics today. Their work has laid the foundation for many fundamental concepts in modern physics, such as quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and thermodynamics. Their theories and equations are still widely used and studied by physicists around the world and continue to inspire new research and discoveries in the field.
