Find Rate Water is Pumped into Tank | NatyBaby's Question at Yahoo Answers

In summary: So, in summary, the rate at which the water is being pumped into the tank is approximately 288 cm^3/min.
  • #1
Gold Member
Here is the question:

Related Rates Question: Water is leaking out of an inverted conical tank at a rate of 8,500 cm^3/min...?Help!?

Water is leaking out of an inverted conical tank at a rate of 8,500 cm3/min at the same time that water is being pumped into the tank at a constant rate. The tank has height 6 m and the diameter at the top is 4 m. If the water level is rising at a rate of 20 cm/min when the height of the water is 2 m, find the rate at which water is being pumped into the tank. (Round your answer to the nearest integer.)

Please and thank you!

I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can see my work.
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  • #2
Hello NatyBaby,

Let all linear measures be in centimeters and time be measured in minutes.

The statement:

"Water is leaking out of an inverted conical tank at a rate of 8,500 cm3/min at the same time that water is being pumped into the tank at a constant rate."

\(\displaystyle \frac{dV}{dt}=R-8500\)

Where $V$ is the volume of the water in the tank at time $t$ and $R$ is the rate at which water is being pumped into the tank. $R$ is the quantity we are asked to find.

Using the volume of a cone, we know the volume of the water in the tank may be given by:

\(\displaystyle V=\frac{1}{3}\pi r^2h\)

where $r$ is the radius of the surface of the water, and $h$ is the depth of the water. We know that at any given time or volume of water, the ratio of the radius of the water at the surface to its depth will remain constant, and in fact will be in the same proportions as the tank itself.

Because we are given information regarding the time rate of change of the depth and the depth itself, we need to place the radius with a function of the depth. Hence, we may use:

\(\displaystyle \frac{r}{h}=\frac{2}{6}=\frac{1}{3}\implies r=\frac{h}{3}\)

And so the volume as a function of $h$ is:

\(\displaystyle V=\frac{1}{3}\pi \left(\frac{h}{3} \right)^2h=\frac{\pi}{27}h^3\)

Now, differentiating with respect to $t$, we obtain:

\(\displaystyle \frac{dV}{dt}=\frac{\pi}{9}h^2\frac{dh}{dt}\)

Equating the two expressions for \(\displaystyle \frac{dV}{dt}\), we find:

\(\displaystyle \frac{\pi}{9}h^2\frac{dh}{dt}=R-8500\)

Solving for $R$, we get:

\(\displaystyle R=\frac{\pi}{9}h^2\frac{dh}{dt}+8500\)

Now, using the given data (making sure all of our units match):

\(\displaystyle h=200\text{ cm},\,\frac{dh}{dt}=20\,\frac{\text{cm}}{\text{min}}\)

We have:

\(\displaystyle R=\frac{\pi}{9}\left(200\text{ cm} \right)^2\left(20\,\frac{\text{cm}}{\text{min}} \right)+8500\,\frac{\text{cm}^3}{\text{min}}\)

\(\displaystyle R=\frac{500}{9}\left(1600\pi+153 \right)\,\frac{\text{cm}^3}{\text{min}}\)

Rounded to the nearest integer this is:

\(\displaystyle R\approx287753\,\frac{\text{cm}^3}{\text{min}}\)

FAQ: Find Rate Water is Pumped into Tank | NatyBaby's Question at Yahoo Answers

1. How do I calculate the rate of water being pumped into a tank?

To calculate the rate of water being pumped into a tank, you will need to know the volume of the tank and the time it takes to fill up. The formula for finding the rate is: rate = volume / time. For example, if the tank has a volume of 100 liters and it takes 10 minutes to fill up, the rate would be 100 liters / 10 minutes = 10 liters per minute.

2. What units should I use for the rate of water being pumped?

The units for the rate of water being pumped can vary depending on the volume and time units used in the calculation. Some common units include liters per minute, gallons per hour, or cubic meters per second. Make sure to use consistent units for both volume and time in your calculation.

3. How do I measure the volume of the tank?

The volume of the tank can be measured in various units such as liters, gallons, or cubic meters. To measure the volume, you can use a measuring tape or ruler to determine the length, width, and height of the tank, and then use the formula for volume (length x width x height) to calculate the total volume of the tank.

4. Can I use this formula for any type of tank?

Yes, the formula for finding the rate of water being pumped into a tank can be used for any type of tank, as long as you have the necessary measurements and units for volume and time. However, keep in mind that the rate may vary depending on the size and shape of the tank, as well as the pumping mechanism being used.

5. How accurate is this calculation for finding the rate of water being pumped into a tank?

The accuracy of the calculation will depend on the accuracy of the measurements and the consistency of the pumping rate. It is important to ensure that all measurements are as precise as possible to get an accurate rate. Additionally, factors such as evaporation or leakage may affect the accuracy of the calculation.
