Find Remainder of 25! Divided by 29: Help Appreciated

  • Thread starter Saitama
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This is a relation between two expressions, and you're free to perform the same operation on both sides (just like you do in regular arithmetic).Just like how you can add/subtract/multiply/divide both sides of an equation by the same number, in modular arithmetic you can add/subtract/multiply/divide both sides by the same number. You're not doing anything different, it's just that the operations used in modular arithmetic are a little different (you use modulo, instead of division and so on).Here's an example:2x \equiv 3 (mod 5)This means, find an x such that when multiplied by 2, gives a remainder of
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the remainder of [itex]\frac{25!}{29}[/itex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

One of my friend asked me this question and i was clueless how should i start?
(I am not sure that the question is correct.)

Any help is appreciated!
Physics news on
  • #2
??Find the remainder after you divide 25(Factorial) by 29.

Do you know what a factorial is? (the ! symbol)
  • #3
Travis_King said:
??Find the remainder after you divide 25(Factorial) by 29.

Do you know what a factorial is? (the ! symbol)

I know what a factorial is. Wouldn't that be a difficult task, expanding 25! and dividing it by 29?
  • #4
Yea, I see your predicament. It's just a long number and would be a PITA to get at. But you take the nearest whole number from your result and multiply by 29. Subtract that from 25! and you'll get the remainder.
  • #5
I believe Pranav-Arora is asking if there is a simpler way of calculating that since 29! is a huge number. And trying to use a calculator won't work because dividing by 29 will give a non-terminating decimal and you cannot get the remainder from the truncated decimal form.

Unfortunately, since 29 is a prime number, I also do not see any way to simplify that.
  • #6
Yea the real problem that I see is most calculation software have their upper limit at around the 10^23 range...I know it was a big number, but I didn't think it was so large in my original post.
  • #7
HallsofIvy said:
I believe Pranav-Arora is asking if there is a simpler way of calculating that since 25! is a huge number. And trying to use a calculator won't work because dividing by 29 will give a non-terminating decimal and you cannot get the remainder from the truncated decimal form.

Unfortunately, since 29 is a prime number, I also do not see any way to simplify that.

Thanks for the effort HallsofIvy, i will see if the question is correct by confirming it from my friend. :smile:

Btw, wolframalpha gives me this:!/29)
  • #8
WolframAlpha gives the result as 5.

Calculate 25!/9
Truncate at the correct decimal place
subtract 25! by the truncated result
There you go!
  • #9
The answer is 5.

By Wilson's Theorem,

28! = -1 (mod 29)

25!(26)(27)(28) = -1 (mod 29)

25!(-3)(-2)(-1) = -1(mod 29)

25! = 6^(-1) (mod 29) = 5 (mod 29).

The last step involved calculating the modular inverse of 6 (mod 29).
  • #10
Curious3141 said:
By Wilson's Theorem,
Never heard of it, will check that out.

Curious3141 said:
28! = -1 (mod 29)

25!(26)(27)(28) = -1 (mod 29)

25!(-3)(-2)(-1) = -1(mod 29)

25! = 6^(-1) (mod 29) = 5 (mod 29).

The last step involved calculating the modular inverse of 6 (mod 29).

I was afraid of this, i have never used the mod notation and i don't even know what that means. I think i will have to check that too. Thanks for the help Curious! :smile:
  • #11
Seems like mod is related to remainder.

Curious3141 said:
25!(26)(27)(28) = -1 (mod 29)

25!(-3)(-2)(-1) = -1(mod 29)

Can you tell me how did you replace 26,27 and 28 with -3,-2 and -1?

I see at wikipedia that the congruence sign is used instead of equality sign.
  • #12
Pranav-Arora said:
Seems like mod is related to remainder.

Can you tell me how did you replace 26,27 and 28 with -3,-2 and -1?

I see at wikipedia that the congruence sign is used instead of equality sign.

You may replace all the equals signs with congruence signs, I was just typing fast.

26 = 29 - 3

When you take everything modulo 29, on the RHS, you get: 29 = 0 (mod 29), so you're left with:

26 = 0 + (-3) (mod 29) = -3 (mod 29)

The same applies for the others.

The most involved part is calculating the modular inverse of 6. For that, you can use any implementation of the Extended Euclidean Algorithm. I like the "magic box" method mentioned in wiki, it's very spinal and quick for small numbers.
  • #13
Pranav-Arora said:
I was afraid of this, i have never used the mod notation and i don't even know what that means. I think i will have to check that too.

It is called modular arithmetic.

It basically involves getting a remainder when a given number is divided by a certain integer. So when you have,

[tex]a \equiv b (mod \ n)[/tex]

a is the given number
b is the remainder
n is the divisor

There are really interesting relations using this, and you can find them online. If you are still interested, look up Chinese remainder theorem, Fermat's little theorem, Wilson's theorem(which Curious used), and Euler's theorem.Edit : Seems I am late, but here is the post anyway.

Can you tell me how did you replace 26,27 and 28 with -3,-2 and -1?

What is [tex]26 \equiv x(mod 29)[/tex] And so on...

Take a look at this pdf file, too.

Do you see the property being used?
  • #14
Curious3141 said:
You may replace all the equals signs with congruence signs, I was just typing fast.

26 = 29 - 3

When you take everything modulo 29, on the RHS, you get: 29 = 0 (mod 29), so you're left with:

26 = 0 + (-3) (mod 29) = -3 (mod 29)

The same applies for the others.

The most involved part is calculating the modular inverse of 6. For that, you can use any implementation of the Extended Euclidean Algorithm. I like the "magic box" method mentioned in wiki, it's very spinal and quick for small numbers.

I don't know much (or nothing) about modular arithmetic, most of the stuff is going off my head. I don't get it when you say take "modulo" on RHS. For example, in an equation, if we perform any action like multiplication, division etc on LHS, we do it the same on RHS, i don't know about this modulo thing, can we do it on one side of the equation?
  • #15
Pranav-Arora said:
I don't know much (or nothing) about modular arithmetic, most of the stuff is going off my head. I don't get it when you say take "modulo" on RHS. For example, in an equation, if we perform any action like multiplication, division etc on LHS, we do it the same on RHS, i don't about this modulo thing, can we do it on one side of the equation?

You're doing it on both sides because the statement [itex]a \equiv b \pmod n[/itex] is defining a congruence class modulo n. It's saying that a and b are equivalent in some way, specifically that they leave the same remainder when divided by n.

I have to go to sleep now (past midnight here), but please read up on modular arithmetic in the meantime. :smile:
  • #16
Curious3141 said:
I have to go to sleep now (past midnight here), but please read up on modular arithmetic in the meantime. :smile:

Thanks for the help Curious! Good night, i will be studying about modular arithmetic and post some questions. :smile:

@Infinitum: I am checking out the pdf file you linked to.

[itex]26\equiv x\mod 29[/itex] means [itex]0\equiv(26-x)\mod29[/itex], am i right here? How can i calculate x from here?

EDIT: Sorry that was a noob question. :-p
  • #17
Pranav-Arora said:
@Infinitum: I am checking out the pdf file you linked to.

[itex]26\equiv x\mod 29[/itex] means [itex]0\equiv(26-x)\mod29[/itex], am i right here? How can i calculate x from here?

That should be, [itex]0\equiv(x-26)\mod29[/itex]

What remainder do you get when you divide 26 by 29? That's x.
  • #18
Infinitum said:
That should be, [itex]0\equiv(x-26)\mod29[/itex]

What remainder do you get when you divide 26 by 29? That's x.

Why my expression is wrong?
From my expression i can say that x=-3, because 26-(-3) mod 29=0.
  • #19
Pranav-Arora said:
Why my expression is wrong?
From my expression i can say that x=-3, because 26-(-3) mod 29=0.

It isn't wrong. Saying the remainder is -3, as Curious explained in one of his above posts, is equivalent to saying that the remainder is 26. Its just intuitively easier to see a positive remainder over a negative one. Also, it comes with an advantage that you can see the numbers being 'subtracted' on both sides, just like in case of equality.
  • #20
Infinitum said:
It isn't wrong. Saying the remainder is -3, as Curious explained in one of his above posts, is equivalent to saying that the remainder is 26. Its just intuitively easier to see a positive remainder over a negative one. Also, it comes with an advantage that you can see the numbers being 'subtracted' on both sides, just like in case of equality.

Okay, i get it. You asked me what's the remainder when you divide 26 by 29. Shouldn't that be 26? This modular arithmetic is completely new thing to me. I have never dealt with negative remainders.
  • #21
Pranav-Arora said:
Okay, i get it. You asked me what's the remainder when you divide 26 by 29. Shouldn't that be 26? This modular arithmetic is completely new thing to me. I have never dealt with negative remainders.

Yes, it is 26, and also -3, or any other number that gives the same remainder when divided by 29. That is explained in the introductory paragraph of the pdf :smile:

Its a bit less intuitive for negative numbers, but as Curious explained above...
26 = 29 - 3

When you take everything modulo 29, on the RHS, you get: 29 = 0 (mod 29), so you're left with:

26 = 0 + (-3) (mod 29) = -3 (mod 29)
  • #22
Infinitum said:
Yes, it is 26, and also -3, or any other number that gives the same remainder when divided by 29. That is explained in the introductory paragraph of the pdf :smile:

I read that but i could not understand, i think i need to get used to with the negative remainders. Do you have any good link for the theorems you just mentioned, wiki seems to show that in a lot of detail.
  • #23
Is there any good link to study how to find the modular inverse?

Do you have any good book suggestions from where i can study modular arithmetic?
  • #24
Pranav-Arora said:
Is there any good link to study how to find the modular inverse?

Do you have any good book suggestions from where i can study modular arithmetic?

With regard to number theory, I'm almost completely self-taught. It's one of those things that school doesn't do justice to, which is ironic, since whole numbers are the first mathematical concepts to be taught to schoolchildren. The problem is that schools are rushing to introduce rational numbers, then real numbers, etc. etc. The other problem is that number theory can get quite abstract and difficult to understand even a little way in.

I've read at least one book on Number Theory, but I can tell you that most of them (including the one(s) that I've read) are major drags. The format of proposition/lemma followed by proofs that make you jump all over the book, or even outside the book to look up other stuff - is just not conducive to sustaining the interest of a keen, but otherwise busy, amateur.

So I recommend looking up this stuff on the web. You've already got a reasonably good resource in Wiki. Wolfram Mathworld is an even better, albeit more technical, resource. There are plenty of other resources, like online lecture notes, etc.

Just to correct a small misconception you may have, [itex]a \equiv b \pmod n[/itex] does not necessarily mean that b is the remainder of a when a is divided by n. For starters, b may be greater than a, and [itex]a \equiv b \pmod n[/itex] and [itex]b \equiv a \pmod n[/itex] are equally valid ways of writing it.

What that statement says is that, to get from a to b (or vice versa), you need to add or subtract an integer multiple of n. It's that simple. You can also express the relationship as [itex]a = kn + b[/itex], where [itex]k \in \mathbb{Z}[/itex]. When you start doing modular arithmetic, you'll probably find yourself constantly going back to this "simplistic" notation to convince yourself of something - nothing wrong with that. When you get used to writing mod this and mod that, you won't need to go back to that simple algebraic statement anymore, or at least, less frequently.

Remember that the remainder is defined as a non-negative residue that's strictly smaller than the divisor. So b is the remainder iff (if and only if) b is the unique integer such that [itex]0 \leq b < n[/itex] and [itex]a \equiv b \pmod n[/itex]. Get that part? The modulo equivalence is actually a whole lot more powerful than just finding remainders, and that's why it can handle negative numbers, and numbers greater than the divisor, etc.

The modular multiplicative inverse is a tricky concept, and you might need to get familiar with all this stuff before you tackle it. Basically, the modular inverse of a (mod n) is denoted by [itex]a^ {-1} \pmod n[/itex] and it's the smallest positive integer x strictly less than n such that [itex]ax \equiv 1 \pmod n[/itex]. See the parallel to the normal multiplicative inverse (reciprocal) there? The modular inverse exists iff gcd(a,n) = 1, which is a condition called coprimality or relative primality between a and n.

I hope you see that there's a lot of ground to cover here, which is why I recommended that you start by looking this stuff online to cover the basics. :smile:
  • #25
Curious3141 said:
So I recommend looking up this stuff on the web. You've already got a reasonably good resource in Wiki. Wolfram Mathworld is an even better, albeit more technical, resource. There are plenty of other resources, like online lecture notes, etc.
Okay, i will check the web for this stuff. :smile:

Curious said:
Just to correct a small misconception you may have, [itex]a \equiv b \pmod n[/itex] does not necessarily mean that b is the remainder of a when a is divided by n. For starters, b may be greater than a, and [itex]a \equiv b \pmod n[/itex] and [itex]b \equiv a \pmod n[/itex] are equally valid ways of writing it.
I know somewhat about this. I was introduced to modular arithmetic previous year by a member from this place but i don't know why i could not understand it.

Curious said:
The modular multiplicative inverse is a tricky concept, and you might need to get familiar with all this stuff before you tackle it. Basically, the modular inverse of a (mod n) is denoted by [itex]a^ {-1} \pmod n[/itex] and it's the smallest positive integer x strictly less than n such that [itex]ax \equiv 1 \pmod n[/itex]. See the parallel to the normal multiplicative inverse (reciprocal) there? The modular inverse exists iff gcd(a,n) = 1, which is a condition called coprimality or relative primality between a and n.

I hope you see that there's a lot of ground to cover here, which is why I recommended that you start by looking this stuff online to cover the basics. :smile:

Thanks for the explanation! :smile:

Could you give me a list of topics i should start with (in an order, from basic stuff to theorems)? I will be doing modular arithmetic on my own, i would need a way to start, i don't want to get confused by lurking from pages to pages on Wikipedia. A list of topics would probably help.
  • #26
Pranav-Arora said:
Could you give me a list of topics i should start with (in an order, from basic stuff to theorems)? I will be doing modular arithmetic on my own, i would need a way to start, i don't want to get confused by lurking from pages to pages on Wikipedia. A list of topics would probably help.

Modular arithmetic needs to be read as part of elementary number theory. So I guess you could start with the basics there -

Prime and composite numbers,

The concept of gcd and lcm, and the relationship between gcd, lcm and the product of two numbers. The concept of coprimality/relative primality.

Then go on to Bezout's identity, which is a very simple Diophantine equation (read about this as well).

Then start with the basics of modular, or 'clock' arithmetic, which we've mostly covered.

You might want to explore Euclid's algorithm at this point.

Understand deeper concepts in modular arithmetic like the inverse, the calculation of which involves using Euclid's algorithm, and an understanding of Bezout's identity, coprimality, etc.

Now get started on Fermat's little Thorem and Wilson's Theorem.

Now read about Chinese Remainder Theorem and simultaneous congruences.

That should keep you occupied for a while. :biggrin:
  • #27
Thank you Curious, that will surely help me. :smile:
  • #28
Pranav, A≡b(mod n) means that A =kn + b, where k is integer.

If n=5, for example, all numbers can be written as A=5k, 5k+1, 5k+2, 5k+3, 5k+4: Any number is either divisible by 5 or greater by 1,2,3,4, then a number divisible by 5. But also they can be 1, 2, 3, 4 less then a number divisible by 5. 7 is 2+5, but it is also 10-3. 7=5*1 +2 or 5*2-3.
Writing in the modular form 7=2(mod5) or 7=-3(mod5)

If you multiply two numbers X=5k+1 and Y=5l+4 for example,

XY=25kl + 5l + 20k +1 = 5t +4 (t is an integer).

In modular form: 1(mod5)*4(mod5)=4(mod5)=(-1)(mod5).

In the same way, (5k+2)(5l+3)=25kl +10l + 15k+ 6 =5r+1 (r is integer): 2(mod5)*3(mod5)=1(mod5)

If you write X=5k+1, Y = 5l-1, XY= 5t-1: 1(mod5)*(-1)mod(5)=-1(mod5).

If X=5k+2, Y=5k-2, XY=5r-4 = 5r'+1. 2(mod5)*(-2)mod(5)=-4(mod5) =1(mod5)

  • #29
ehild said:
Pranav, A≡b(mod n) means that A =kn + b, where k is integer.

If n=5, for example, all numbers can be written as A=5k, 5k+1, 5k+2, 5k+3, 5k+4: Any number is either divisible by 5 or greater by 1,2,3,4, then a number divisible by 5. But also they can be 1, 2, 3, 4 less then a number divisible by 5. 7 is 2+5, but it is also 10-3. 7=5*1 +2 or 5*2-3.
Writing in the modular form 7=2(mod5) or 7=-3(mod5)

If you multiply two numbers X=5k+1 and Y=5l+4 for example,

XY=25kl + 5l + 20k +1 = 5t +4 (t is an integer).

In modular form: 1(mod5)*4(mod5)=4(mod5)=(-1)(mod5).

In the same way, (5k+2)(5l+3)=25kl +10l + 15k+ 6 =5r+1 (r is integer): 2(mod5)*3(mod5)=1(mod5)

If you write X=5k+1, Y = 5l-1, XY= 5t-1: 1(mod5)*(-1)mod(5)=-1(mod5).

If X=5k+2, Y=5k-2, XY=5r-4 = 5r'+1. 2(mod5)*(-2)mod(5)=-4(mod5) =1(mod5)


Nicely explained, ehild! Thanks! :smile:
  • #30
You can define addition and multiplication on the remainders. In case of mod5,

1+1=2, 2+2=4, 4+1=0, 4+2=1, 4+3=2, 4+4=3...

You can define zero (as x+0=x) and negative. -x is defined as the element which added to x, gives 0. This way (4) (mod5)+1(mod5)=0 →(-1)(mod5)≡4(mod)5.

You can define unit and multiplication. 1*x=x

2*2=4 (or -1), 2*3=1, 2*4=3,(or-2) 3*3=4,(or-1) 3*4=2, 4*4=1.
You can also define reciprocal of x: x-1: x*x-1=1

1-1=1 as 1*1=1
2-1=3 as 2*3=1
3-1=2 as 3*2=1
4-1=4 as 4*4=1

Each element has a unique reciprocal, except zero. The reciprocal of both 1 and (-1) are themselves.

The remainders of a prime are 0, 1, 2,..., p-1. Except zero, all element have reciprocals. So p-1! can be grouped as the product of the elements with its reciprocals except the first and last ones. If p=5 5!=(1) (2*3)*(4)=1*1*(4)≡(-1)

For p=7, 2*4=1(mod7), 3*5=1, 6*6=1. So 2-1=4, 3-1=5, 4-1=2, 5-1=3, 6-1=6 (or -1)
6!=(1)*(2*4)*(3*5)*(6) = 1*1*1*(-1)

For p prime, p-1 is even. The elements different from 1 and p-1 can be paired so as their product is 1. So p-1!=(p-1) (modp) that is (-1)(modp). (Wilson's Theorem).



28=(-1)(mod29), 27=(-2)(mod29), 26=(-3)(mod29)

28!=25!*(-1)*(-2)*(-3)=-1: 25!=6-1 (mod29)
6-1=5 (mod29) as 5*6=30=1+29
Therefore 25!=5(mod29).

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  • #31
ehild said:
You can define addition and multiplication on the remainders. In case of mod5,

1+1=2, 2+2=4, 4+1=0, 4+2=1, 4+3=2, 4+4=3...

You can define zero (as x+0=x) and negative. -x is defined as the element which added to x, gives 0. This way (4) (mod5)+1(mod5)=0 →(-1)(mod5)≡4(mod)5.

You can define unit and multiplication. 1*x=x

2*2=4 (or -1), 2*3=1, 2*4=3,(or-2) 3*3=4,(or-1) 3*4=2, 4*4=1.
You can also define reciprocal of x: x-1: x*x-1=1

1-1=1 as 1*1=1
2-1=3 as 2*3=1
3-1=2 as 3*2=1
4-1=4 as 4*4=1

Each element has a unique reciprocal, except zero. The reciprocal of both 1 and (-1) are themselves.

The remainders of a prime are 0, 1, 2,..., p-1. Except zero, all element have reciprocals. So p-1! can be grouped as the product of the elements with its reciprocals except the first and last ones. If p=5 5!=(1) (2*3)*(4)=1*1*(4)≡(-1)

For p=7, 2*4=1(mod7), 3*5=1, 6*6=1. So 2-1=4, 3-1=5, 4-1=2, 5-1=3, 6-1=6 (or -1)
6!=(1)*(2*4)*(3*5)*(6) = 1*1*1*(-1)

For p prime, p-1 is even. The elements different from 1 and p-1 can be paired so as their product is 1. So p-1!=(p-1) (modp) that is (-1)(modp). (Wilson's Theorem).



28=(-1)(mod29), 27=(-2)(mod29), 26=(-3)(mod29)

28!=25!*(-1)*(-2)*(-3)=-1: 25!=6-1 (mod29)
6-1=5 (mod29) as 5*6=30=1+29
Therefore 25!=5(mod29).


Very complete, and very patient of you! :approve: I wish I had the time/patience to type all that out. :smile:
  • #32
But I understood the solution of the original problem from your explanation :smile:.

  • #33
ehild said:
But I understood the solution of the original problem from your explanation :smile:.


But honestly, I believe you're the far better teacher.
  • #34
Thanks once again ehild! :smile:
ehild said:
28!=25!*(-1)*(-2)*(-3)=-1: 25!=6-1 (mod29)
6-1=5 (mod29) as 5*6=30=1+29
Therefore 25!=5(mod29).

I still don't understand how you get
6-1=5 (mod29) and what does this mean "5*6=30=1+29 "?

If we suppose, x is the number we need to find here in this: 6-1=x (mod 29), how should i go on finding that?
  • #35
The remainders with respect to a (prime) number n constitute a finite "field" with operations like addition and multiplication. Both have inverse: the inverse of addition is the negative remainder. I denoted the inverse of multiplication as x-1. It is not the number 1/x, but a symbol for the element which multiplied by x results 1:

x-1 * x=1 in modular arithmetic.

Curious certainly knows the official notation for the reciprocal in modular arithmetic.

Of course, 6-1 is also a remainder, one of those you get when dividing a number by 29. We want to find it.
Let's go back to the real numbers. What are those numbers which multiplied by a number of form 29k+6 gives 1 more than a number divisible by 29? ( (29k+6)*(29l+a)=29r+1 ) You know that a<29 and it is an integer. You can take k and l equal to zero. So 6a=29r+1. 29r+1 has to be divisible by 6. If r=1, 29+1=30=6a, so a=5. You can try other r-s, but none is appropriate. There is no other value for "a" than 5.
So 6-1 = 5 (mod29) .

Try it with 35*63=2205, for example. ( 35=29+6, 63=2*29+5.) Dividing by 29 , the remainder is 1. Or 325*208=67600=2331*29+1.

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<h2>What is the formula for finding the remainder of a factorial divided by a number?</h2><p>The formula for finding the remainder of a factorial divided by a number is: n! mod m = (n mod m) * ((n-1) mod m) * ((n-2) mod m) * ... * (1 mod m)</p><h2>Can the remainder of a factorial divided by a number be negative?</h2><p>No, the remainder of a factorial divided by a number cannot be negative. It will always be a non-negative integer.</p><h2>What is the significance of finding the remainder of 25! divided by 29?</h2><p>Finding the remainder of 25! divided by 29 can be useful in various mathematical and scientific calculations, such as in number theory or cryptography.</p><h2>How can I calculate the remainder of 25! divided by 29?</h2><p>You can calculate the remainder of 25! divided by 29 by using the formula mentioned above or by using a calculator or computer program.</p><h2>Is there a shortcut method for finding the remainder of a factorial divided by a number?</h2><p>Yes, there are various shortcut methods for finding the remainder of a factorial divided by a number, such as using the Chinese remainder theorem or using modular arithmetic properties.</p>

FAQ: Find Remainder of 25! Divided by 29: Help Appreciated

What is the formula for finding the remainder of a factorial divided by a number?

The formula for finding the remainder of a factorial divided by a number is: n! mod m = (n mod m) * ((n-1) mod m) * ((n-2) mod m) * ... * (1 mod m)

Can the remainder of a factorial divided by a number be negative?

No, the remainder of a factorial divided by a number cannot be negative. It will always be a non-negative integer.

What is the significance of finding the remainder of 25! divided by 29?

Finding the remainder of 25! divided by 29 can be useful in various mathematical and scientific calculations, such as in number theory or cryptography.

How can I calculate the remainder of 25! divided by 29?

You can calculate the remainder of 25! divided by 29 by using the formula mentioned above or by using a calculator or computer program.

Is there a shortcut method for finding the remainder of a factorial divided by a number?

Yes, there are various shortcut methods for finding the remainder of a factorial divided by a number, such as using the Chinese remainder theorem or using modular arithmetic properties.
