Find the Best University for Energy Research

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  • Thread starter energypassion9
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In summary: Many state universities are excellent and are not too expensive for in-state residents. You should check out your state school first.And, like SteamKing says, it is prudent to apply to a good number of schools.
  • #1
Hello everybody,
I need to decide what is the university that is the most successful and popular in research on the energy field. I will then major in mechanical engineering there and apply for an energy- related job.Every ranking site that I visit provides me with different information. I am not sure which one to actually base my decision on.
Thank you very much in advance.
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  • #2
energypassion9 said:
Hello everybody,
I need to decide what is the university that is the most successful and popular in research on the energy field. I will then major in mechanical engineering there and apply for an energy- related job.Every ranking site that I visit provides me with different information. I am not sure which one to actually base my decision on.
Thank you very much in advance.
There are many state schools (public universities) and private universities that offer mechanical engineering.

Some schools may offer programs related to energy engineering.

In what particular areas is one interested?

Perhaps ASME can provide some material.
  • #3
might want to think about whether your into solar, hydrogen cells, nuclear energy. a university in michigan just made a see through solar panel. if youre into that kind of thing
  • #4
energypassion9 said:
I need to decide what is the university that is the most successful and popular in research on the energy field.

I don't know what objective criteria you could use to decide which institution is the 'most successful' or 'most popular' in a given field, especially one as broad as 'energy'. 'Energy' means different things to different people: nuclear, solar, wind, wave, tidal, conventional, etc. Are we talking number of patents awarded, amount of grant research money won, favorite team mascot, what?

I will then major in mechanical engineering there and apply for an energy- related job.

Whew! If only life were that simple.

Look, you might deign to go to university X to major in ME, but that doesn't mean you will be showered with garlands and brought to campus in a limousine. You will be competing to earn an admission slot with possibly thousands of other applicants, all who have a similar desire to attend the U of X, but maybe not major in ME like you. Universities use a lot of different criteria these days to shape the membership of the next incoming class of undergrads: it's no longer sufficient to get good grades and test scores and file your application forms before the deadline.

When I applied for admission to college, one of the schools on my list (yes, list. You should apply to several different schools in case the one you desire, for some inexplicable reason, declines to offer you admission), UC Berkeley, sent me a polite letter informing me that they were full up and wouldn't be considering any other applicants for admission for some unspecified amount of time. I didn't mind this so much, since UC Berkeley wasn't my first choice anyway. But, if I had my heart set on going only to UCB, I wonder how long I would have waited for them to tell me a slot had opened up?
  • #5
That's gloomy, SteamKing! :)

energypassion: At the BS level you won't have that much contact with the high-level research going on at the university (you'll have a small project at best) so in my opinion I would focus on getting into a solid university that is cost-effective so you can graduate without a lot of debt. You'll be well advised to plan on an MS degree at least and where you get your MS is more important than where you get your BS.

Many state universities are excellent and are not too expensive for in-state residents. You should check out your state school first.

And, like SteamKing says, it is prudent to apply to a good number of schools.
  • #6
Astronuc said:
There are many state schools (public universities) and private universities that offer mechanical engineering.

Some schools may offer programs related to energy engineering.

In what particular areas is one interested?

Perhaps ASME can provide some material.

I am interested in efficient power generation. I live in Lebanon so we don't have states:/ No uni here offers energy engineering..
  • #7
energypassion9 said:
I am interested in efficient power generation. I live in Lebanon so we don't have states:/ No uni here offers energy engineering..

Everyone and his brother is interested in efficient power generation, more so as the price of conventional fuels remains relatively high.

If your local institutions don't provide the program of study you're interested in, then you'll have to look elsewhere. Still, you should examine a number of different schools to find out what it costs to attend, what scholarships or financial grants are available to undergrads, what is required to apply for admission, etc. It is a good idea to narrow the number of schools you are considering to say four or five and apply to all of them. You may not get admitted to all of the schools on your list, but you have a better chance of getting admitted to at least one school.

FAQ: Find the Best University for Energy Research

1. What factors should I consider when looking for the best university for energy research?

When looking for the best university for energy research, it is important to consider the university's research facilities and equipment, faculty expertise in energy research, available funding opportunities and resources, and collaborations with industry partners.

2. How do I know if a university's energy research program is highly ranked?

You can check rankings from reputable sources, such as the U.S. News & World Report or the Academic Ranking of World Universities. These rankings take into account factors such as research output, faculty reputation, and funding for energy research.

3. Are there specific types of energy research that a university specializes in?

Yes, some universities may have a specific focus on a certain type of energy research, such as renewable energy, nuclear energy, or energy policy. It is important to research the university's areas of expertise to find a good fit for your research interests.

4. Are there any notable research projects or publications from the university's energy research program?

Many universities have a section on their website dedicated to showcasing their research projects and publications. You can also look for any recent press releases or media coverage of the university's energy research.

5. How can I learn more about the opportunities for graduate students in a university's energy research program?

You can reach out to the university's department of energy research or the faculty members involved in energy research to learn more about opportunities for graduate students. You can also attend graduate school fairs and conferences where the university may have a booth or presentation.

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