Find the coefficient of kinetic friction?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a catcher catching a baseball and the work done by the ball on the glove. The answer to this problem is 54.056 J. The next part of the conversation involves finding the coefficient of kinetic friction between a flight bag and the floor, but there is not enough information given to solve for this.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A catcher “gives” with a baseball when catch-
ing it.
If the baseball exerts a force of 466 N on the
glove such that the glove is displaced 11.6 cm,
how much work is done by the ball? Answer
in units of J.
(I got this answer and it is 54.056)

Find the coefficient of kinetic friction be-
tween the flight bag and the floor.

Homework Equations

Thats what i don't know...

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't know how to do
Physics news on
  • #2
There seems to be something missing in your statement of the problem(s). Is the glove sitting on a flight bag and the bag and glove slide? Is the glove being held by a person?
  • #3
I just copied and pasted the problem off of online. That is all that is says.. It does say "Find the work done by the force of friction on the flight bag. Answer in units of J." But i found that answer being -5285.02... I don't think that's important though..
  • #4
I'm curious, do you have the mass of the flight bag? Was the flight bag caused to move by the baseball? I'm not being silly. As stated above, you can't find the coefficient of friction. To tell you the truth I have no idea where you came up with the work done by the force of friction: -5285 J.
  • #5
Well it is a online assignment and we have to submit the answers in the answer blank. Not that i look at it though i have no idea where i got -5285 from but it was right.. I know there is an answer to it because some of my friends worked with the teacher and got the answer but they don't know how to help me answer it.

FAQ: Find the coefficient of kinetic friction?

What is the coefficient of kinetic friction?

The coefficient of kinetic friction is a value that represents the amount of friction between two surfaces in motion. It is a unitless value that is typically represented by the symbol "μ". It is a measure of the roughness or smoothness of the surfaces in contact.

How is the coefficient of kinetic friction calculated?

The coefficient of kinetic friction is calculated by dividing the force of kinetic friction by the normal force between the two surfaces. It can also be calculated by dividing the force required to keep an object moving at a constant velocity by the normal force.

What factors affect the coefficient of kinetic friction?

The coefficient of kinetic friction can be affected by several factors, including the roughness or smoothness of the surfaces in contact, the weight of the object, and the presence of any lubricants. It can also vary depending on the type of material the surfaces are made of.

Why is the coefficient of kinetic friction important?

The coefficient of kinetic friction is important because it helps us understand and predict the amount of friction between two surfaces in motion. This can be useful in many applications, such as designing machinery and vehicles, or determining the amount of force needed to move an object.

How is the coefficient of kinetic friction different from the coefficient of static friction?

The coefficient of kinetic friction and the coefficient of static friction are both measures of friction, but they represent different situations. The coefficient of kinetic friction applies to surfaces that are in motion, while the coefficient of static friction applies to surfaces that are at rest. The coefficient of static friction is typically higher than the coefficient of kinetic friction, as it takes more force to overcome static friction and start an object in motion.
