Find the distance between the two third order maxima

  • Thread starter Spruance
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In summary, the red light with a wavelength of 713 nm passes through a double slit with a "split distance" of 0.120 mm. The interference pattern is observed on a screen 2.75 m from the double slit. Using the formula d sin theta = n*lambda, we can calculate that sin theta = 0.017825. This corresponds to a third order maximum, and using the formula tan theta = y/r, we can find that the distance between the two third order maxima on the screen is 0.098 m.
  • #1
Red light with wavelength 713 nm pass through a double split with "split distance" 0.120 mm. The interference pattern gets observed on a screen that is 2.75 m from the double split. Find the distance between the two
third order maxima we seeing on the screen.

(My english is really awkward)
Physics news on
  • #3
d sin 0 = n*lambda

sin 0 = ((n*lambda)/d) = (3 * 713 * 10^-9 m/ 0.120 * 10^-3 m) = 0.017825 = Sin (1.02)

tan 0 = y/r = y/2.75 m

y = tan 1.02 * 2.75 m = 2.80 m
  • #4
Spruance said:
y = tan 1.02 * 2.75 m = 2.80 m
Recheck that last step. (Note that for small angles, tan(theta) = sin(theta))

You have caculated the position of the 3rd order maximum from the central position (where y = 0), but the problem asks for the distance between the two 3rd order maxima. Where's the other one?
  • #5
I don't got any answer-book, but I am sure that my previous answer is wrong.
  • #6
I really don't know what I have to do ...
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  • #7
You multiplied by 1.02 instead of tan(1.02). (1.02 is degrees, by the way.)
  • #8
y = tan 1.02 * 2.75 m = 0.04896 m

It cannot be correct
  • #9
Spruance said:
y = tan 1.02 * 2.75 m = 0.04896 m

It cannot be correct

I hope Doc Al doesn't mind me jumping in here, but he seems to be else where. You have calculated the distance between the normal (zero order beam) and the third order beam. The question asks you to calculate the distance between the two third order beams.

HINT: You are half way there.

  • #10
Sin 0 = (n*lambda)/d = ((3 * 713 *10^-9)/(0.120 * 10^-3)) = 0.018

Sin 0.018 = 1.047

Sin 1.047 = (x/2.75)

x = Sin 1.047 * 2.75 m

x = 0.050 m
  • #11
Spruance said:
Sin 0 = (n*lambda)/d = ((3 * 713 *10^-9)/(0.120 * 10^-3)) = 0.018

Sin 0.018 = 1.047

Sin 1.047 = (x/2.75)

x = Sin 1.047 * 2.75 m

x = 0.050 m

I'm not sure what your doing here, in any case it is incorrect, [itex]\sin\theta[/itex] only equals zero when n = 0, i.e. the zero order beam. Alarms bells should have started ringing when you abtained sin 0 = a non zero number. You were very close with your previous answer. BIG HINT: The interference pattern is symetrical about the zero order beam (y=0).

  • #12
sin theta = (n*lambda)/(d)

= (3*713 * 10^-9)/(0.120 * 10^-3)

= Sin(0.017825) = 1.02135136

tan (1.021) = (x/2.75)

x = tan 1.021 * 2.75 = 0.049

0.049 * 2 = 0.098 m
  • #13
Spruance said:
sin theta = (n*lambda)/(d)

= (3*713 * 10^-9)/(0.120 * 10^-3)

= Sin(0.017825) = 1.02135136

?? How do you get from the first line to the second line??:confused:
Where do you get your 0.017825 or your 1.02135136??
What do you get for the first line??
  • #14
I believe that if you just put the numbers into a calculator, it gives you that (3*713 * 10^-9)/(0.120 * 10^-3) is 0.017825

Invers sinus of 0.017825 is the same as Sin(1.02)
  • #15
Spruance said:
I believe that if you just put the numbers into a calculator, it gives you that (3*713 * 10^-9)/(0.120 * 10^-3) is 0.017825

Invers sinus of 0.017825 is the same as Sin(1.02)
Sorry.. I had used 0.1 mm. You are correct. My apologies:redface:
  • #16
Spruance said:
sin theta = (n*lambda)/(d)

= (3*713 * 10^-9)/(0.120 * 10^-3)

= Sin(0.017825) = 1.02135136

tan (1.021) = (x/2.75)

x = tan 1.021 * 2.75 = 0.049

0.049 * 2 = 0.098 m
This is correct...
  • #17
Spruance said:
y = tan 1.02 * 2.75 m = 0.04896 m

It cannot be correct

Just for reference, the same result can be obtained by simply doubling this number because (as I said earlier) the interference pattern is symmetrical around the zero order beam.


FAQ: Find the distance between the two third order maxima

1. What is the concept of "Find the distance between the two third order maxima"?

The concept refers to a phenomenon in physics, specifically in the study of wave interference and diffraction, where the distance between two third order maxima (bright fringes) is measured. This distance is used to determine the wavelength of the light or other forms of waves being studied.

2. How is the distance between the two third order maxima calculated?

The distance is calculated using the formula d = λL/D, where d is the distance between the two maxima, λ is the wavelength of the light, L is the distance between the light source and the diffraction grating, and D is the distance between the grating and the screen where the interference pattern is observed.

3. What is the significance of measuring the distance between the two third order maxima?

Measuring this distance helps to determine the wavelength of the light being studied, which is an important factor in understanding the nature of light and its interaction with matter. It is also used in various practical applications, such as in the design of optical instruments.

4. How do we identify the third order maxima in a diffraction pattern?

The third order maxima can be identified as the third and brightest bright fringe on either side of the central maximum in a diffraction pattern. It has a higher intensity compared to the other maxima, making it easier to distinguish.

5. Can the distance between the two third order maxima be used to determine the wavelength of any type of wave?

No, the formula d = λL/D is specifically used for determining the wavelength of light waves. Other types of waves, such as sound or water waves, have different formulas for determining their wavelengths.
