Find the equation of the tangent and normal to.

In summary, Nemo provided a summary of the following conversation. He understood how to find the derivative of a constant and how to plug it into the equation of a line to find the slope and normal. He was lost at the previous step and needed help with understanding what -x\d{y}{x} and the +2y\d{y}{x} come from. He was wondering if he should be using the sum/differential rule (f \pm g)^{\prime}= f^{\prime} \pm g^{\prime}. He would like to fully understand the process for finding the derivative and how to plug it into the equation of a line to find the slope and normal.
  • #1
Hi Community,

I have this question.

View attachment 5059I start by creating the derivative,

\(\displaystyle \d{}{x}(x^2-xy+y^2) = \d{}{x}(3) \)

and solve for \(\displaystyle \d{}{x}(3) \) = 0 (Derivative of a constant is alway 0)

I understand how to solve the derivative of

\(\displaystyle \d{}{x}(x^2-xy+y^2)\)

and get \(\displaystyle 2x-y\)

In the worked example it says:

\(\displaystyle 2x-y-x\d{}{x}+2y\d{}{x}=0 \implies 2x-y=(x-2y)\d{y}{x}\)

Which becomes,

\(\displaystyle \d{y}{x}=\frac{2x-y}{x-2y}\)

I am lost at the previous step as I don't know where \(\displaystyle -x\d{y}{x}\) and the \(\displaystyle +2y\d{y}{x}\) come from?

I am wondering if I should be using the sum/differential rule \(\displaystyle (f \pm g)^{\prime}= f^{\prime} \pm g^{\prime}\)

I would like to fully understand the process for finding the derivative and how to plug it into solve for the tangent and normal to lines.

Many thanks for your time in advance.



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  • #2
Nemo said:
Hi Community,

I have this question.

I start by creating the derivative,

\(\displaystyle \d{}{x}(x^2-xy+y^2) = \d{}{x}(3) \)

and solve for \(\displaystyle \d{}{x}(3) \) = 0 (Derivative of a constant is alway 0)

I understand how to solve the derivative of

\(\displaystyle \d{}{x}(x^2-xy+y^2)\)

and get \(\displaystyle 2x-y\)

In the worked example it says:

\(\displaystyle 2x-y-x\d{}{x}+2y\d{}{x}=0 \implies 2x-y=(x-2y)\d{y}{x}\)

Which becomes,

\(\displaystyle \d{y}{x}=\frac{2x-y}{x-2y}\)

I am lost at the previous step as I don't know where \(\displaystyle -x\d{y}{x}\) and the \(\displaystyle +2y\d{y}{x}\) come from?

I am wondering if I should be using the sum/differential rule \(\displaystyle (f \pm g)^{\prime}= f^{\prime} \pm g^{\prime}\)

I would like to fully understand the process for finding the derivative and how to plug it into solve for the tangent and normal to lines.

Many thanks for your time in advance.


The reason is that you have taken y to be a constant but it is a function of x and so the product rule shall apply and the worked example is correct
  • #3
Hello Nemo! :)

In your following step:

Nemo said:
...I understand how to solve the derivative of

\(\displaystyle \d{}{x}(x^2-xy+y^2)\)

and get \(\displaystyle 2x-y\)...

you are treating $y$ as a constant, when in fact it is a function of $x$, so you need to differentiate term by term, and use the product, power and chain rules:

\(\displaystyle \d{}{x}\left(x^2-xy+y^2\right)=\d{}{x}\left(x^2\right)-\d{}{x}\left(xy\right)+\d{}{x}\left(y^2\right)\)

Let's look at each term individually:

\(\displaystyle \d{}{x}\left(x^2\right)=2x\)

\(\displaystyle \d{}{x}\left(xy\right)=x\d{y}{x}+y\)

\(\displaystyle \d{}{x}\left(y^2\right)=2y\d{y}{x}\)

And so we have:

\(\displaystyle \d{}{x}\left(x^2-xy+y^2\right)=2x-x\d{y}{x}-y+2y\d{y}{x}=0\)

Now we solve for \(\displaystyle \d{y}{x}\) by arranging all terms with this as a factor on the left, and everything else on the right:

\(\displaystyle -x\d{y}{x}+2y\d{y}{x}=y-2x\)


\(\displaystyle \d{y}{x}(2y-x)=y-2x\)

And finally divide through by $2y-x$ to get:

\(\displaystyle \d{y}{x}=\frac{y-2x}{2y-x}\)

So, what must the slope of the tangent and normal lines be at the given point on the curve?
  • #4
Light bulb moment! thanks Mark & kaliprasad,

So following on from \(\displaystyle \d{y}{x}=\frac{y-2x}{2y-x}\) in Marks reply.

Looks very familiar to the \(\displaystyle mx=\frac{y2-y1}{x2-x1}\)

I could then write:

\(\displaystyle mx=\frac{2-2(1)}{2(2)-1}\)

to get the slope which when calculated equals \(\displaystyle 0\) so I know my tangent line is horizontal at point \(\displaystyle (1,2)\)

Therefore the normal to is going to be \(\displaystyle 90\) degrees which is \(\displaystyle x=1\)

As per my graph below.

View attachment 5068

Please let me know if I am in the ball park and if there is a clearer way to prove it.




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  • #5
What I would do is use the expression we obtained for \(\displaystyle \d{y}{x}\) and the given point to determine the slope of the tangent line:

\(\displaystyle \left.\d{y}{x}\right|_{(x,y)=(1,2)}=\frac{2-2(1)}{2(2)-1}=0\)

So, we know the tangent line is horizontal, and since it must pass through the point $(1,2)$, this line is:

\(\displaystyle y=2\)

Since a line normal to a horizontal line must be vertical, and it must pass through the given point, it will be:

\(\displaystyle x=1\)

If the tangent line had not been horizontal, then we we take the value of the slope, along with the given point and used the point-slope formula to determine the equation of the tangent line. Then to find the normal line, we would use the fact that the product of the slope of two normal lines is -1, and then again used the point-slope formula.

We kind of had it easy here because the tangent line is horizontal. :)

Related to Find the equation of the tangent and normal to.

1. What is the equation of the tangent to a given curve at a specific point?

The equation of the tangent to a given curve at a specific point is found by taking the derivative of the curve at that point. This derivative represents the slope of the tangent line, and the equation of the line can be written in the form y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

2. How do you find the equation of the normal to a given curve at a specific point?

The equation of the normal to a given curve at a specific point is found by taking the negative reciprocal of the slope of the tangent line at that point. This new slope is then used in the equation y = mx + b to find the equation of the normal.

3. Can the equation of the tangent and normal be found algebraically?

Yes, the equation of the tangent and normal can be found algebraically by taking the derivative of the curve and using it to find the slope of the tangent line. Then, the negative reciprocal of this slope is used to find the slope of the normal. Finally, the equation y = mx + b is used to find the equations of both lines.

4. How can the equation of the tangent and normal be used in real-world applications?

The equation of the tangent and normal can be used in real-world applications to model the behavior of a curve at a specific point. For example, in physics, the tangent and normal can be used to analyze the motion of an object along a curved path, and in engineering, they can be used to design smooth and efficient curves for roads or bridges.

5. Is it possible to find the equation of the tangent and normal to a curve at a point where the derivative is undefined?

No, it is not possible to find the equation of the tangent and normal at a point where the derivative of the curve is undefined. This is because the derivative represents the slope of the curve, and if it is undefined, there is no unique slope at that point. However, it is possible to find the equation of the tangent and normal at points where the derivative is defined but does not exist, such as at vertical tangent points.

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