Find the frequency of oscillation

In summary, the system has a mass which hangs about 3 springs. The mass is balanced so the springs are perpendicular to the mass, and each spring has a constant K. The system is in equilibrium when the force of the spring and the gravitational pull are the same. When the mass is moved upwards, it displaces a distance of Y from the center. The upper string exerts -KY on the mass. The other two springs at the sides are also contributing in the Y direction by (lets say the length of one of the springs when at rest is X1) {sqrt( (X1)^2 + Y^2) - X1}. The frequency of oscillation is found by transforming the displacement to the Y
  • #1
This question was in my test recently, and it bothered me I could not solve this.
The system is as follows:
There is a mass which hangs about 3 springs. 2 at each side and one connected to the top. The whole system is balanced, which makes the springs perpendicular to the mass. And each spring has the constant K.
Now we move the mass in the upwards direction, and so I need to find the frequency of oscillation.

Ok. So this is what I did. I found the equilibrium point, that is when the force of the spring and the gravitational pull are the same, which that point will be my "center".
So when we get the mass upwards, it displaces a distance of Y from the center. The upper string exerts -KY on the mass. The other two springs at the sides are also contributing in the Y direction by (lets say the length of one of the springs when at rest is X1)
{sqrt( (X1)^2 + Y^2) - X1} ---- this part is to figure out how much it displaced from its resting position.
now I transform it to the Y direction by multiplying it by sin(theta) which is
Y/ {sqrt( (X1)^2 + Y^2) - X1}.
All in all I've got forces working on the mass as
F= MG -KY + KY(1 - X1/{sqrt( (X1)^2 + Y^2) - X1}) + KY (1 - X2/{sqrt( (X2)^2 + Y^2) - X1}).
I don't think I was wrong with my analysis of the forces, but now i need to get those Y's in the square root out, so i can work out the frequency, But I don't know how. Which means I probably did something wrong :)

If anyone read all this and was not deterred by the length of the question, PLZ help :)
Physics news on
  • #2

It seems all right to me. But it is possible that the question had to be solved assuming x1 to be quite long so that sin(theta) tends 0. in such case only vertical spring is important.

It is just a guess as I do not know the level of difficulty in your exams.

Otherwise your solution is correct
  • #3

I thought about it as well, about canceling that part by assuming small angles.
I mean it would really solve my problem. But I was wondering if I could really do that?
if it means sth, the question was inferring that we talk about underdamping.

FAQ: Find the frequency of oscillation

1. What is the meaning of frequency of oscillation?

The frequency of oscillation is the number of complete cycles or vibrations that occur in a unit of time. It is measured in hertz (Hz) and describes the rate at which an object or system oscillates or vibrates.

2. How is the frequency of oscillation calculated?

The frequency of oscillation can be calculated by dividing the number of cycles or vibrations by the total time it takes to complete them. The formula for frequency is: frequency = number of cycles / time.

3. What factors affect the frequency of oscillation?

The frequency of oscillation can be affected by several factors, including the stiffness of the object or system, the mass of the object, and the amplitude of the oscillation. In addition, any external forces acting on the object or system can also affect its frequency of oscillation.

4. How is frequency of oscillation related to period?

The period of oscillation is the time it takes for one complete cycle or vibration to occur. The frequency of oscillation and the period are inversely related - as one increases, the other decreases, and vice versa. The formula for period is: period = 1 / frequency.

5. Why is finding the frequency of oscillation important?

The frequency of oscillation is an important measurement in various fields of science, including physics, engineering, and biology. It can help us understand the behavior of objects and systems, and can also be used to design and optimize various technologies and structures.
