Find the function at the point (0,0)

In summary: So the $\boldsymbol x$ of the solution that we find from the theorem isn't $(x,y)$ where $x= \cos{\phi}$ and $y=\sin{\phi}$, right? We have $v|_{\|\boldsymbol\xi\|=1}= \sin{\phi}+1$, so the $\boldsymbol x$ of the solution should be a different vector?That's correct. The $\boldsymbol x$ in the solution corresponds to a point on the boundary of the circle, while the $(x,y)$ in the problem statement corresponds to a point inside the circle. (Smile)In summary, we discussed using the theorem to find the solution of a harmonic function given a boundary condition
  • #1
Gold Member
Hello! (Wave)

Let $v(x,y)$ be a harmonic function in $\mathbb{R}^2$. I want to compute $v(0,0)$ given that $v|_{x^2+y^2=1}=\sin{\phi}+1$, where $x= \cos{\phi}, y=\sin{\phi}, \phi \in [0,2 \pi)$.

I I thought that we could use the following theorem.

$(\star) \Delta u=0 \text{ in } B_R(0), u|_{\partial{B_R(0)}}=\phi $

($ B_R(0)$ is a sphere with radius $R$) Theorem: Let $ \phi \in C^0(\partial{B_R}(0))$ , then the function $ u(x)=\frac{R^2-|x|^2}{w_n R} \int_{\partial{B_R}} \frac{\phi(\xi)}{|x-\xi|^n} dS $ is the only (classical) solution of $(\star)$.

($ w_n $ is the area of the unit ball in $ \mathbb{R}^n $)

From the theorem we have that the only solution of the problem $ \Delta v=0, v|_{x^2+y^2=1}=\sin{\phi}+1=y+1 $ is the following:

$ v(x,y)=\frac{1-(x^2+y^2)}{2 \pi} \int_{x^2+y^2=1} \frac{(\xi_2+1)}{|x-\xi|^2} dS =\frac{1-(x^2+y^2)}{2 \pi} \int_{x^2+y^2=1} \frac{(\xi_2+1)}{(x- \xi_1)^2+ (y-\xi_2)^2} dS $

Is it right so far? Have I applied correctly the theorem? If so, can we compute the integral?
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  • #2
evinda said:
Hello! (Wave)

Let $v(x,y)$ be a harmonic function in $\mathbb{R}^2$. I want to compute $v(0,0)$ given that $v|_{x^2+y^2=1}=\sin{\phi}+1$, where $x= \cos{\phi}, y=\sin{\phi}, \phi \in [0,2 \pi)$.

I I thought that we could use the following theorem.

$(\star) \Delta u=0 \text{ in } B_R(0), u|_{\partial{B_R(0)}}=\phi $

($ B_R(0)$ is a sphere with radius $R$) Theorem: Let $ \phi \in C^0(\partial{B_R}(0))$ , then the function $ u(x)=\frac{R^2-|x|^2}{w_n R} \int_{\partial{B_R}} \frac{\phi(\xi)}{|x-\xi|^n} dS $ is the only (classical) solution of $(\star)$.

($ w_n $ is the area of the unit ball in $ \mathbb{R}^n $)

From the theorem we have that the only solution of the problem $ \Delta v=0, v|_{x^2+y^2=1}=\sin{\phi}+1=y+1 $ is the following:

$ v(x,y)=\frac{1-(x^2+y^2)}{2 \pi} \int_{x^2+y^2=1} \frac{(\xi_2+1)}{|x-\xi|^2} dS =\frac{1-(x^2+y^2)}{2 \pi} \int_{x^2+y^2=1} \frac{(\xi_2+1)}{(x- \xi_1)^2+ (y-\xi_2)^2} dS $

Is it right so far? Have I applied correctly the theorem? If so, can we compute the integral?

Hey evinda! (Smile)

I think there's a mix-up in the usage of $\phi$ that has 2 different meanings now.
In your problem statement $\phi$ is the angle with the x-axis, which corresponds to $\xi$ in the theorem.
And in the theorem $\phi(\xi)$ is the value on the boundary, which correspond to $\sin\phi+1$ in the problem statement.

Let's replace $\phi$ in the theorem by $\psi$.
Then the theorem reads:

$(\star) \Delta u=0 \text{ in } B_R(0), u|_{\partial{B_R(0)}}=\psi $

Let $ \psi \in C^0(\partial{B_R}(0))$ , then the function $ u(x)=\frac{R^2-|x|^2}{w_n R} \int_{\partial{B_R}} \frac{\psi(\xi)}{|x-\xi|^n} dS $ is the only (classical) solution of $(\star)$. Now we can:
- replace $\psi(\xi)$ by $\sin\phi + 1$,
- replace $\xi$ by $(R\cos\phi,R\sin\phi)$,
- and replace $dS$ by $R\,d\phi$.
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  • #3
I like Serena said:
Hey evinda! (Smile)

I think there's a mix-up in the usage of $\phi$ that has 2 different meanings now.
In your problem statement $\phi$ is the angle with the x-axis, which corresponds to $\xi$ in the theorem.
And in the theorem $\phi(\xi)$ is the value on the boundary, which correspond to $\sin\phi+1$ in the problem statement.

Let's replace $\phi$ in the theorem by $\psi$.
Then the theorem reads:

$(\star) \Delta u=0 \text{ in } B_R(0), u|_{\partial{B_R(0)}}=\psi $

Let $ \psi \in C^0(\partial{B_R}(0))$ , then the function $ u(x)=\frac{R^2-|x|^2}{w_n R} \int_{\partial{B_R}} \frac{\psi(\xi)}{|x-\xi|^n} dS $ is the only (classical) solution of $(\star)$.

I see...

I like Serena said:
Now we can:
- replace $\xi$ by $\phi$,

But isn't $\xi$ a vector while $\phi$ is a real number? Or am I wrong?

I like Serena said:
- and replace $dS$ by $R\,d\phi$.

Why do we replace $dS$ by $R\,d\phi$ ?
  • #4
evinda said:
But isn't $\xi$ a vector while $\phi$ is a real number? Or am I wrong?

You're right. (Tmi)

Instead we should replace $\boldsymbol\xi$ by $(R\cos\phi, R\sin\phi)$.

Why do we replace $dS$ by $R\,d\phi$ ?

Because $dS$ is the area of an infinitesimal surface element on an n-dimensional sphere at location $\boldsymbol \xi$.
In the case of a circle that corresponds to an infinitesimal arc with length $R\,d\phi$. (Nerd)
  • #5
So in other words, do we use polar coordinates in order to compute the integral?

But like that, doesn't $\boldsymbol\xi$ get the value of the given $(x,y)$? (Worried)
  • #6
evinda said:
So in other words, do we use polar coordinates in order to compute the integral?

But like that, doesn't $\boldsymbol\xi$ get the value of the given $(x,y)$? (Worried)

Indeed, I believe it's easiest to use polar coordinates.

And yes, $\boldsymbol\xi = \boldsymbol\xi(\phi) = (x(\phi),y(\phi)) = (R\cos\phi, R\sin\phi)$. (Thinking)
  • #7
At the integral, the limit of integration is $\partial{B_R(0)}$. Is this the condition $|\xi|=1$ or $|x|=1$?

- - - Updated - - -

Also having $\boldsymbol\xi = \boldsymbol\xi(\phi) = (x(\phi),y(\phi)) = (R\cos\phi, R\sin\phi)$, we divide by $0$ at the integral, don't we? (Sweating) Or am I wrong?
  • #8
evinda said:
At the integral, the limit of integration is $\partial{B_R(0)}$. Is this the condition $|\xi|=1$ or $|x|=1$?

- - - Updated - - -

Also having $\boldsymbol\xi = \boldsymbol\xi(\phi) = (x(\phi),y(\phi)) = (R\cos\phi, R\sin\phi)$, we divide by $0$ at the integral, don't we? (Sweating) Or am I wrong?

It's the condition $\|\boldsymbol\xi\|=1$.
And $\|\boldsymbol x\|$ can't be $1$, otherwise we'd indeed be dividing by 0 when we'd get to $\boldsymbol \xi = \boldsymbol x$. :eek:
At best we can only take a limit where $\|\boldsymbol x\|\to 1$.
  • #9
I like Serena said:
It's the condition $\|\boldsymbol\xi\|=1$.
And $\|\boldsymbol x\|$ can't be $1$, otherwise we'd indeed be dividing by 0 when we'd get to $\boldsymbol \xi = \boldsymbol x$. :eek:
At best we can only take a limit where $\|\boldsymbol x\|\to 1$.

So the $\boldsymbol x$ of the solution that we find from the theorem isn't $(x,y)$ where $x= \cos{\phi}$ and $y=\sin{\phi}$, right? We have $v|_{\|\boldsymbol\xi\|=1}= \sin{\phi}+1$, right?
  • #10
evinda said:
So the $\boldsymbol x$ of the solution that we find from the theorem isn't $(x,y)$ where $x= \cos{\phi}$ and $y=\sin{\phi}$, right? We have $v|_{\|\boldsymbol\xi\|=1}= \sin{\phi}+1$, right?

Correct. (Nod)
$\boldsymbol x$ is some point inside the ball for which we want to know $u(\boldsymbol x)$.

In this particular case we want to know $v(0,0)$, so we have $\boldsymbol x = (0,0)$.
  • #11
I like Serena said:
Correct. (Nod)
$\boldsymbol x$ is some point inside the ball for which we want to know $u(\boldsymbol x)$.

In this particular case we want to know $v(0,0)$, so we have $\boldsymbol x = (0,0)$.

So we have $v(\boldsymbol x)=\frac{1-(x^2+y^2)}{2 \pi} \int_{|| \boldsymbol \xi||=1} \frac{\sin{\phi}+1}{\sqrt{(x- \cos{\phi})^2+(y- \sin{\phi})^2}} d{\phi}$.


By taking $\boldsymbol \xi=(R \cos{\phi}, R \sin{\phi})=(\cos{\phi}, \sin{\phi})$ the equality $|| \boldsymbol \xi||=1$ always holds, right?
  • #12
evinda said:
So we have $v(\boldsymbol x)=\frac{1-(x^2+y^2)}{2 \pi} \int_{|| \boldsymbol \xi||=1} \frac{\sin{\phi}+1}{\sqrt{(x- \cos{\phi})^2+(y- \sin{\phi})^2}} d{\phi}$.


By taking $\boldsymbol \xi=(R \cos{\phi}, R \sin{\phi})=(\cos{\phi}, \sin{\phi})$ the equality $|| \boldsymbol \xi||=1$ always holds, right?

Yes, $|| \boldsymbol \xi||=1$ will always hold, but don't we have $n=2$? (Wondering)

I'd make it:
$$v(x,y)=\frac{1-(x^2+y^2)}{2 \pi} \int_0^{2\pi} \frac{\sin{\phi}+1}{(x- \cos{\phi})^2+(y- \sin{\phi})^2} d{\phi}$$
  • #13
I like Serena said:
Yes, $|| \boldsymbol \xi||=1$ will always hold, but don't we have $n=2$? (Wondering)

I'd make it:
$$v(x,y)=\frac{1-(x^2+y^2)}{2 \pi} \int_0^{2\pi} \frac{\sin{\phi}+1}{(x- \cos{\phi})^2+(y- \sin{\phi})^2} d{\phi}$$

Yes, in our case we have that $n=2$.
The $\phi$ of $d{\phi}$ is a vector and an other than the one given by the problem statement, right?
  • #14
No, it's just a variable... But $\phi \in [0,2 \pi)$ so was the previous limit of integration wrong? $\int_{||\boldsymbol \xi||=1} \dots d{\phi}$ ?
  • #15
evinda said:
No, it's just a variable... But $\phi \in [0,2 \pi)$ so was the previous limit of integration wrong? $\int_{||\boldsymbol \xi||=1} \dots d{\phi}$ ?

Not wrong... just not consistent.
We've been replacing $\boldsymbol\xi$ by $(\cos\phi,\sin\phi)$ everywhere.
That also means replacing $\int_{\|\boldsymbol \xi\|=1}...dS$ by $\int_0^{2\pi}...d\phi$. (Thinking)
  • #16
A ok... So we have

$$v(0,0)=\frac{1}{2 \pi} \int_0^{2\pi} (\sin{\phi}+1) d{\phi}=1$$

  • #17
evinda said:
A ok... So we have

$$v(0,0)=\frac{1}{2 \pi} \int_0^{2\pi} (\sin{\phi}+1) d{\phi}=1$$


Yep! (Nod)
  • #18
Nice! In order to apply the theorem we say that $\Delta v=0 \text{ in } \mathbb{R}^2$ and this implies that $\Delta v=0 \text{ in } \{ (x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2: x^2+y^2<1 \}$, right?
  • #19
Then the solution we have found for $v$ will hold for elements in $\{ (x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2: x^2+y^2<1\}$ and we can use it since $(0,0)$ belongs to this set. Right? (Smile)
  • #20
evinda said:
Nice! In order to apply the theorem we say that $\Delta v=0 \text{ in } \mathbb{R}^2$ and this implies that $\Delta v=0 \text{ in } \{ (x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2: x^2+y^2<1 \}$, right?

evinda said:
Then the solution we have found for $v$ will hold for elements in $\{ (x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2: x^2+y^2<1\}$ and we can use it since $(0,0)$ belongs to this set. Right?

Correct. (Smile)
  • #21
I like Serena said:
Correct. (Smile)

Great... Thank you very much! (Smirk)

Related to Find the function at the point (0,0)

1. What does "finding the function at the point (0,0)" mean?

When we say "find the function at the point (0,0)", we are referring to determining the equation or rule that describes the relationship between two variables (usually x and y) at the specific point (0,0). This means that when x=0 and y=0, the function will have a value of 0.

2. How do you find the function at the point (0,0)?

To find the function at the point (0,0), you need to have at least two data points and use the slope formula to calculate the slope between those points. Then, you can use the point-slope formula to find the equation of the line passing through those points. If the function is not a straight line, you can use other mathematical techniques such as calculus or algebra to find the general equation of the function at (0,0).

3. Why is finding the function at the point (0,0) important?

Finding the function at the point (0,0) is important because it allows us to understand the behavior of the function at the origin. This information can help us make predictions and analyze the overall behavior of the function. Additionally, knowing the function at (0,0) can be useful in solving real-world problems or optimizing systems.

4. Can you find the function at the point (0,0) if you only have one data point?

No, it is not possible to find the function at the point (0,0) with only one data point. This is because there are infinitely many functions that can pass through a single point. To determine the function at (0,0), we need at least two data points to calculate the slope and find the equation of the line or curve passing through those points.

5. What are some real-world applications of finding the function at the point (0,0)?

The concept of finding the function at the point (0,0) is used in various fields such as physics, economics, and engineering. For example, in physics, knowing the function at (0,0) can help us understand the behavior of a physical system at its starting point. In economics, it can be used to analyze the behavior of a market or economic model at its initial state. In engineering, it can be used to optimize systems and predict performance at the beginning of operation.

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