Find the rms speed of a dust particle.

In summary, the root-mean-square (rms) speed of a particle is the measure of the average speed of particles in a gas or liquid, taking into account their different velocities and directions. It is different from the average speed as it considers the squared values of individual speeds, making it a more accurate measure. The formula for calculating the rms speed of a dust particle is V_rms = √(3RT/M) where R is the gas constant, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and M is the molar mass of the substance. As temperature increases, the rms speed of a dust particle also increases due to the higher kinetic energy of faster moving particles. Knowing the rms speed of a dust particle is important in understanding the behavior and
  • #1

Homework Statement

Dust particles are 13.0 micrometers in diameter. They are pulverized rock, with ρ=2540 kg/m3 . If you treat dust as an ideal gas, what is the rms speed of a dust particle at 18.0 C?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution


13 micrometers = 1.3*10-5 m, which makes radius 6.5*10-6 m

Then, V=(4/3)∏(6.5*10-6)2=1.7697*10-10 m3

m=ρv=(2540)(1.7697*10-10 m3)=4.495*10-7 kg

vrms=√(3*(1.38*10-23)*(273+18))/(4.495*10-7 kg))
=1.63*10-7 m/s

This isn't right though, anyone see where I went wrong?
Physics news on
  • #2
Check the volume of a sphere.
  • #3
Thank you very much

FAQ: Find the rms speed of a dust particle.

1. What is the definition of "rms speed"?

The root-mean-square (rms) speed of a particle is the measure of the average speed of particles in a gas or liquid, taking into account their different velocities and directions.

2. How is the rms speed different from the average speed?

The rms speed takes into account the squared values of the individual speeds, while the average speed simply calculates the average of all the speeds. This means that the rms speed is a more accurate measure of the overall speed of particles in a substance.

3. What is the formula for calculating the rms speed of a dust particle?

The formula for finding the rms speed of a dust particle is V_rms = √(3RT/M) where R is the gas constant, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and M is the molar mass of the substance.

4. How does temperature affect the rms speed of a dust particle?

As temperature increases, the rms speed of a dust particle also increases. This is because higher temperatures result in faster moving particles with greater kinetic energy.

5. Why is it important to know the rms speed of a dust particle?

Knowing the rms speed of a dust particle is important in understanding the behavior and properties of gases and liquids. It can also be used in various scientific and engineering applications, such as in the design of ventilation systems and in the study of atmospheric conditions.

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