Find the Value of t Using Natural Log for s=18 in s = 0.5(e^t - t - 1)"

In summary, Ray Vickson tried using the natural log power rule but got stuck. He then attempted to use the natural log rule but failed. He finally found a solution using the Lambert W-function.
  • #1
Esas Shakeel
Member warned that an effort must be shown

Homework Statement

s = 0.5(e^t - t - 1)
when s=18

Homework Equations

the use of natural log probably

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried using the natural log rule but I am getting stuck. Please help me out here. If someone could give a step by step solution,I'll be rreally glad, Cheers
Physics news on
  • #2
Esas Shakeel said:

Homework Statement

s = 0.5(e^t - t - 1)
when s=18

Homework Equations

the use of natural log probably

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried using the natural log rule but I am getting stuck. Please help me out here. If someone could give a step by step solution,I'll be rreally glad, Cheers

It's a hard forum requirement that you show some work, what you tried, what you thought, etc. Nobody here will write out the entire solution for you.
  • #3

18=0.5e^t - t -1

19 = 0.5e^t -t

ln(19) = tln(0.5)-lnt ??
  • #4
Are you looking for only positive solutions for ##t##? How many solutions do you think there are in total? Make a graph.
It is probably not possible to find an expression for ##t## in terms of standard functions, so you may have to call upon a numerical root finder.
  • #5
Here, t represents time so if there's a easier way to find only the positive values, then i'd like to know that please :(
  • #6
There is no solution (positive or otherwise) in terms of elementary functions, so if this is a homework problem that asks you to find an exact solution, you may have to re-read the problem.
If this is indeed the correct equality, then you could proceed to make a graph to get an idea of where the solution may be. Then you can invoke a root finding to determine it approximately.
  • #7
@Krylov this is the solution. but I am not sure how he got to the value of t :/
  • #8
Alright sorry i didnt put the bracket. My apologies :p
  • #9
Esas Shakeel said:
View attachment 107467@Krylov this is the solution. but I am not sure how he got to the value of t :/
No, ##t = 3.7064## does not satisfy ##18 = 0.5(e^t - t - 1)##. (Try it.) It satisfies this equality only approximately and it was probably found using a numerical root finder or by reading it off from a sufficiently detailed graph.
  • #10
What the heck?! I've wasted pages just to get the answer but i couldnt. I'll sue the author for this! lol . I'll take this question to my dynamics teacher and see what he comes up with. Thanks man! @Krylov
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Likes S.G. Janssens
  • #11
You can't solve [tex]
e^t - t = 37[/tex] analytically; if you have a calculator, then the iteration [tex]
t_{n+1} = \ln(t_n + 37)[/tex] with [itex]t_1 = 0[/itex] converges rapidly to [itex]t = 3.706384959[/itex] to the precision my calculator will display. (How did I know to try that instead of [itex]
t_{n+1} = e^{t_n} - 37[/itex]? For the iteration [itex]t_{n+1} = f(t_n)[/itex] to converge to a solution of [itex]t = f(t)[/itex] which you know to exist then you must have [itex]|f'(t)| < 1[/itex] near that solution. [itex]\ln(t + 37)[/itex] has derivative [itex]0 < 1/(t + 37) < 1[/itex] for all [itex]t > 0[/itex]; [itex]e^t - 37[/itex] has derivative [itex]e^t > 1[/itex] for all [itex]t > 0[/itex].)
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Likes Esas Shakeel
  • #12
Esas Shakeel said:

18=0.5e^t - t -1

19 = 0.5e^t -t

ln(19) = tln(0.5)-lnt ??

No, absolutely NOT.
$$\ln(0.5 e^t - t) \neq t \ln(0.5) - \ln(t)$$.
Never, ever write $$\ln(a \pm b) = \ln(a) \pm \ln(b) \; \Longleftarrow \; \text{FALSE!}$$
The correct property of logarithms is
$$ \ln(a \times b) = \ln(a) + \ln(b)\; \Longleftarrow \; \text{True!}$$
Anyway, this problem has no solution in elementary functions, but it can be solved in terms of the so-called Lambert W-function. That is a decidedly non-elementary function, whose evaluation will not appear on any calculator button and probably not even in any spreadsheet.

It is probably easiest to just look for a numerical solution using one of the many numerical root-finding methods available.
  • #13
But i just used the natural log power rule
ln(x^y) = y ∙ ln(x)
how can that be wrong?
@Ray Vickson
  • #14
Esas Shakeel said:
View attachment 107467@Krylov this is the solution. but I am not sure how he got to the value of t :/
Esas Shakeel said:
But i just used the natural log power rule
ln(x^y) = y ∙ ln(x)
how can that be wrong?
@Ray Vickson

No, you did not; I was responding to your post where you wrote

19 = 0.5e^t -t

ln(19) = tln(0.5)-lnt ??

That was a "cut and paste" of your actual writing.

Basically, you were saying that ##\ln(.5 e^t -t) = \ln(0.5 e^t) - \ln(t)##, which is definitely wrong.
  • #15
Math_QED said:
It's a hard forum requirement that you show some work, what you tried, what you thought, etc.
  • #16
@Ray Vickson
Oh i get it! Yeah you're right. Natural log really confuses me even though I am well aware of the existence of these simple rules :p

Related to Find the Value of t Using Natural Log for s=18 in s = 0.5(e^t - t - 1)"

What is the equation for finding the value of t using natural log?

The equation is s = 0.5(e^t - t - 1).

How do you determine the value of t in this equation?

You can solve for t by isolating it on one side of the equation and using the inverse of the natural log function.

What is the significance of using natural log in this equation?

Natural log is used because it is the inverse of the exponential function, which is present in the equation. It allows us to solve for t in a more efficient way.

What is the value of s in this equation?

The value of s is given as 18.

Can this equation be used for any other values of s?

Yes, as long as the value of s is given, the equation can be used to solve for t.
