Find the Yield Rate of Two Bonds with Same Maturity & Coupon Rate

In summary, the conversation involves two bonds with different face values and annual coupons, but the same yield rate and redemption period. Despite the use of a formula, it was difficult to find the yield rate until the substitution method was applied, resulting in a final answer of 7.18% as the effective rate.
  • #1
SciFi Chick
"One bond, with a face value of 1000 dollars and annual coupons at a rate of 7.2 percent effective, has a price of 1001.99 dollars. A second bond, with a face value of 1000 dollars and annual coupons at a rate of 6 percent effective, has a price of 882.83 dollars. Both bonds are redeemable at par in the same number of years, and have the same yield rate. Find the yield rate. (Give your answer as an effective rate.)"

The formula we are supposed to work with is along these lines:

1001.99=(1000*.072)(1+Y)^-n/Y + 1000(1+Y)^-n

I've been looking at this problem for five hours, and I cannot think of a way to solve it. I would imagine that the fact that the two bonds have the same number of years and the same yield rate is significant, but I can't figure out why. This class does not teach theory, only formulas. Please help.
Physics news on
  • #2
First, do you have Maple (or some other maths software package)?
  • #3
No. But after much agony and banging of my head against the wall, I was able to figure it out. :biggrin: Thanks!

I'm sure I'll be back in the summer when I have Calculus. :eek:
  • #4
what did you get?
  • #5
My apologies for the belated reply. I found help from a friend, who suggested I substitute x for (1+Y)^-n. From there, it's a simple matter of using the substitution method on the two equations, and since all I need is the solution to Y, it's not necessary to solve for -n.

The answer turned out to be 7.18% for the yield rate.

FAQ: Find the Yield Rate of Two Bonds with Same Maturity & Coupon Rate

1. How do I calculate the yield rate of two bonds with the same maturity and coupon rate?

To calculate the yield rate of two bonds with the same maturity and coupon rate, you will need to use a financial calculator or a spreadsheet. First, determine the present value of each bond by discounting its future cash flows at the coupon rate. Then, use the present values to calculate the yield rate using the yield to maturity formula. Finally, compare the two yield rates to determine which bond has a higher yield rate.

2. What is the significance of finding the yield rate of two bonds with the same maturity and coupon rate?

Finding the yield rate of two bonds with the same maturity and coupon rate allows investors to compare the returns of different bonds and make informed investment decisions. It also helps to identify which bond offers a higher yield, indicating a potentially better return on investment.

3. Can the yield rate of two bonds with the same maturity and coupon rate ever be equal?

Yes, it is possible for the yield rate of two bonds with the same maturity and coupon rate to be equal. This would happen if the present values of the two bonds are also equal. However, it is more common for the yield rates to differ, as the present values of two bonds are unlikely to be exactly the same.

4. What factors can affect the yield rate of two bonds with the same maturity and coupon rate?

The yield rate of two bonds with the same maturity and coupon rate can be affected by various factors such as credit rating, market conditions, and interest rates. Bonds with a higher credit rating tend to have lower yield rates as they are considered less risky. Market conditions and interest rates can also impact the demand for bonds, which can affect their yield rates.

5. Is the yield rate the only factor to consider when comparing two bonds with the same maturity and coupon rate?

No, the yield rate is not the only factor to consider when comparing two bonds with the same maturity and coupon rate. Other factors such as credit rating, duration, and liquidity should also be taken into account. It is important to evaluate all aspects of a bond before making an investment decision.
