Find Time Domain Expression for Electric Field e(r,t) of Uniform Plane Wave

In summary, the problem is to find the time-domain expressions for the electric field (e(r,t)) and magnetic field (h(r,t)) of a uniform plane wave with amplitude Eo and frequency f=1 GHz propagating in free space. The wave is propagating in the yz plane at 30 degrees from the +y-axis and 60 degrees from the -z axis, and is linearly polarized in the x-direction. The solution involves determining the wave vector (k) and the direction of polarization (E) in order to express the fields in terms of their magnitudes, position vectors, and time.
  • #1
1. Problem Statement
Write time-domain expression for electric field e(r,t) of unifrom plane wave with amplitude Eo and frequency f= 1 GHz propagating in free space. The plane wave is propagating in yz plane, 30 degrees from the +y-axis, and 60 degress from -z axis. It is linearly polarized in the x-direction. Find the corresponding h(r,t) field as well.

2. The attempt at a solution
If e(r,t) = Re{E(r)exp(iwt)},
where r = x ax + y ay + z az
and w = 2 * pi * f
and k = k [cos(theta)*az + sin(theta)*ay]

Since this vector in the yz-plane is 30,60,90.
Shouldn't r be : r = sqrt(3)*ay + az

Then do dot product of r and k to get the exponential of e(r,t)

Is this way off base, i think I'm getting confused with k and r, because of the propagation direction versus the polarization direction.

If someone could help me understand this a bit better, i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
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  • #2
Yeah, vector waves can be a bit tricky at first.

The direction of the wavevector k is the direction of propagation. This is given to you (in the yz plane at such and such angle...) A unit vector in this direction would be:

[tex]\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} \mathbf{a}_y - \frac{1}{2}\mathbf{a}_z[/tex]


[tex]\mathbf{k} = k(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} \mathbf{a}_y - \frac{1}{2}\mathbf{a}_z)[/tex]

where [itex] k = |\mathbf{k}| [/itex]

Since you know f, you know [itex] \omega [/itex]. Furthermore, since you know that the wave propagates in free space, you can determine k (the wavenumber) from [itex] \omega [/itex]

The direction of E is the direction of polarization (i.e. the polarization is just the direction in which the electric field vector points). Note that the magnitude of the electric field vector actually osciallates in time and in space, so that when we say that E has a given polarization direction, what we mean is that it oscillates from a maximum in that direction, down to zero, and then to a maximum in the negative of that direction (i.e. in the opposite direction or antiparallel) and then back again. This is what is meant by linear polarization. In this case, the direction is given (it's the x-direction):

[tex] \mathbf{E}(\mathbf{r}, t) = \mathbf{a}_x E_0 e^{i \mathbf{k} \cdot \mathbf{r} - \omega t} [/tex]

One final note: r is a variable: r = xax + yay + zaz in Cartesian coordinates (it's just the position vector). E is a function of r and t, i.e. the magnitude of the electric field vector depends on where and when you look.
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FAQ: Find Time Domain Expression for Electric Field e(r,t) of Uniform Plane Wave

1. What is a uniform plane wave?

A uniform plane wave is a type of electromagnetic wave that has a constant amplitude and direction of propagation. This means that the electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of wave propagation. It is also characterized by a constant frequency and wavelength.

2. How do you calculate the time domain expression for the electric field of a uniform plane wave?

The time domain expression for the electric field of a uniform plane wave can be calculated using the general expression for an electromagnetic wave, which is E(r,t) = E0cos(k•r-ωt+ϕ), where E0 is the amplitude, k is the wave vector, ω is the angular frequency, r is the position vector, t is time, and ϕ is the phase angle.

3. What is the significance of the phase angle in the time domain expression for the electric field?

The phase angle, ϕ, represents the initial phase of the electric field at the origin and is determined by the source of the wave. It determines the position of the wave in its cycle and can affect the interference pattern when multiple waves are present.

4. How does the time domain expression for the electric field change with distance from the source?

The time domain expression for the electric field remains constant with distance from the source in a uniform plane wave. This is because the wave is propagating in a constant direction with a constant amplitude, frequency, and wavelength.

5. What is the relationship between the time domain expression and the frequency domain expression for the electric field of a uniform plane wave?

The time domain expression and the frequency domain expression for the electric field of a uniform plane wave are related by a Fourier transform. The frequency domain expression, also known as the spectrum, shows the amplitude of the wave at different frequencies, while the time domain expression shows the amplitude at different times.
