Find Time t_0 for a Beam to Not Catch Up with Earth

Therefore, after a certain amount of time, the moving observer will reach the speed of light and cannot accelerate any further. This means that the beam of light emitted after that time will never catch up to the moving observer, no matter how much time passes for the stationary observer. In summary, the question is asking for the point in time when a beam of light emitted from Earth will never catch up to an object accelerating with uniform acceleration away from Earth. This point in time is c/a, where c is the speed of light and a is the acceleration of the moving object relative to the stationary observer. This is because the moving object will reach the speed of light after this amount of time and cannot accelerate any further, causing the beam of light to
  • #1

Homework Statement

You start at t=0 at rest on Earth and accelerate with uniform acceleration a away form earth.
Find a point in time [itex]t_0[/itex] such that when a beam emitted from Earth at [itex]t>t_0 [/itex]won't catch up.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I think that light travel with velocity c. So if the beam is emitted at [itex]t=t_1[/itex] then at time t, the beam have traveled [itex] c(t-t_1) [/itex]. So I try to find the solution for [itex]x(t)=c(t-t_1)[/itex], and I end up with the following expression for [itex]t[/itex]:
[itex]t=\frac{a}{2c}\frac{t_1(2-a/c t_1)}{(a/c - a^2/c^2 t_1)}[/itex]

According to this the time would be negatic in the intervall [itex]t_1=c/a[/itex] and [itex]t_1=2c/a[/itex] So I think in this intevall the beam won't be able to catch up, but after [itex]t_1=2c/a[/itex] the time becomes positive again, which I don't know how to interpret.
Am I approaching this problem the wrong way?
Physics news on
  • #2
Think about it this way: will you ever accelerate to a speed greater than that of light? If not, how can you possibly outrun light?
  • #3
Well it is problem 3.9 in D'inverno Introducing Einsteins relativity. I agree that it seem impossible but the problem statement is that if you get a large enough headstart the light won't catch up.
  • #4
What assumptions are you supposed to make?
  • #5
  • #6
You should be able to show that your world line is a hyperbola. Find its asymptotes.
  • #7
zardiac said:
[itex]t=\frac{a}{2c}\frac{t_1(2-a/c t_1)}{(a/c - a^2/c^2 t_1)}[/itex]

Note t approaches ∞ as the denominator on the right approaches 0.
  • #8
Let's say you keep uniform acceleration a, relative to the stationary observer. After c/a time you will be moving at the speed of light. To keep uniform acceleration you need infinite amount of energy. I think the answer is c/a, just the problem is that you can't keep uniform acceleration.
  • #10
Myslius said:
Let's say you keep uniform acceleration a, relative to the stationary observer. After c/a time you will be moving at the speed of light. To keep uniform acceleration you need infinite amount of energy. I think the answer is c/a, just the problem is that you can't keep uniform acceleration.
You've misinterpreted the problem. The acceleration is uniform relative to the moving observer. As you noted, you can't have a uniform acceleration relative to the stationary observer indefinitely.

FAQ: Find Time t_0 for a Beam to Not Catch Up with Earth

1. How is "time t_0" determined in this scenario?

Time t_0 is determined by the relative velocities of the beam and the Earth. It is the amount of time it takes for the beam to travel a certain distance while the Earth continues to move away from it.

2. Why is it important to find time t_0 for a beam to not catch up with Earth?

It is important to find time t_0 in order to understand the relative motion between the beam and the Earth. This can help in predicting the behavior of objects in space and can also have practical applications in fields like astronomy and astrophysics.

3. How can time t_0 be calculated?

Time t_0 can be calculated using the formula t_0 = d/v, where d is the distance between the beam and the Earth and v is the relative velocity between the two. This can also be calculated using advanced mathematical models and simulations.

4. What factors can affect time t_0 for a beam to not catch up with Earth?

The main factor that affects time t_0 is the relative velocity between the beam and the Earth. Other factors that can have an impact include the mass and size of the objects, as well as any external forces acting on them.

5. Can time t_0 ever be zero?

No, time t_0 can never be zero. This is because in order for the beam to not catch up with the Earth, it needs to travel a certain distance which takes a certain amount of time. However, time t_0 can approach zero if the relative velocity between the beam and the Earth is extremely high.
