Find Trip Time and Min Distance in a Pendulum Motion

  • Thread starter williamluffy
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In summary, the total trip time for an airplane flying from point A to B and back, with a constant airspeed V and a steady wind with speed v, can be expressed as 2L/(V+v). The presence of a wind always increases the trip time, regardless of its direction. For the pendulum problem, the minimum distance d in terms of L can be found such that the mass will swing completely around in a circle. For the question about the airspeed, it refers to the speed of the plane relative to the wind. The wind force cannot be disregarded since it affects the overall trip time.
  • #1
1. an airplanes flies a straight course form A to B and back again. the distance between A and B is L and the airplane mantains a constant airspeed V. there is a steady wind with a speed v.
a. find an expression. for the total trip time for an arbitrary wind direction. Notice that the trip time is always increased by the presence of a wind in any direction.

2. a pendulum of mass m and length L is released from rest in a horizontal position. a nail a distance d below the pivot causes the mass to move along the path indicated by the dotted line. find the minimum distance d in terms of L such that the mass will swing completely round in the circle.
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  • #2
for Q1. shouldn't the trips equation just be (2L)x(V)?
if its an up and back trip, the wind force shouldn't be worried about, because you will gain the same time for you trip back that you lost for your trip there, or vice versa
  • #3
09jk said:
for Q1. shouldn't the trips equation just be (2L)x(V)?
if its an up and back trip, the wind force shouldn't be worried about, because you will gain the same time for you trip back that you lost for your trip there, or vice versa

That is actually incorrect, you don't gain the time back.

About the question though, when you say there is a constant airspeed, is that the speed of the plane relative to the wind or to the observer (its actual velocity)?

FAQ: Find Trip Time and Min Distance in a Pendulum Motion

1. How does a pendulum motion work?

A pendulum motion is a repetitive back-and-forth movement that occurs when an object, such as a weight or bob, is suspended from a fixed point and allowed to swing freely. The motion is a result of the force of gravity pulling the object towards its resting position, causing it to oscillate back and forth.

2. What factors affect the time and distance of a pendulum's swing?

The time and distance of a pendulum's swing are affected by a few key factors. These include the length of the pendulum, the angle at which it is released, and the strength of gravity. In addition, air resistance and friction can also have an impact on the pendulum's movement.

3. How do you calculate the time of a pendulum swing?

The time of a pendulum swing can be calculated using the equation T = 2π√(L/g), where T is the time in seconds, π is pi (approximately 3.14), L is the length of the pendulum in meters, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2 on Earth). This equation assumes that the angle of release is small (less than 15 degrees).

4. What is the minimum distance a pendulum can travel?

The minimum distance a pendulum can travel is equal to the length of the pendulum. This is because the pendulum's bob will always swing back and forth between its lowest point (at rest) and its highest point (at the end of its swing). Therefore, the minimum distance traveled is the length of the pendulum, and the maximum distance traveled is twice the length of the pendulum.

5. How can pendulums be used to measure time?

Pendulums have been used as timekeeping devices for centuries, and they are still used today in clocks and watches. The regular and predictable nature of a pendulum's swing makes it an accurate way to measure time. By counting the number of swings in a given period, the time can be determined using the equation T = n/f, where n is the number of swings and f is the frequency of the pendulum (1/T).
