Find unknown vector X if these relations hold true

In summary, the conversation discusses how to express an unknown vector X in terms of β, b, and c, given the relations X · b = β and X × b = c. The suggested approach is to represent X as the sum of two vectors, P and Q, with P being the component of X in the same direction as b. To find Q, the vector (b x c) is used as it lies in the same plane as X and b. The formula for X · (b x c) can be used to express the projection in terms of X, b, and c.
  • #1
Member warned about posting a problem with no effort shown

Homework Statement

If an unknown vector X satisfies the relation
X · b = β
X × b = c
express X in terms of β, b, and c.

Homework Equations

X · b = |X||b|cos(θ)
X × b = |X||b|sin(θ)

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't know where to start... :( someone pls give me a hint
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  • #2
Purcolator said:

Homework Equations

X · b = |X||b|cos(θ)
X × b = |X||b|sin(θ)

For the cross product, you need notation to say "the magnitude of " [itex] | X \times b | = ...[/itex]

One approach to this problem would be to represent the vectors in their 3 components (e.g. [itex] (X_x,X_y,X_z) [/itex]) but I think that would be a big mess.

Another approach is to assume that "express [itex] X [/itex] in terms of [itex] \beta,b,c [/itex] can be fulfilled by a treating those quantities as single symbols. With that approach we can write [itex] X = P + Q [/itex] with [itex] P, Q [/itex] vectors as long as they are expressed in terms of the symbols [itex] \beta, b, c [/itex]. Begin by letting [itex] P [/itex] be the component of [itex] X [/itex] that in in the same direction as vector [itex] b [/itex]. The direction of [itex] b [/itex] is expressed as the unit vector [itex] \frac{b}{|b|} [/itex]. Can you find the component of [itex] X [/itex] in that direction? Perhaps you have studied how to "project" a vector onto another vector.

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  • #3
OK that makes sense! so I'm guessing Q would be the projection of X onto c? However I'm stuck from here because i cannot express that projection in terms of correct variables (don't know A dot C)... am i wrong?
  • #4
Purcolator said:
OK that makes sense! so I'm guessing Q would be the projection of X onto c?
It wouldn't be the projection on c because c is perpendicular to the plane of X and b. To get something in the same plane as X and b, try the vector (b x c).
  • #5
isn't (b x c) = X?
  • #6
Purcolator said:
isn't (b x c) = X?

Suppose b = the unit x vector and X = (1,1,0). Then X x b = c has the direction of (-1) times the unit z vector. And b x c has the direction of the unit y vector.
  • #7
OK that makes sense... but how would i express X dot (B x C) when i am formulating the projection? I'm trying to take X out... :/
  • #8
Purcolator said:
OK that makes sense... but how would i express X dot (B x C) when i am formulating the projection? I'm trying to take X out... :/

My guess is that you'll have to use one of the formulas that expresses X dot (b x c) in a different way. ( perhaps the signed volume of a parallelopiped formula in ) See if there is an expression that uses X x b or b x X since you can replace those expressions with c or -c. Don't forget that projecting X on a vector V involves dividing (X dot V) by |V|.
  • #9
Thanks so much. i finally got the answer... I appreciate you tremendously!

FAQ: Find unknown vector X if these relations hold true

1. How do I find the unknown vector X if certain relations are given?

To find the unknown vector X, you can use a system of equations where the given relations are represented as equations. Then, you can solve for the values of X using algebraic manipulation.

2. Can I use a calculator to find the unknown vector X?

Yes, you can use a calculator to solve for the unknown vector X if the given relations are represented as equations. However, it is important to show your work and not solely rely on the calculator's answer.

3. Are there any specific methods or techniques for finding the unknown vector X?

Yes, there are various methods for finding the unknown vector X, such as using Gaussian elimination, substitution, or Cramer's rule. The best method to use may depend on the given relations and personal preference.

4. What should I do if there are more than one unknown vector in the given relations?

If there are multiple unknown vectors in the given relations, you can use the same techniques as mentioned before, but you will need to solve for each unknown vector separately. This may require using multiple equations to create a system that can be solved.

5. Can I find the unknown vector X if there are only two given relations?

Yes, you can still find the unknown vector X if there are only two given relations. However, you will need to have at least two equations to create a solvable system. If there is only one equation, there will not be enough information to solve for the unknown vector X.

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