Find x for Differentiability of |x2-4x+3|

In summary: Taking the derivative of the given function, using the definition of absolute value, we get f'(x)= (2x- 4) for x< 1, f'(x)= -(2x- 4) for 1< x< 3, and f'(x)= (2x- 4) for x> 3. In order for those to be continuous at x= 1 and x= 3, we must have -2= 2(1)- 4= -(2(1)- 4)= 2(3)- 4, which is not true. So the function is not differentiable at x= 1 and x= 3. So, in
  • #1
Hello all,

I wish the find the values of x for which the following function is differentiable:

\[\left | x^{2}-4x+3 \right |\]

I got the point that the function is continuous apart from x=1,3.

I need to find if it is differentiable at x=1,3, using the limit definition of the derivative. I am not sure how. Can you assist please ?

Thank you in advance.
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  • #2
Yankel said:
Hello all,

I wish the find the values of x for which the following function is differentiable:

\[\left | x^{2}-4x+3 \right |\]

I got the point that the function is continuous apart from x=1,3.

I need to find if it is differentiable at x=1,3, using the limit definition of the derivative. I am not sure how. Can you assist please ?

Thank you in advance.

The function is continuous everywhere...

The only points where the function isn't differentiable is where the derivatives are not continuous.

I would start by writing the function in its hybrid function form, and then taking the derivatives, and testing the limit of the derivatives.
  • #3
Yankel said:
Hello all,

I wish the find the values of x for which the following function is differentiable:

\[\left | x^{2}-4x+3 \right |\]

I got the point that the function is continuous apart from x=1,3.

I need to find if it is differentiable at x=1,3, using the limit definition of the derivative. I am not sure how. Can you assist please ?

Thank you in advance.

Let's start with




Simplify and take the limit:


If you're allowed to apply the chain rule then


else you've got some tedious algebra if you choose the method I outlined above.
  • #4
As $f(x)=(x-1)(x-3)$ and according with the sign of $f(x)$ we can write $$f(x)=\begin{cases}{x^2-4x+3}&\text{if}& x\le1\\-\left(x^2-4x+3\right) & \text{if}& 1<x<3\\x^2-4x+3 & \text{if}& x\ge 3\end{cases}$$ For every $x\in \mathbb{R}\setminus\{1,3\}$ there is neighborhood $V$ of $x$ such that $f:V\to \mathbb{R}$ is a polynomical function, so $f$ is differentiable at $x.$ For $x=1$: $$f_-^{\prime}(1)=\lim_{h\to 0^-}\frac{f(1+h)-f(1)}{h}=\lim_{h\to 0^-}\frac{[(1+h)^2-4(1+h)+3]-0}{h}$$ $$=\lim_{h\to 0^-}\frac{h^2-2h}{h}=\lim_{h\to 0^-}(h-2)=-2.$$ $$f_+^{\prime}(1)=\lim_{h\to 0^+}\frac{f(1+h)-f(1)}{h}=\lim_{h\to 0^+}\frac{-[(1+h)^2-4(1+h)+3]-0}{h}$$ $$=\lim_{h\to 0^+}\frac{-h^2+2h}{h}=\lim_{h\to 0^+}(-h+2)=2.$$ We have $f_+^{\prime}(1)\ne f_-^{\prime}(1)$, so $f$ is not differentiable at $x=1.$ Same arguments for $x=3$.
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  • #5
Thank you all.

Fernando, your explanation is very clear. I just have one small question. Why when you take 1 from the left, h goes to 0- and when you take 1 from the right h goes to 0+ ?
  • #6
Yankel said:
Thank you all. Fernando, your explanation is very clear. I just have one small question. Why when you take 1 from the left, h goes to 0- and when you take 1 from the right h goes to 0+ ?

The symbol $h\to 0^+$ means $h\to 0$ when $h>0.$ When whe find $f_+^{\prime}(1)$, whe consider the function only to the right of $1,$ that is $1+h>1.$

Simmetrically, the symbol $h\to 0^-$ means $h\to 0$ when $h<0.$ When whe find $f_-^{\prime}(1)$, whe consider the function only to the left of $1,$ that is $1+h<1.$
  • #7
Prove It said:
The function is continuous everywhere...

The only points where the function isn't differentiable is where the derivatives are not continuous.
This is not true. The derivative of a function is not necessarily continuous so it is not true that "the function isn't differentiable is where the derivatives are not continuous". For example, the function f(x)= xsin(1/x) for x not 0, f(0)= 0
is differentiable for all x but its derivative, f'(x)= sin(1/x)- (1/x^2)cos(1/x) if x is not 0, f'(0)= 0, is not continuous at x= 0
I would start by writing the function in its hybrid function form, and then taking the derivatives, and testing the limit of the derivatives.
Still, good advice.

Related to Find x for Differentiability of |x2-4x+3|

1. What is the definition of differentiability?

Differentiability is a mathematical concept that refers to the smoothness of a function. A function is considered differentiable at a point if it has a well-defined tangent line at that point. This means that as we zoom in on the graph of the function at that point, it appears to be a straight line.

2. How do you determine if a function is differentiable at a given point?

In order for a function to be differentiable at a point, it must be both continuous and have a well-defined tangent line at that point. This means that the function must exist and be smooth (without any sharp turns or corners) at that point. To check for differentiability, we can use the limit definition of the derivative to see if the function has a well-defined slope at that point.

3. What is the process for finding x for differentiability of |x2-4x+3|?

To find x for differentiability of |x2-4x+3|, we can follow these steps:
1. Take the derivative of the absolute value function, which is equal to the original function with the negative sign removed. In this case, the derivative is |2x-4|.
2. Set the derivative equal to zero and solve for x. In this case, we have 2x-4=0, so x=2.
3. Plug the value of x back into the original function to check if it is differentiable at that point. If the value of the derivative at x=2 is not defined (e.g. 0/0), then the function is not differentiable at x=2.

4. Can a function be differentiable at a point where it is not continuous?

No, a function cannot be differentiable at a point where it is not continuous. As mentioned earlier, a function must be both continuous and have a well-defined tangent line at a point in order to be differentiable there. Therefore, if a function is not continuous at a point, it cannot have a well-defined tangent line and is therefore not differentiable at that point.

5. Are there any other ways to determine differentiability besides using the limit definition of the derivative?

Yes, there are other ways to determine differentiability besides using the limit definition of the derivative. For example, we can also use the differentiability criteria, which states that if a function is differentiable at a point, then it must also be continuous at that point. Additionally, we can use the differentiability theorem, which states that if a function is continuous and has a derivative at every point in an interval, then it is differentiable on that interval.

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