Finding a Good RPG/Adventure Game

  • Thread starter Hurkyl
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In summary, I'm looking for a good role playing game, preferably for PS/PS2 or Gamecube, but I'm not entirely adverse to getting a gameboy. I'm open to trying any of the recommendations provided.
  • #36
'Dark Chronicles' or whatever it's called in the US is probably the best Japanese-style RPG for the PS2, also Summoner and Summoner II are pretty good RPG games with hack-and-slash style combat.
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  • #37
Evo said:
Oooh, I got to play World of Warcraft last night! I want it! I made my first kill, but it was a harmless chicken. I didn't know it was a harmless chicken. :frown:

I looked really great dancing. :blushing:

This is really different from some of the other games I've seen.

WOW is an excellent game, but you really need a lot of time to play it. I was forced to stop playing it last semester because It starting taking up way too much of my time. It's not quite as time consuming as some of the other MMORPGS (Final Fantasy XI, EQ 2) but in my opinion they should all be controlled substances. :frown:
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  • #38
Rick21383 said:
WOW is an excellent game, but you really need a lot of time to play it. I was forced to stop playing it last semester because It starting taking up way too much of my time. It's not quite as time consuming as some of the other MMORPGS (Final Fantasy XI, EQ 2) but in my opinion they should all be controlled substances. :frown:
I can see why it's so addicting.

I just found out that my other daughter's ex-boyfriend's entire family plays it. Him, his mother, father, sister, and aunt. In his house, they each have their own computer and they get on together to do quests, they even bought walkie talkies so that they can communicate with each other while on the quests. :bugeye:

I would just enjoy flying back and forth between cities. That was fun. :redface:
  • #39
I played the X-Men Legends game with a friend not that long ago. It has RPG elements to it but the battles are hack and slash style and you're completely restrained to a particular story line. The number of characters available to play is great as well as the number of characters that show up in the game in general. They also do a very good job with the characters powers. Iceman can throw ice shards, freeze people, and skate on his ice bridges. The character I played most was Storm. She can fly, throw lightning bolts, and create small tornados. Jean Grey actually has telekinesis which you can use to pick up people and things and throw them. Rogue is in there and is actually capable of stealing other characters powers for brief moments.
As you play the game you gain experience so you can purchase the powers and upgrade them as well as their other abilities.
It's not a great game but the controlability, for superheros with superpowers, was definitely very good.

I have heard of a MMORPG called City of Heros which is supposed to be really good. I suppose that it's quite a lot like EQ except that it has super heros and is set in a modern city. They have or are supposed to come out with a supliment called City of Villians so that you can make super villian characters aswell.
  • #40
Smurf said:
I actually tried the new Bard's Tale by inXile recently, it's a bit slow, but it's got a great atmosphere and is completely hysterical.

I read pretty good reviews of this game on Amazon and I was thinking about picking up a copy. I played all of the old Bard's Tale games back in the 286/Apple 2e days and I absolutely loved them.

It seems that nowadays, I'm stuck in the stone ages when it comes to video games. Fewer and fewer games seem to be tailored to the PC, and the RPG games that are are primarily the MMORPG's, like Everquest. It's not that these games aren't fun. I played Everquest and it's many expansions for several years. It's just that they're too addictive and too time-consuming for me to ever want to get into again.
  • #41
Grogs said:
I read pretty good reviews of this game on Amazon and I was thinking about picking up a copy. I played all of the old Bard's Tale games back in the 286/Apple 2e days and I absolutely loved them.

Did you ever play Dragon Wars? It was kind of a Bard's Tale IV.

Bard's Tale II was the highlight for me - I remember painstakingly mapping out each dungeon on graph paper, and solving all of the riddles and puzzles on my own, some of which were kind of tricky. And I felt a real sense of accomplishment after I finished it. Nowadays, I just don't have the time to spend hours or days on a single puzzle - so I go to unfortunately.

BT I - I was kind of clueless back then, and I think I looked things up in a hint book or bulletin board, otherwise I would never have even figured out the first dungeon. BTIII wasn't all that difficult, and had automapping.

I just discovered this site:

and I've been downloading some Apple IIe games from my youth and playing them on an emulator on my PC.
  • #42
juvenal said:
Did you ever play Dragon Wars? It was kind of a Bard's Tale IV.

Bard's Tale II was the highlight for me - I remember painstakingly mapping out each dungeon on graph paper, and solving all of the riddles and puzzles on my own, some of which were kind of tricky. And I felt a real sense of accomplishment after I finished it. Nowadays, I just don't have the time to spend hours or days on a single puzzle - so I go to unfortunately.

BT I - I was kind of clueless back then, and I think I looked things up in a hint book or bulletin board, otherwise I would never have even figured out the first dungeon. BTIII wasn't all that difficult, and had automapping.

I just discovered this site:

and I've been downloading some Apple IIe games from my youth and playing them on an emulator on my PC.

I never played Dragon Wars. I played Bard's Tale 1&2&(maybe)3. I have a hard time remembering exactly, since it was at least 15, and maybe as much as 20 years ago when I played those games.

You're right on the money about being clueless, though. That was probably what made the game so much fun. There wasn't much of an internet to speak of back in those days and I didn't even own a modem. The only place I could go for hints was my friend Marc who also played the game. We'd get together every few days and talk about places we had visited and compare notes. While doing all the mapping yourself was tedious (each level was 16x16 IIRC), it really made you feel like you were exploring the place for the first time. My favorite spot of all time (and everyone's I think) had to be the room with 99+99+99+99 Berserkers. It was the original 'power-levelling' spot, long before the days of MMORPG's.

While I haven't come across virtual apple, I do have a copy of Dosbox loaded on my computer. It allows you to tourn your Win 9x/2000/XP machine into an old Dos machine. Until I installed it, I thought some of my all-time favorites like Might and Magic 4&5 and X-Com were gone forever.

Probably my 'most-wanted' RPG nowadays would be Wasteland. I used to love that game on my old 2e, and in fact I still have the disks, but since I don't have a 5-1/4" drive anymore, they're pretty useless. It's follow-ons, Fallout & Fallout 2 deserve the title of 'RPG Legends.'
  • #43
Star Ocean
  • #44
Grogs said:
Probably my 'most-wanted' RPG nowadays would be Wasteland. I used to love that game on my old 2e, and in fact I still have the disks, but since I don't have a 5-1/4" drive anymore, they're pretty useless. It's follow-ons, Fallout & Fallout 2 deserve the title of 'RPG Legends.'

Hey - Virtual Apple has Wasteland for download too:

The Wasteland, Fallout, and Fallout II games were a lot of fun.

I also remember that beserker room from BT I.

My friends were largely dumbasses, unfortunately, and I was mostly on my own in trying to solve games.

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