Finding All Automorphisms of Group

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  • Thread starter jstrunk
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In summary, the conversation revolved around the topic of finding all automorphisms of a group, which can be a difficult problem in general. The procedure outlined involved picking a generating set of the group, mapping the identity to itself, and then mapping the generating set to another set of the same order. The homomorphism requirement was also mentioned, with questions about whether every distinct mapping results in a distinct automorphism and whether it is sufficient to just find a value for all elements of the group. The concept of inner automorphisms and their relation to the group's center was also brought up, along with the possibility of using Lie groups to calculate automorphisms.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Finding All Automorphisms of Group
I am very confused about how to find all the automorphisms of a group.
The book I am using is very vague and the exercises don't show any solutions.
I get how to do it for cyclic groups but not the general case.

I will outline what I know of the procedure and insert my questions into it.
To find all automorphisms X:G to G:
a) Pick a generating set S of G
b) Map the identity to the identity
c) Map S to some generating set of G (ie., S itself or one of the other generating sets).
Each element of S must be mapped to an element of the same order.
Question 1: Or do you map each element of S to some element of the same order, without regard to whether it is an element of a
generating set?
d) Apply the homomorphism requirement X(gh)=X(g)X(h) to find the other values X(g) for all g element of G.
Question 2: Do you necessarily get a distinct automorphism for every such distinct mapping?
e) Repeat steps b, c, and d for each generating set (or set of elements of the same order, depending of the answer to Q1).
Question 3: When applying the homomorphism requirement, is it sufficient to find a value X(g) for all g element of G, or do you have
to check that X(gh)=X(g)X(h) for every combination of g,h elements of G to make sure that it is really a valid homomorphism?

Question 4: Is there somewhere online that this subject is explained clearly in an introductory manner?
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  • #2
Computing all automorphisms of a group seems to be a difficult problem in general, and so I oresume thyere is no procedure for doing so. One class of group automorphisms for non abelian groups are the "inner automorphisms" obtained by conjugating by elements of the group. These give a normal subgroup of the group of automorphisms which is isomorphic to the group itself, modded out by its center. Even for finite p-groups, according to wikipedia, it is unknown whether there is always an automorphism of order p.
  • #3
There should be a way for Lie groups: Calculate the Lie algebra, determine all derivations, which means solving a linear equation system, and see what the Lie group of the derivations is.

Inner automorphisms should be not too difficult, depending how the group is defined. Outer automorphisms sounds difficult to impossible in a reasonable time in general.

FAQ: Finding All Automorphisms of Group

What is an automorphism of a group?

An automorphism of a group is an isomorphism from the group to itself. This means that it is a function that preserves the group structure, such as the operation and identity element.

Why is finding all automorphisms of a group important?

Knowing all the automorphisms of a group can help us better understand the structure and properties of the group. It can also be useful in solving problems and proving theorems in group theory.

How do you find all automorphisms of a group?

To find all automorphisms of a group, you can start by looking at the elements of the group and how they are mapped to each other under different functions. You can also use known properties and theorems about automorphisms to help narrow down the possibilities.

What is the difference between an inner automorphism and an outer automorphism?

An inner automorphism is an automorphism that is defined by conjugation by a specific element in the group. On the other hand, an outer automorphism is an automorphism that cannot be defined by conjugation and is usually found in non-abelian groups.

Are all groups guaranteed to have automorphisms?

No, not all groups have automorphisms. For example, the trivial group, which only contains the identity element, does not have any non-trivial automorphisms. However, most non-trivial groups do have automorphisms.

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