Finding Balancing Point Between Earth and Sun

In summary, the task was to find the point between Earth and the Sun where the net gravitational force exerted by both objects on an object placed there would be zero. Using Newton's law of gravitation, the attempt at a solution involved setting the force exerted by the Sun at a distance x equal to the force exerted by Earth at a distance (d-x). The result was 1.49x10^11m, which may seem too close to the full distance between Earth and the Sun, but considering the massive difference in mass between the two objects, it makes sense that the object would have to travel a significant distance away from Earth before the Sun's gravity dominates.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the point between Earth and the Sun at which an object an be placed so that the net gravitatinal force exerted by Earth an the sun on this object is zero.

Me=5.98 x 10^24kg
Ms=2 x 10^30kg
Distance from sun to earth= 1.5 x10^11m

Homework Equations

F=Gm1m2/r^2 --> not sure if this is right?

The Attempt at a Solution

So I tried to manipulate the situation and thought I could do:
When x equals the distance from the sun.

(G(Ms)) / x^2 = (G(Me))/ (d-x)^2

When I plugged in the numbers though I got 1.49x10^11m as my answer. I don't feel like this is right because it's pretty much the full distance between them. Is this not the way to do it, and if not how do I go about doig this problem?
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  • #2

Newton's law of gravitation is certainly right ;-)

Your method looks fine to me. Think about it intuitively. The sun is ridiculously huge, right? In fact, the sun is SO much more massive than anything else in the solar system, that it plays a dominant role over all of the gravitational interactions that occur. In this case, that means that your object has to be MOST of the way along the distance from the sun to the Earth before Earth's gravity starts to dominate. I mean, I think you can see from your numbers exactly how this result came about. The sun is more massive by six orders of magnitude (a factor of a million!)

Keep in mind also that the distance of the object from the Earth (1.5 - 1.49 hundred billion) is nothing to sneeze at (in human terms).

0.01 x 10^11 m = 10^9 m = 10^6 km

So out of the 150 million kilometres distance from here to the sun, the object has to travel a million kilometres away from Earth before the sun's gravity begins to dominate. That may only be a fraction of the distance to the sun, but it's still a million kilometres.
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  • #3

When you explain it like that then my answer makes more sense. Thanks so much though for clearing that all up!

FAQ: Finding Balancing Point Between Earth and Sun

1. How do we determine the balancing point between Earth and Sun?

The balancing point between Earth and Sun is determined by the gravitational pull of both objects. It is located at the center of mass between the two bodies, also known as the barycenter. This point is constantly changing as both the Earth and Sun are in motion.

2. Why is it important to find the balancing point between Earth and Sun?

Knowing the balancing point between Earth and Sun is important for understanding the dynamics of our solar system. It helps us predict the motion of the Earth and other planets, and also plays a role in calculating the effects of gravitational forces on our planet.

3. How does the distance between Earth and Sun affect the balancing point?

The distance between Earth and Sun has a direct impact on the balancing point. The closer the two bodies are to each other, the closer the balancing point will be to the Sun. This is because the gravitational pull of the Sun is stronger on objects that are closer to it.

4. Is the balancing point between Earth and Sun always in the same place?

No, the balancing point between Earth and Sun is not always in the same place. It is constantly changing as both objects are in motion. The Earth orbits the Sun in an elliptical path, causing the balancing point to shift over time.

5. How does the balancing point between Earth and Sun affect the seasons?

The balancing point between Earth and Sun does not directly affect the seasons. The tilt of the Earth's axis is what causes the change in seasons. However, the Earth's distance from the Sun at different points in its orbit can indirectly affect the amount of sunlight and heat received, contributing to the seasonal changes.
