Finding band origin of electronic transition and wavenumber of vibrational mode

In summary, the first vibrational band in the absorption spectrum of H2CO is at 28871 cm-1. The first two bands in the emission spectrum (from v'=0 level) lie at 27021 cm-1 and 24687 cm-1.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The first vibrational band in the absorption spectrum of H2CO is at 28871 cm-1. The first two bands in the emission spectrum (from v'=0 level) lie at 27021 cm-1 and 24687 cm-1.

Explain these observations. Determine the band origin of the electronic transition and the wavenumber of the vibrational mode in the excited electronic state that is responsible for the vibronically induced intensity.

The vibrational numbers of H2CO in its ground electronic state are:
v1=2766 cm-1 (A1)
v2=1746 cm-1 (A1)
v3=1501 cm-1 (A1)
v4=1167 cm-1 (B1)
v5=2843 cm-1 (B2)
v6=1251 cm-1 (B2)

Homework Equations

G(v)=we (v +1/2) - wexe (v + 1/2)2

The Attempt at a Solution

From ground state A1 the molecule is excited to A2 (absorption) it then rapidly relaxes to v=0 of A2. The emission spectrum is from this level.

I do not know where to begin with the band origin or how to find the vibrational mode wavenumber.

Any help greatly appreciated.
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  • #2

(1) This is a fairly tricky problem. I am presuming that you are in an honours stream. (It is not an exercise that I would have felt free to set for my undergraduate students). However, although tricky, it is not hard.

(2) There are several quite different and quite valid ways to approach it: here is a start on just 3 of them:

a) Think about the electronic structure of formaldehyde. What electronic structure, and more particularly, which of the symmetry representations, would you expect to be associated with its first excited state? What implications does that have for the observed vibrational structure of the spectrum?

b) The two observed emission bands relate to a single excited vibronic state going to two different vibrational levels of the ground electronic state. Can you relate the energy difference between them to any of the fundamental vibrational frequencies for the ground state that you were given?

c)Although there are six different vibrational modes in the molecule, and transitions in every one of the six would be symmetry allowed in the pure vibrational (infrared) spectrum, the electronic spectrum has particularly few bands, and no visible band at the band origin. What are the implications of this -- in symmetry terms? -- in vibrational terms?

None of my sets of questions will provide the answers for you, but I think that providing answers to anyone of the three will get you to a position where you can "follow your nose" through the rest of the problem.
  • #3

(1) I am indeed an undergraduate :smile:

2a) C2v point group with 1A1 ground state and 1A2 excited state resulting from promotion of b2 oxygen lone pair electron to [itex]\pi[/itex]* of C=O bond.

The reducible representation on the vibrations of both states are [itex]\tau[/itex]vib= 3A1 + 2B2 + B1

As fro what this does to the spectrum it would mean 6 vibrational wavenumbers (the ones given).

b) The difference between the 2 emission wavenumbers is equal to 2B1 transitions.

c) Electronically forbidden due to the irrep for n to [itex]\pi[/itex]* being electronic dipole forbidden.

Further question-
Probably simple but is the absorption line exciting to the v'=0 level or is it exciting to v'=n then rapidly relaxing to the v'=0 state?

Is the band origin for the electronic transition the v=0 for the 1A1 state?

Thanks so much.
  • #4

Further question-
Probably simple but is the absorption line exciting to the v'=0 level or is it exciting to v'=n then rapidly relaxing to the v'=0 state?

Is the band origin for the electronic transition the v=0 for the 1A1 state?

Absorption line is exciting from v"=0 to vn' = 1 level, which is then rapidly relaxing to v'=0

"Band origin" means the energy gap between a v'=0 and a v"=0 level of the electronically excited and ground states respectively. In this particular case there will be no spectral line at the band origin because that transition is symmetry forbidden.

So if a direct transition between the two electronic states is symmetry forbidden, it means that the band origin will be inactive -- the upper electronic state is only accessible to vibrationally excited states that will combine with the electronic symmetry to make an overall transition that is dipole allowed. That will obviously rule out totally symmetric A1 vibrational modes.

It is likely, but not necessarily the case, that the hidden mode will also be the one that is showing in progressions.

That is, the two transitions we see in emission might be
(1A2)v'=0 → (1A1)v4"=1,3

(1A2)v'=0 → (1A1)v4"=0,2; v5"=1
(1A2)v'=0 → (1A1)v4"=0,2; v6"=1

One of these three possibilities can be ruled out immediately -- which, and why?

I have said that the first is "more likely" a priori, but you should be able to find a better reason for distinguishing between the other two possibilities.

A final point I will help you with is the "mirror image" principle for absorption and emission vibronic spectra. The important point about the way it applies here is that

If the first strong emission line is from zero vibrational level of electronically excited state to vn" = 1 of ground state, then the first strong absorption line will involve the same mode: a transition from zero vibrational level of ground state to vn' = 1, same n, of electronically excited state.
  • #5

I would start by analyzing the given information and understanding the concept of electronic transitions and vibrational modes. Electronic transitions refer to the movement of electrons between different energy levels, while vibrational modes refer to the oscillation of atoms within a molecule.

Based on the given data, it can be observed that the first vibrational band in the absorption spectrum of H2CO is at a higher wavenumber (28871 cm-1) compared to the first two bands in the emission spectrum (27021 cm-1 and 24687 cm-1). This indicates that the molecule is absorbing energy from the environment, causing the electrons to move to a higher energy level. The emission spectrum, on the other hand, shows that the molecule is releasing energy in the form of light as the electrons return to their ground state.

To determine the band origin of the electronic transition, we need to consider the energy difference between the ground and excited electronic states. This can be calculated using the formula E=hc/λ, where E is the energy, h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, and λ is the wavelength (in cm-1). By rearranging the formula, we can calculate the wavelength at which the electronic transition occurs, which will give us the band origin.

To find the wavenumber of the vibrational mode in the excited electronic state, we can use the formula G(v)=we (v +1/2) - wexe (v + 1/2)^2, where G(v) is the energy of the vibrational mode, we is the vibrational constant, and wexe is the anharmonicity constant. By substituting the given vibrational numbers for H2CO in its ground electronic state, we can solve for the energy of the vibrational mode in the excited electronic state. Then, using the same formula E=hc/λ, we can calculate the wavelength (in cm-1) at which this vibrational mode occurs, giving us the wavenumber.

Overall, the observations can be explained by the electronic transition from the ground state A1 to the excited state A2, followed by the relaxation to v=0 of A2, which is responsible for the emission spectrum. The band origin of the electronic transition can be determined by calculating the energy difference between the two electronic states, and the wavenumber of the vibrational mode can be found by calculating the energy of the vibrational mode

FAQ: Finding band origin of electronic transition and wavenumber of vibrational mode

1. What is the significance of finding the band origin of electronic transitions and the wavenumber of vibrational modes?

Finding the band origin of electronic transitions and the wavenumber of vibrational modes is important in understanding the energy levels and properties of molecules. It can provide insight into the electronic structure and dynamics of the molecule, as well as aid in the identification and characterization of different chemical compounds.

2. How is the band origin of electronic transitions determined?

The band origin of electronic transitions can be determined through spectroscopic techniques such as UV-Vis absorption or fluorescence spectroscopy. These methods involve measuring the absorption or emission of light at different wavelengths, which correspond to the energy levels of the molecule. By analyzing the resulting spectra, the band origin can be identified.

3. What factors influence the wavenumber of a vibrational mode?

The wavenumber of a vibrational mode is influenced by the masses of the atoms involved, the strength of the bonds between them, and the shape and size of the molecule. Additionally, the wavenumber can be affected by external factors such as temperature and pressure.

4. How is the wavenumber of a vibrational mode calculated?

The wavenumber of a vibrational mode is typically calculated using theoretical models, such as quantum mechanics. These models take into account the fundamental properties of the molecule, such as its geometry, bond strengths, and atomic masses, to predict the wavenumber of each vibrational mode.

5. What applications does knowing the band origin and wavenumber of vibrational modes have?

Knowing the band origin and wavenumber of vibrational modes has various applications in fields such as chemistry, physics, and materials science. It can be used to identify and characterize different molecules, study their electronic and vibrational properties, and even design new materials with specific properties based on their vibrational modes.

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