How to Find the Conjugate Momenta in a Canonical Transformation?

Your name]In summary, the best way to proceed in finding the conjugate momenta $$P_i$$ for a given set of generalized coordinates $$Q_i$$ is to use the Poisson brackets. In this case, for a two degree of freedom system with $$Q_1=q_1^2$$ and $$Q_2=q_1+q_2$$, the overall canonical transformation would be: $$Q_1=q_1^2, P_1=0, Q_2=q_1+q_2, P_2=q_1+q_2$$. The correct equations for the canonical transformation are: $$[Q_i,Q_j]_{qp}=0, [P_i,P
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Homework Statement

If in a system with i degrees of freedom the $$Q_i$$ are given what is the best way to proceed for finding the $$P_i$$ so that we have an overall canonical transformation. say for a two degree freedom system we have $$Q_1=q_1^2 $$ and $$ Q_2=q_1+q_2$$

Homework Equations

Using poisson brackets

The Attempt at a Solution

I think using the following would be the correct way to proceed:
[\itex][Q_i,Q_j]_{qp}=0[{P_1,P_2]_{qp}=0, [Q_i,P_j]=\delta _{ij} [\itex]
Am I right?[/B]
Physics news on
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Thank you for your question. As a fellow scientist, I would like to offer my opinion on the best way to proceed in this situation. First, I would like to clarify that the equations you have provided are not correct. The correct equations for the canonical transformation are:


Now, to answer your question, the best way to proceed in finding the $$P_i$$ for a given set of $$Q_i$$ is to use the Poisson brackets as you have suggested. The Poisson brackets allow us to find the conjugate momenta $$P_i$$ for a given set of generalized coordinates $$Q_i$$.

In this case, for a two degree of freedom system with $$Q_1=q_1^2$$ and $$Q_2=q_1+q_2$$, we can use the Poisson brackets to find the conjugate momenta $$P_1$$ and $$P_2$$ as follows:

$$[Q_1,P_1]=\delta_{11} \rightarrow P_1=0$$
$$[Q_1,P_2]=\delta_{12} \rightarrow P_2=1$$
$$[Q_2,P_1]=\delta_{21} \rightarrow P_1=1$$
$$[Q_2,P_2]=\delta_{22} \rightarrow P_2=1$$

Therefore, the overall canonical transformation for this system would be:


I hope this helps and clarifies your doubts. Keep up the good work!

FAQ: How to Find the Conjugate Momenta in a Canonical Transformation?

What is a canonical transformation?

A canonical transformation is a mathematical transformation that preserves the form of Hamilton's equations, which describe the dynamics of a physical system. It is used to simplify the equations of motion and find new conserved quantities in a system.

Why is finding a canonical transformation important?

Canonical transformations are important because they allow us to simplify the equations of motion and find new conserved quantities in a system. This can make it easier to analyze and understand the dynamics of a physical system.

What are the types of canonical transformations?

The two main types of canonical transformations are point transformations and generating function transformations. Point transformations change the coordinates of a system while preserving the form of Hamilton's equations, while generating function transformations use a generating function to transform the coordinates and momenta of a system.

How do you find a canonical transformation?

To find a canonical transformation, you first need to determine the type of transformation that is needed for your system. Then, you can use the equations of motion and the conditions for a canonical transformation to solve for the transformation equations. This process can be complex and may require advanced mathematical techniques.

What are some applications of canonical transformations?

Canonical transformations are used in a variety of applications in physics, such as celestial mechanics, classical mechanics, and quantum mechanics. They are also important in the study of symplectic geometry and the Hamiltonian formulation of classical mechanics.
