Finding Centre of Mass of a Chain

In summary, the centre of mass of a chain is the point where the entire mass of the chain can be considered to be concentrated, and it is important in understanding the stability and balance of the chain. The steps to finding the centre of mass of a chain include laying it flat on a level surface, dividing it into equal segments, and hanging it from both ends to find the point where the two marked points meet. While mathematical equations can also be used to find the centre of mass, the step-by-step method may be simpler and more practical. Furthermore, finding the centre of mass of a chain has practical applications in various fields such as engineering, physics, and architecture.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A chain hangs b'n two points in the vertical plane, find its centre of mass. I have no idea where to start.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on
  • #2
If it is a uniform chain it should be its mid point...
  • #3
Not if the endpoints are not on the same level.
  • #4
if the endpoints are not at the same level then also its the mid point...Why not...?
  • #5
Because the chain is hanging rather than stretched between the endpoints.
  • #6
OK...i a not exactly getting it...can you post a diagram?

FAQ: Finding Centre of Mass of a Chain

What is the centre of mass of a chain?

The centre of mass of a chain is the point at which the entire mass of the chain can be considered to be concentrated. It is the point where the chain will balance if it is suspended from that point.

Why is it important to find the centre of mass of a chain?

Finding the centre of mass of a chain is important in understanding the stability and balance of the chain. It can also be useful in determining the strength and load-bearing capacity of the chain.

What are the steps to finding the centre of mass of a chain?

The steps to finding the centre of mass of a chain are as follows:1. Lay the chain flat on a level surface.2. Divide the chain into equal segments.3. Hang the chain from one end and let it hang freely.4. Mark the position of the hanging point on the chain.5. Repeat this process from the other end of the chain.6. The centre of mass will be at the point where the two marked points meet.

Can the centre of mass of a chain be found using mathematical equations?

Yes, the centre of mass of a chain can be calculated using mathematical equations. However, this method may be more complex and time-consuming compared to the step-by-step guide outlined above.

Are there any practical applications for finding the centre of mass of a chain?

Yes, finding the centre of mass of a chain has practical applications in various fields such as engineering, physics, and architecture. It is used to determine the stability and balance of structures and to design efficient load-bearing systems.
