Finding Coefficients and Ratio of Over-damped Circuit Equation for RLC Circuit

  • Engineering
  • Thread starter ResonantW
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In summary: I'm not sure what will happen, but it won't be what you expect. In summary, the coefficients β1 and β2 for an overdamped series RLC circuit can be determined using the general differential equation and Taylor's theorem. The ratio of B to A is found by solving the quadratic equation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For an overdamped series RLC circuit, determine the coefficients [itex]\beta_1[/itex] and [itex]\beta_2[/itex] in the equation [itex]V=Ae^{-\beta_1t}+Be^{-\beta_2t}[/itex] for the case where [itex]R=600 \Omega[/itex], [itex]L=100 \mu H[/itex], and [itex]C=.01 \mu F[/itex]. Also determine the ratio of [itex]B[/itex] to [itex]A[/itex].

Homework Equations

For a series RLC circuit, the general differential equation is [itex]\large \frac{d^2V}{dt^2} + \frac{R}{L} \frac{dV}{dt} + \frac{1}{LC} V = 0 [/itex].

The Attempt at a Solution

I think I can just assume that [itex]V=Ae^{-\beta t}[/itex], take the necessary derivatives, and then solve the quadratic equation that results for [itex] \beta_1 , \beta_2 [/itex].

After canceling the exponential terms, I get [itex] \beta^2 - \beta \frac{R}{L} + \frac{1}{LC} = 0 [/itex].

The quadratic equation is [itex]\large \frac{\frac{R}{L} \pm \sqrt{\frac{R^2}{L^2} - \frac{4}{LC}}}{2} [/itex].

My numbers end up being [itex]\beta_1 = 5.828 * 10^6 sec, \beta_2 = 1.715*10^5 sec[/itex]. Is this the correct answer? I don't know why they would be an entire order of magnitude separate...

Was it ok to assume the solution was not the sum of exponentials, but a single exponential which I take both roots of? I don't have much experience with differential equations.

Then for the A to B ratio, I know that [itex]\frac{dV}{dt} = 0 [/itex], so I can use the [itex]\beta 's[/itex] and I end up getting [itex] \frac{A}{B} = \frac{-\beta_2}{\beta_1} [/itex]... is that right as well? I end up getting a huge ratio, like [itex] -33.98 [/itex].

Thanks for the help!
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  • #2
Having problems here:
1. What is V?
2. I suspect you mean a parallel, not a series, RLC circuit, for which the equation is
d2V/dt2 + (1/RC)dV/dt + V/LC= 0.
Got a diagram of your circuit handy?
  • #3
Assuming L/R = RC for some reason having to do with your definition of "overdamped", what you did to get the two betas looks right, except the units of beta is 1/sec, not sec.

Anyway, without a diagram including indication of how the initial conditions (capacitor voltage and inductor current at t = 0+) are determined I don't know what else to say.
I don't know where you got dV/dt = 0 at t = 0+ or any other time.
  • #4
V refers to the voltage across the capacitor. It really is a series circuit. The differential equation I wrote is exactly correct for a series RLC (undriven) circuit. The circuit is given in Purcell's textbook, Figure 8.4a on page 303. It is essentially a series RLC with charged capacitor and switch closed at time t=0. So there is no need to say L/R=RC, because the RC comes from the parallel differential equation with which are not concerned here.

So the voltage is instantaneously equal to the initial voltage of the capacitor at the t=0, and at t=0 dV/dt (proportional to current) is 0 because the inductor prevents any flow of current at that instant.
  • #5
ResonantW said:
V refers to the voltage across the capacitor. It really is a series circuit. The differential equation I wrote is exactly correct for a series RLC (undriven) circuit. The circuit is given in Purcell's textbook, Figure 8.4a on page 303. It is essentially a series RLC with charged capacitor and switch closed at time t=0. So there is no need to say L/R=RC, because the RC comes from the parallel differential equation with which are not concerned here.

So the voltage is instantaneously equal to the initial voltage of the capacitor at the t=0, and at t=0 dV/dt (proportional to current) is 0 because the inductor prevents any flow of current at that instant.

My gleanings from your post: C is pre-charged, then the switch throws C across the series L-R network. The current thru L zero at time t = 0. If this is the case the results you got for A/B agree with mine.

I can't verify your values of β1 and β2. The reason, which probably means nothing to you but might to some of my Laplace-savvy friends, is that the Laplace of v(t) is V(s) = v(0)(s + R/L)/[s+a)(s+b)] where (s+a)(s+b) = s2 + (R/L)s + 1/LC. In other words, I can't vouch for Aexp(-β1t) + Bexp(-β2t) as being the correct solution without inverse-transforming V(s) which I am not in a position to do now. However, if you were given the correct form of v(t) then what you did looks all right, ignoring the possibility of numerical errors. Your equation for finding β1 and β2 (the quadrature in β) would be correct.
  • #6
ResonantW said:
My numbers end up being [itex]\beta_1 = 5.828 * 10^6 sec, \beta_2 = 1.715*10^5 sec[/itex]. Is this the correct answer? I don't know why they would be an entire order of magnitude separate...

The roots of a second order equation like this will lie on a semicircle of radius 1/√(LC) in the left half of the complex plane when the roots are complex. Keeping LC constant but manipulating other components (R) will cause the roots to move, following a fixed path. Just as the roots leave the semicircle and become real, they will both be located at -1/√(LC) = 1e6 /s on the -ve real axis in this case. This happens when the stuff under the square root in your β equation equals zero. After this, one root will move toward zero on the real axis (but never get there) and the other root will move toward -∞. You can see you found one root to the right of 1e6 and one root to the left. The root that moves toward -∞ is dominated by the root that moves toward zero. This is because the exponential term for the root toward -∞ settles more quickly.
Was it ok to assume the solution was not the sum of exponentials, but a single exponential which I take both roots of? I don't have much experience with differential equations.

What you did was right. You assumed the solution was exponential and found two exponentials that will satisfy the equation. The differential equation is second order so there must be two linearly independent functions in the solution.

Then for the A to B ratio, I know that [itex]\frac{dV}{dt} = 0 [/itex], so I can use the [itex]\beta 's[/itex] and I end up getting [itex] \frac{A}{B} = \frac{-\beta_2}{\beta_1} [/itex]... is that right as well? I end up getting a huge ratio, like [itex] -33.98 [/itex].

That's right too. You will still need one more initial condition to find values for A and B.
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  • #7
For what it's worth, I finished my computations. I agreed with your characteristic equation. But now for A/B I got
A = E(R/L-β1))/(β21)
B = E(β2-R/L)/(β21)
so that A/B = (R/L-β1)/(β2-R/L).
Note that this is the complete solution to the problem assuming initial L current = 0 ad initial C voltage = E.
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FAQ: Finding Coefficients and Ratio of Over-damped Circuit Equation for RLC Circuit

1. What is an over-damped circuit equation?

The over-damped circuit equation is a mathematical model used to describe the behavior of an electrical circuit that has a higher amount of resistance than inductance or capacitance. This results in a slower decay of current or voltage in the circuit compared to a critically damped or under-damped circuit.

2. How is an over-damped circuit equation different from a critically damped or under-damped circuit equation?

An over-damped circuit equation is different from a critically damped or under-damped circuit equation in terms of the rate of decay of current or voltage. In an over-damped circuit, the decay is slower due to the higher amount of resistance, while in a critically damped circuit, the decay is at the maximum rate, and in an under-damped circuit, the decay is faster than in an over-damped circuit.

3. What factors affect the behavior of an over-damped circuit?

The behavior of an over-damped circuit is affected by the amount of resistance, inductance, and capacitance in the circuit. It is also influenced by the initial conditions, such as the initial voltage or current, which can affect the decay rate.

4. How is an over-damped circuit equation useful in practical applications?

The over-damped circuit equation is useful in practical applications as it helps engineers and scientists to understand and predict the behavior of electrical circuits with a higher amount of resistance. This can be helpful in designing and troubleshooting circuits in various electronic devices and systems.

5. Are there any limitations to using an over-damped circuit equation?

One limitation of using an over-damped circuit equation is that it assumes the circuit is purely resistive, which may not always be the case. In real-world applications, there may be other factors that can affect the behavior of the circuit, such as stray capacitance or inductance. Additionally, the over-damped circuit equation may not accurately predict the behavior of the circuit if the initial conditions are drastically changed.

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